Chapter 44 Barbecue Dinner

Even my life was saved by everyone.]

  Mo Jiuwei is still a baby. She gets hungry from time to time, sleeps a lot, and can't help but have some physiological needs. Babies have

  too soft bones, so they can only be fed directly, and can't do it like older children do...

  But no matter whether they are men or women, old or young, they all smile when they take care of her, and no one will complain.

  Not to mention that this body of hers is able to survive because of their care, otherwise she would have died in the winter before she could wake up.

  Although she had a hard time in the past few days in the Immortal Sect, and even her clothes were pieced together by everyone, she felt very happy and comfortable.

  Senior Brother Hu Jiu, who loves drinking, was afraid that the smell of alcohol would suffocate him, so he would change into clean clothes every time, rinse his mouth repeatedly, and perform cleaning techniques one after another.

  Uncle Liu, needless to say, looked at her as if she were his granddaughter, full of love. He would ask her about her many times every day. Even if he had no money, he would still count his crystals and let the sisters buy her food.

  The other brothers and sisters were the same. They would hug her lovingly, touch her little face, and feed her patiently.

  Since the Qingfengling group of Xianlai Sect had some money, it goes without saying that everyone loves to go to the shops outside and buy beautiful clothes for themselves.

  She is only a few months old, but she has more new clothes than everyone else combined!

  Love and care are two-way. Mo Jiuwei can feel their kindness. If she can help, she will definitely not be stingy. At

  this moment, everyone looked at each other and their eyes were a little wet.

  It was touching, it was happy, and it was also the warm atmosphere at this moment.

  "Let's have a good meal tonight, just as a celebration for Meng Ling and Qingqing." Liu Feng said with a smile, "It's also a celebration that our Xianlai Sect is getting better and better."

  "Then can I buy some wine?" Hu Jiu's eyes lit up.

  "Okay, you haven't had a good drink for a long time." Liu Feng patted his shoulder, "But stay away from Jiuwei when you drink."

  Everyone laughed.

  "Great, Baojiuju has a new fruit wine, I've always wanted to try it." Hu Jiu was very happy.

  He used to like strong liquor, but since Mo Jiuwei came, his preferences have quietly changed, and now he prefers fruit wine with a lighter taste.

  "It just so happens that we hunted a lot of monsters in Lumiao Mountain. We kept the ones with good meat, so we can roast them and eat them!" Ji said with a smile.

  "Then I'll go buy some snacks." Du Yue said.

  After everyone agreed, they started to get busy.

  Some cleaned and cut the meat, some bought things, some prepared seasonings and built a fire in the yard...

  When everything was in place, Liu Feng pushed Xu Yihan out.

  This should be the first time Xu Yihan has walked out of his mountaintop hut in such a long time. It is rare that he is willing to appear in front of everyone like this.

  But he looked very good today, and his face was no longer as gloomy as the last time I saw him. Instead, he had a little more smile on his face.


  "Hello, Master!"

  Everyone hurriedly saluted.

  "No need to be polite." Xu Yihan raised his hand with a smile on his face, "I heard about it from Liu Feng, Meng Ling, Ji Qingqing, congratulations to you."

  Meng Ling and Ji Qingqing blushed, "Thank you, Master."     "The meat is already cooked, Master, come and have a taste." Liu Feng handed the meat to Xu Yihan.

  Xu Yihan took it and called everyone, "You all should sit down, eat too, we are all family, no need to be polite."

  Everyone sat down and ate while chatting and laughing.

  Recently, there are a lot of good news about Xianlai Sect. Apart from other things, Sanyi Huamen is actually good news.

  Because in many previous competitions, Xianlai Sect has not had the opportunity to participate, and even if they went, they were eliminated in the first round.

  But this time, everyone not only survived the initial screening, but also survived the entire day of the formal competition, which is better than many small sects.

  Maybe this result is not good, but at least it is a good start for Xianlai Sect, and the future is promising!

  The disciples either broke through their cultivation, or learned new skills, or their comprehension improved or their spiritual roots recovered.

  This made Xu Yihan rarely put away his cold and gloomy temperament. He still didn't say much, but his tone was gentle, and occasionally with a smile.

  "I didn't expect that this day would come to our Xianlai Sect. Did Du Wangquan and the others ever think about it when they left? If they knew, they probably wouldn't leave even if someone begged them."

  "That's right. If they knew, they would definitely cry and want to come back."

  "Hmph, even if he cried until he fainted, we wouldn't agree."

  Du Yue was normal at first, but she started crying as she drank. "Liar, men are liars. They cheated me of crystal stones and people. It's disgusting!"

  Chen Lan hugged her shoulders and comforted her, "Don't cry. It's not worth it for him."

  "It's not worth it, but I regret it. If I had known that he was not worth it, I would not have been with him from the beginning, but instead studied alchemy by myself. How good it would be..."

  Chen Lan suddenly laughed.

  Meng Ling was fine at first, but was infected by Du Yue and began to cry.

  "Why did they hurt me like this? What did I do to offend them that made them do such a thing to destroy my spiritual roots... They are not leaving me a way to live..."

  She hated herself for not being able to judge people well. If it weren't for Mo Jiuwei, she would not have known that her enemy was someone else.

  They are all from the same sect, why can they be so cruel, just because they are jealous?

  "Don't be sad, Junior Sister Meng, you will be better than them, and you will make them cry when the time comes!" Ji Qingqing comforted.

  "Yes, when the time comes, I will retaliate little by little, and I will make them regret it!"

  "That's right. You see, you now also know the practice method of 'grasping the spirit point', and your spirit roots have recovered, so your practice speed will definitely be much faster than theirs."

  Meng Ling burst out laughing.

  "Grasping the spirit point" is the practice method that Mo Jiuwei taught them.

  Because her spirit roots were damaged before, Meng Ling could not feel what was special about this practice method when other people were learning it this way.

  Until today, her spirit roots were repaired, and she took the time to try it according to the tricks everyone said. After trying it, she really found its excellence!

  It can be said that after mastering this method, her practice speed can be even faster!

  You have to know that she originally had a special spiritual root, and her cultivation speed was the fastest among all the cultivators. Now that she has improved her cultivation method, she can really be said to be unrivaled.

  It would be easy for her to surpass Qiao Wenxue and Liu Xiao!