Chapter 1

It all started with a simple kiss that was only meant to be for one night. A kiss that lasted way longer than I anticipated and tasted way much better than I thought it would.

The kind of kiss that gets your heart racing as if you have just finished a marathon, the type that feels good like the moment in the beginning of summer greeting you that leaves butterflies in your stomach. Just a simple kiss  with a stranger blew my mind away and made me feel like I was in some place magical far away and this was just the beginning of our story.

I thought I would have felt uncomfortable kissing a stranger. Someone whom I have just came to know of. I thought it would have felt like a foreign exchange between two different people who have never met let alone knew he even existed until now. Why now though was the question.

It all happened on a scorching hot day, when the sun was shining at its brightest and the birds were chirping like crazy. It was one of those hot days I hated the most because I wouldn't have a single clue what to wear. All my clothing was just winter clothes, you wouldn't find a single short sleeve shirt or shorts in my wardrobe.

I was still self conscious about the state of my skin so I was afraid to wear short clothing especially around people I don't know or feel uncomfortable around.

I never accepted the fact that I had a skin problem and always wondered why it had to be me that got this while the rest of my family are perfectly normal.

The first time I saw him I couldn't stop staring deeply into his ever green eyes that reminded me of nothing but greenery and the forest shown in the twilight movie, you know the scene where Edward reveals himself to Bella and his skin starts to sparkle. I knew that he was going to be there and I waited patiently to meet him but what I didn't know was that I would instantly grow a massive crush on him and the moment I walked right in and saw him I was done for. I felt like Sparkling Edward during that time.

Instead of formally introducing myself and taking his hand as he extends it out towards me, I offered a hug wanting to show that I was a friendly person and good company to have. I wasn't really sure if he would hug me back but I still offered afraid of being rejected but he was actually cool about it. As I hugged him I took in his scent, the scent that became my own comfort. He had this aroma that one would never get tired of, he smelt of cigars and men spray mixed along with his very own scent and had a smile that made me want to stare at him.

My plan wasn't to have a crush on a boy I had just met or even hook up with anyone that I had just met, a complete stranger but it happened even though the timing was off. I couldnt turn back time and tell him come back when I'm ready. It was way to late for that now and I really didn't want to mistaken a rebound for a crush or gain some feelings but it was genuine.

This year was supposed to be all about me, myself and I experiencing for the first time what life is like after high school graduation and officially being unemployed.

I was ready to go out and have fun, put all the meaningless relationships behind me. Well not all of them but get rid of all the fake friends I made or thought I made. I had waited for this very moment after graduation to go out and do things most teenagers does without a care in the world, meet new people and just forget about boys that gave me nothing but heartache and drama. I swear most of my highschool life was about boys either arguing over me or hating me and girls trying to get into fights over boys that actually surprisingly wanted me probably for all the wrong reasons I suppose.

I honestly thought that this year wouldn't be about a boy until he showed up looking handsomely tall with light green eyes that drew me in.

I wasn't really one that mattered about the height difference or the eye colour but damn he was statuesque and had beautiful eyes. His aroma comforted me and somewhat made me feel safe when I had literally just met him. How could that even possibly be. This stranger didn't feel like a stranger to me even though I sat there quietly in the corner chatting about to someone on my phone.

I couldn't take my eyes off from him, not even for a second and I know it sounds like I'm some creep but I couldn't help that he had this kind of effect on me that made me want to stare at him all day and night long. Of cause I pretended to be on my phone throughout the night and waited for him to make a move.

I studied his every move and recorded his voice in my head. I couldn't help but overanalyze his entire persona.

Normally I would go for dorky chilled guys that's sort of nerdy but not too nerdy, listens to unknown artists and watches anime. His not the usual type I would go for and that's a first.

He had the most breathtaking smile, the type that makes your heart flutter wanting to smile right back at him and his veins was so visible and attractive it turned me on. Yes I had a fetish for guys with veiny hands and arms which is understandable for wattpad nerds like me but even so it's still weird. He wasn't buff or masculine like most of the guys I tend to go for instead he had a tall lean figure that suited him very well.

His smile.

His voice.

His hands.

His eyes.

His lips.

His height

The vein on the side of his forehead.

I liked every detail about him.

And I couldn't deny it at all.

If I did I would be lying to myself.

That day, the very first day I met Ace, we immediately clicked when we started interacting with one another or let's just say when our bodies interacted. It might be because of the booze but everyone around us witnessed the chemistry between us. It took just one kiss for me to fall head over heals for him and I surely couldn't get enough of Ace. In actual fact I literally fell right into his open arms, that's how drunk I was the night I met him. All I wanted to do was kiss him after we had our first kiss and soon it made me forget about drinking.

I was so drunk to the point where I began to feel more comfortable around everyone and stop caring about my appearance and just did whatever.

I got too comfortable and frisky aswell with Ace. I know it and even if I was drunk and would regret it later it didn't count for me I was in a phase where I didn't want to be involved in anything serious and just wanted to have fun and meaningless relationships where I wasn't obligated to make an effort or go through all the troubles of being in a relationship because all it ever cause me is pain and I would be the one to end up crying but damn this guy stole my heart the very moment he grabbed my face and touched my lips with his. I didn't want to stop him.

His soft pink plumb lips were so soft I just wanted to nibble on the bottom lip a bit longer. His tongue swirling inside my mouth awakened something inside me and I might have felt a spark between us no there was definitely a spark between us and I knew he felt it too. I couldn't complain about how long we were kissing neither did I want to break away for air. Ace was so much better and good at kissing and I had never felt so turned on by a single kiss before. He might be good at everything, who knows.

At first I hesitated and thought how rude of him to grab my face and kiss me while I was speaking but then those thoughts flew out the window the moment his lips met my very own and I just went with it.