Endless Realms.

I rocked back on my heels a bit and stared at this man. I pointed a finger at him. "Your from earth." I said.

Mr. Black nodded. "Yeah. I grew up in North America born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland and then traveled on from their during life and after life. I'm a fellow traveler like yourself." He said.

I stared at him. "A fellow traveler. That is interesting. Well you have given me something to think about Mr. Black." I said.

Mr. Black nodded but he stared at me in a way I knew he had more then one reason for see me today. I nodded my head. "Go ahead." I said.

He stared at me. "If you can fix the situation between them that will be good but I want you to keep something in mind while your here." He said.

I nodded my head. "I know that already. I'm enjoying my time here and I enjoy what I'm doing on my job. I'm not thinking about anything regarding tomorrow and I'm not interested in any job offers you would have to offer me." I said.