Chapter 4

Saturday came and unfortunately my mother somehow found out that I am at my grandmother's she got upset and told me to go back to my Uncles place which allowed me to only see Ace for just a few minutes.

We only spoke for a hour or so for what seemed like mili seconds to me and told Ace that I had to leave and couldn't stay long.

Ace was so furious that he drove all the way here just to see me but now I was the one leaving he didn't dare look at me when i hugged the others goodbye. Ace looked down to the ground and whispered bye. This broke my heart i wanted to cry or throw a tantrum but I kept my cool. Disappointing him broke my heart. It was never something I wanted to do

A few steps away from the gate I stayed in the spot then turned around looked up at Ace, grabbed him by the hand and took him somewhere secluded where i ended up stealing a kiss from him.

A kiss i wanted so badly, i waited an entire week for this and soon realised how much i missed his lips, his scent, his lean body, just everything about him felt right. I felt right in his arms.

The kiss was so much better than the first it was as if I was on cloudnine it made my body feel light and all the sounds around me disappeared. My friends in the background cheering me on was blocked out and my focus was only on him.

I really did give my all In it and showed him that I was truly starting to like him.

Ace and i seem to be in a steady relationship with no name on it .

I surprised myself for making the first move on him that day but I'm also proud of myself.

We kept texting and then the texting leaded to late night calls and then it just became a routine.

I was so deep in this already I couldn't sleep without hearing his voice. I had to be on a call with him to fall asleep even though sometimes his night voice unravels something inside of me I had never experienced before.

I never understood what these feelings were, i read about it in books and it seemed stupid to call it lust because how can I call a crush lust over something i have never yet experience or came close to.

All that went through my mind was how the heck am I going to see him.

Sneaking around was never good for me when i got caught the first time my mother immediately told me and the guy to break it off, i was devastated and do not want to go through with something like that again.

If sneaking around is the only option i had, then that was what I set my mind to and this time i would make sure I wouldn't get caught.

It was always about me being this me being that no Kylie do this no Kylie you can't do that, those friends are not right for you.

My mother always found ways to control my life I couldn't go outside, wasn't allowed to parties even if it was a small one and never hanged out with friends which was the main reason why my friend group was so small.

   I hated how my mother treated me sometimes when it came to having friends or going out. I wanted to feel grown up i needed to feel like i just graduated from High school but that wasn't enough for mother dearest.

   Mother dearest decided for me which college to attend, which course to take and that broke me because I couldn't follow through with my dreams of living on campus and going to university.

   Soon i got rejected by almost all the universities and the applications was closed for colleges. Even though i got into Muizenburg Campus it was too far to travel apparently.

   I wasted a whole six month staying at home but put that focus on Ace the boy i just met, the boy i want so badly I was willing to break the rules and put myself first for once and do something for me

   Maybe this would be the perfect colour that I just needed to brighten up my dull life.

   Ace became my hope not only just for the fun times but for every other time. Everyday 24/7  his on my mind.

   My depression slowly began to die down and I had him to keep my mind occupied from all the bad thoughts.

   Ace made me feel whole he made me feel wanted and important and I felt beautiful to him. I no longer wanted to die

   I know I had just met him about two weeks ago but how else am I supposed to explain these type of feelings I have for him. It's not something I can just shutdown my heart my mind is completely drawn to him.

  It could be that I just want him around because I need reassurance that I'm enough for someone in this world and because I just wanted to be noticed for once or maybe because I saw past this wall he put up around him and saw him for who he was.

   I might have even just started liking him because I thought that maybe he might fix me even though I knew that I should be the one to fix myself.

   It still doesn't explain the spark I felt when we kissed. The electricity between us was more than convincing enough for me to see how far whatever this is between us might go.

2 Weeks

It took him two freaking weeks.

To get me hooked.

His got me totally wrapped around his slim finger and I'm definitely not complaining about it.

A few weeks later

  I came up with a plan to see him again I told my mother im going over to a friend's well I did go over to her and then he met up with me there.

   We went for a drive and ended up at the beach, gosh I can remember just how shy I was. I barely spoke couldn't say a single word and couldn't look directly at him but the moment his attention was on something else I stole a few glimpses of him.

   Ace went for a swim with his friend and when he came out he was shivering from the cold water. He sat down next to me and leaned his body against mine as the droplets of water dripped down him it felt so good to touch his skin to trace my fingertips down his shoulder.

   Gosh I'm utterly in love with this boy right here if I was willing to sneak around and lie about my whereabouts for him.

   I never want to leave. I wanted to stay right here with him for the rest of my life.         

   That's it I made up my mind. I want to be more than just a friend to him and I was.

   He wanted to ask me to be his girlfriend in person although he asked me in a text message. It took him so long just to ask me this one question and he kept me waiting while we were vibing.

   During that time we barely even saw each other because I didn't know how I was supposed to sneak around if I'm not even allowed to go outside. The late night calls made up for it though.

   It was soon my twin cousin's birthday and obviously did they invite Ace over so that they could use his music box.

   The thought of seeing him again excited my insides because now I knew him a bit better and would be less shy around him especially after having late night video calls with him.

  My days always went slow lately. Everyday was always the same. I would wake up, clean my room and then eat maybe get dress depending on how my mood was and then do tiktoks or get back into bed. I would wait till Ace go on a break to speak to me or if his too busy I wait till he gets home from work.

   Ace and I spoke so much, like literally everyday that I barely had time to even think of checking up on my friends and I stopped being on video calls with Caleb. Well it didn't stop immediately, in the mornings I would call Caleb and we would catch up with each other till one of us are either getting bored of speaking or have to do something and be somewhere.

    Ever since I left school him and I became closer I honestly don't know how that happened but it ended before it even started due to Ace being in my life.

   I cut so many people out of my life after I met Ace and didn't care about no one's opinion neither did I care about having friends or making new ones.

   Ace had not only become my crush he became my truest friend no my best friend and my wonderful boyfriend.

   I really couldn't wait to see him again but these damn past few days have been dragging big time.