Chapter 6




  My cousin's tried to make me keep quite but I wasn't having it. I wouldn't stop until I saw him and neither did I understand why I haven't seen him ever since we came back inside I don't know where he disappeared to and why.

"Stop calling Ace. You going to make yourself get into trouble" she said.

Hours later I woke up, still a bit drunk to find Ace sleeping on the couch inside. I thought he left. I remember he told me his going to leave if I dont get up but there he was sleeping like a baby

   I could help myself I had to go and sit on the floor close to him. I kissed his cheek and placed a pillow under his head then turned him a little so that he doesn't fall off from the couch.

   I sat there for a few minutes just staring at him before I went upstairs and couldn't help but to send my sister to check up on him and make sure he doesn't fall from the couch.

   I honestly have never cared for someone so much before I would literally give him the world if I could but I know that wouldn't be enough for such a kind hearted person like him he deserves so much more. I just want to protect him, be his safe place and comfort him whenever he needs it. I want to be the reason he keeps that cute smile on his face.

   I barely knew him but I wanted to know more. I was still getting used to his voice or the comfort of his touch and I already fell in love.

   There are no words in this world that could explain how I felt.  It's just that he was and still is different from the rest he had the kind of spark that never disappeared from him and I fell in love with him for it, I fell in love with the light he gave me, the freedom I felt and the colour he brought into my life when I'm with him. I don't plan on unloving him.

   It took me so long to meet someone like him to gouge over someone so beautiful inside and out. I've been chasing so long and having meaningless hookups hoping I would find the right one but the moment I stopped looking you found me.

   I thank the heaven that we found eachother because I wouldn't change meeting him for anything in this world.

  When I sobered up Ace was out cold laying on the sofa with his legs dangling at the edge. I placed a pillow underneath his head so that his neck won't feel uncomfortable later on and made sure he was laying properly afraid he might fall off when he turns in his sleep



"Why you wake me up?"

   Ashton says staring at me with sleeping eyes . For a second he looked confused, like he did t know where he was or who I was but he slowly figured it out.

"I wanted to say bye because I'm leaving now"

   I replied back and then gently held onto his face to kiss him forgetting that we both had morning breath I didn't even care.

"I hate it when someone wakes me up"

   He commented while rubbing his eyes, getting up and then decided that he should aswell go home seeing that i am leaving.

   He walked out the door and went towards his car while I followed behind him. I really didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay so badly or take me with him and run away together.

   I needed him to reassure me over and over again that I will see him soon but there wasn't enough time.

    I couldn't show him how much I was going to miss him because my parents were around.

   We did end up kissing again and then again and I almost threw a huge tantrum  when he pulled away

   I watched him drive away like it was some kind of movie. I watched him watch me in the rearview mirror and I couldn't help the    feelings I felt after the car disappeared.

   My heart began to ache and this longing feeling of wanting him here wanting to be in his arms just kept growing and growing.

   I know I just saw him.

   I just couldn't help myself. I missed him.

  I don't know when I'll get a chance to see him again or if his going to change his mind about me after this. I was a bit out of hand dancing with everyone, which he didn't like. I did get too drunk and left him by himself even though his the one that left first.

   Ace was definitely not like the rest I hope his not.