Mr. Black

Olly frowned and at me as his mind started working. He started to say something but then we started to hear the sound of a scream from a female and male grunts upstairs were heard. These sounds were followed by a body being pushed against a wall and then we heard the sounds of two bodies on a bed. 

They were getting loud. I looked over at the jukebox and the music got thankfully louder. I looked at Olly who was staring at me. "So what the hell were you saying?" I asked him.

"What the fuck is going on up there?" He asked me.

I stared at him. "Are you fucking with me right now?" I asked seriously. Not sure what the hell kind of joke he was trying to start.

"No. I'm not." Olly said seriously.

I stared at him. "Two young people are upstairs fucking in apartment room. What the fuck does it sound like to you with all that screaming and bed springs going up and down a battle on the high seas?" I said.