2. Ejiro

Ejiro pov

(POV means point of view)

"Why? Why do we have to move? I know no one in Lagos State. How on earth am I going to cope? Ha! My friends, my school, my life here—all will be gone. I hate the fact that I have to go to a new place and start all over again."

I was venting my frustrations with my close friend Judith.

" At least look on the brighter side, you got to leave this ancient place to the city where you can be anything. I'll miss you oh, but I support this. " She said gently

I looked at her in disbelief. " Seriously, I can't believe you're saying this. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to find someone to connect with? The drama that I bore in order to build relationships, my acedemics is finally improving . I'm supposed to be planning on how I'll go for a debate competition but here I am moving to a strange land and you're there supporting it, chai!" I shook my head.

" Look, I know you're scared. I understand how you're feeling right now, and girl, I'm hundred percent positive that you'll be fine. " She smile at me as I huffed.

" This is a nightmare," I whispered to myself.

"Ejiro! Ejiro!" My annoying brother called me.

" What? " I yelled back, annoyed. I heard a knock on my door.

" What do you want?" I asked immediately he walked in. He ignored me completely, turning to face my friend, who's already smiling.

" Sister Judith, degwor. I didn't know you were around " he smiled sheepishly

" How are you Alex?" I watched as the two converse without acknowledging my presence which annoy me.

Alex and I are like cat and rat. I don't know why, but everything he does seems to piss me off. As for him, he finds joy when I'm angry, so you see, we don't agree much.

" When you're done speaking, let me know." I hissed leaving the two of them alone. Unlike me and Alex, Judith seems to bond with him more than I do and is annoying to watch, so I leave.

I passed by my mom's room to see her arranging clothes. I walk in, trying to convince her to speak to my dad for a change of mind.it didn't bear fruits.

" We are going to Lagos and that's final!" She shouted.

I left her room sorrowfully.


"What do you carry in your exam?" My dad ask Alex.

" First position." He answered proudly

" That's my son, I know you'll do better." He pat his head with a smile on his face, the smile vanished immediately he turned to look at me.

" And you! What did you get?" He asked

" I- I failed" I replied with my head down feeling ashamed of myself.

" Agnes! Agnes! Come and hear your daughter. She wants to learn trade. " I heard him say as tears rolls down my cheek.

My mom rush out immediately. " God forbid, my daughter will not settle for less."

" What are you saying? She that can't pass her exam, she can't even spell her name. I need to stop wasting my money on this trash you called a daughter, if she fail one more time, she can kiss education goodbye! I've said my own" he stormed out of the house.

By now I'm sobbing like a baby. " Why is my life like this? Why me? Mummy I tried but still why?"

She hugged me in comfort. " Don't worry my daughter, you will surprise him next term. Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do, always surprise them"

I released myself from her grip " How? I'm just a failure"

" No! God did not create you a failure. I'll help you my dear. You'll surprise him."

/End of flashback/

I can still remember the shock on his face when I told him I passed my exam. I surprised him with my first position, to be honest I was surprised myself when I saw my result.

The whole school heard my transformation story, is was a big turn around for me and since then. I've been maintaining my position all thanks to God,mom and miss Beatrice, my tutor.

I have this fear I might go back to being a failure if we move to Lagos but with dad promotion we all got to go.

" God help me, don't let me go back to my pass life."