Chapter 2

In that moment he didn't seem like someone I just met but someone that I've known for a long period of time. I know it sounds crazy but that is how I felt in that very moment. I've never felt that kind of connection with anyone in a long time and being with him for only the night didn't even matter at that point. Carelessly hooking up with a stranger has never felt so euphorically amazing that it took my breath away.

He went from a stranger to someone I couldn't stop thinking about in just one day.


When Introductions were made it began to feel more awkward. I didn't know what to do and how to react so I sat in the corner pretending to be on my phone then ended up exchanging texts with Reece, a guy a hooked up with at some party a week ago or more like he kept forcing his way onto me. That was one hella crazy night.

The rest of the evening was all a blurr. I stayed glued to Ace's side kissing him continuously without stopping to catch a breath. We practically put up a show for the others around us as we kept groaping on each other. Ace tried lifting me up while we were kissing but then we both ended up tripping. We were so invested in kissing one another that we stayed outside while everyone else went inside. My cousin had to come outside and stop us.

Well don't blame me blame the alcohol and the hormones it made everything heated.

   The night ended way sooner than I expected it would. I wanted him near me for the entire night till the moment I wake up the next morning. I wanted to be by his side forever and listen to him telling me stories about his life but Ace had to leave. Well his friend had to leave and he just got a lift with the friend home.

   I didn't really like his friends that was with but that didn't stop me from getting to know him or hooking up with him

His one friend tried getting with me even though he was already tongue tied with my cousin. From the moment I arrived he kept disturbing my personal space and sat way too close to me. He even slapped my thigh at one point thinking I'd end up snogging him, such a creep right.

Ace and Jake got into a small argument and butted heads over me when we all decided to head inside but Jake had other plans and kept pulling me closer like I'm some freaking rag doll to him.

Boys will be boys I guess.

Granny said it was okay for them to sleep there but Jakes father showed up to take him home and Ace went along.

    When Ace was about to leave we both ended up sharing contacts, okay now that's a lie, the moment when we started talking and I sat on his lap he added me on Facebook and exchanged numbers aswell after that we awent  separate ways not knowing when we might see eachother again but i waited and waited. Hoping he would just think of me and finally decide to text message me.

   If he hadn't taken my number or if I didn't take his I would have most certainly found a way to get it or get in contact with him but then again I was never the type to make the first move I always just forget about the guy if they don't make an effort to get in contact with me again.

Day 1 has passed !!

    I began to get anxious and questioned myself. What if i wasn't good at kissing. I felt as if i made a mistake by telling him that it's just a one time thing and that i don't date or anything. Maybe he took it to the heart or he was really just the type that hooked up with girls for one night.

Day 2 has passed !!

   My suspicion could be wrong about him right. Maybe his just busy. Busy with what exactly. My mind is all over the place right now.

Day 3 has passed !!

   I started getting a bit depressed and still refused to text Ace first so I ended up texting my cousin that night to ask her if he mentioned anything about me yet but all she said was "I haven't spoken to him in awhile." This wasn't how I hoped my adult hood would begin. I just wanted to go out and have fun with friends, drink myself tipsy to a certain point where I didn't care about what others thought of me if I danced all by myself. No matter how hard I tried to make this all about me and just focus on myself and sustaining a good future for myself I just couldn't get that guy out of my head. 

Day 4 commenced  !!

   I couldn't wait anymore for a text from a guy I only met once. Plus I was still strung up on my ex

   I soon gave up hope. I went straight to my phone deleted his number and closed my eyes shut as I gathered all the strength to let go of whatever feelings i might have had for him

   I know he felt what I felt too. How could he deny those sparks flying around. I know for a fact what went down between us wasn't just a kiss, it was more than that. Did he even save my number? I bet he doesn't even remember my name.

   I woke up early in the morning the next day , the sun wasn't even out at that time. I grabbed my phone laying on my dressing table to check the time.

2:30 AM

What the hell !!

   Did I really wake up this early? Why'd I have to wake up this early I still feel like a zombie. I'm exhausted.

   Not too long I went back to bed and scrolled through things on my phone, then checked my messages.

    I had waited so long Just for one single text that could possibly change everything in my  life right now.


  Little did I  know that there were consequences to come along with those drastic changes

   Day four,  Ace messaged me finally. It took him freaking four days to text me after hooking up. Yes it was just a one night thing and there might not be any relationship to form those were the things we agreed on but feelings were involved.

   My heart began to race as I read the

message over and over and went in the profile to check the username


   I was filled with so much excitement as I stared at his name and my nervousness began to kick in. I couldn't exactly message him now. It is way too early. I doubt he'll even be online right now but maybe I could reply just incase I forget to reply later and then go back to sleep sounds like a plan to me.

   I texted back with a Hi and watched how two grey ticks appears on the screen next to the text indicating that his phone is on. I waited and waited hoping he would reply back immediately. It is early so it's understandable that he wouldn't reply now he could be asleep. After I sent that text I kept checking for my phone hoping for a miracle to happen soon I found myself drifting off into a deep sleep.

   I woke up again at 11am that day. The first thing I did was check my phone. To my surprise my crush replied right after I fell asleep.

   I really thought he wouldn't text me back or even saved my number not that I didn't have or couldn't get his number aswell. I just wasn't in that phase where I was the type to make the first move.

   I wonder what was he doing up that early in the morning.

   I replied back to him but he didn't get back to me till 3 in the afternoon and that's when the conversation started flowing between us and the flirtatious texts was thrown in the air.

   He told me he wasn't a easy guy and always played hard to get. That he doesn't date and isn't looking for a relationship which was disappointing even though I wasn't looking for one either. We agreed on hooking up every time we see each other and have no further relation prior to that.

It was just for the fun of it. As time flew by we started getting more comfortable with on another and couldn't  go a day without speaking to each other

   After that we started texting eachother the moment the sun came out and we wake up till the moment we went to bed. We told eachother how we went about our day and got to know eachother a little better.

   I started liking Ace way much more than I did before as I got to know him better. His a bit closed off when it comes to sharing personal things but maybe I just need to earn his trust or form a better bond to get to know something personal about him.

   I want to know everything about him. I want to know what he was like when he was small and all the funny little stories he have about himself.