Chapter 7

THE beginning of the new week started off smoothly. I barely spoke much to Ace because work has been busy alot lately

   He made time to speak during his breaks in-between work.

   I've came to a conclusion where it was time for me to get a job or at least do something while I was at home because I didn't want to waste any more time also I was getting fed up with being indoors all the time.

    I thought I would have gone out with friends more often and have fun but everyone has their own lives now.

   Everyone went their separate ways and         moved on so quick. While I was stuck still being a teenage.

  I spent an entire day job hunting at the mall and finally made some progress. Soon after I got a call from a store telling me to come in for an interview.

   I was excited in a way not because of the job but because this could be a way for me to see Ashton aswell.

  I went for the interview the next day and passed, signed a few contracts and they said they'll let me know when to come in to work.

   I missed seeing Ashton honestly it feels like I haven't seen him in years but it's only been a few weeks. I had to sneak around to be with him. I had to lie just to be with the person I fell in love with.

"So how'd the interview go?"

   Ace asked me. Of cause I definitely called him later that night to tell him the good news because his like my best friend, his all in one to me.

"It was okay. I was a bit nervous but it went well" I answer with a smile on my face knowing that soon I'll be able to work and not sit at home bored everyday.

   Before I met him I never knew what it would be like to just look or think about someone and smile for no reason.

  Our late night calls progressed and soon I began laughing at every little thing.

  We would stare at each other and just start laughing. It's like our brains thought alike, like we could read each others thoughts.

  If I didn't get a call from him or hear from him during the day or at night I would think there's something wrong and start panicking. I would think something happened to him on his way from work or maybe I did something wrong or maybe he even came to his senses and realised he could find someone better.

  In the end it's always just me overthinking and making a whole bunch of scenario that makes me worry for no damn reason.

  I thought that I was going crazy for being afraid of the idea that he might leave someday or just ghost me all of a sudden.

  I was afraid of being alone for some reason and always looked for reassurance in a guy which I didn't know why but Ace gave me more than just reassurance he made me happy and comforted me when I needed it. He was somehow always there just a phone call away.

  I loved the attention and the affection I received from him it kept me sane.

  I stopped crying for no reason and having these awefull nightmares about the most weirdest things ever.

    Like this one time I dreamt of living with this old family on a farm and somehow the old man had a accident in the barn and I stumbled upon him bleeding to death but the most weirdest thing ever happened he wasn't gushing out blood, there was scrambled eggs mixed with tomato sauce coming out of his open wounds.

   I stopped eating scrambled eggs and tomato sauces for about a few months.

   That dream traumatized me and made me stop eating the one thing I loved the most.

  Dreams can either show you signs or just scare the shit out of you that's why I forced myself to not dream that day but I kept dreaming that same dream four nights after eachother.

I know it sounds stupid.

The week went by slowly and I couldn't wait till it was finally over. I wanted to just start working soon and get out of the house.

I felt completely bored out of my mind I barely knew what to do every single day I woke up.

It always just a bitter day of me cleaning my room and maybe wherever I can when I feel like it. There would be times I would just cry because of how lonely I felt nothing would ever be the same again once I've all grown up.

My mind started to drift off into the clouds and I started thinking back to my previous relationship as the music in the background kept playing on repeat. The song made me think of him my ex and at the same time it made me miss Ace ten times more.

A song so sweet but yet so sad. Touching words that relates to every part of me.

Oh my dear darling, so far away. Missing him is like missing a doctor's appointment for an incurable disorder but not life threatening.

This song reminds me of a hot summer day near the ocean side even though I cannot find joy under the sun. I cannot seem to remember the name of the song although I can sing it perfectly.