Chapter 45 Detoxify First.

Alcohol doesn't intoxicate people, people get drunk by themselves.

  Over the years, the people of Xianlai Sect have been struggling to hold on. They can't see any hope, and they rely on their passion and firm belief to hold on.

  They also have bitterness in their hearts, but they just endure it. Now that they see that life is getting better day by day, their suppressed emotions are expressed through the "power of alcohol".

  Mo Jiuwei saw that Sister Meng Ling had returned to normal, and just breathed a sigh of relief, and found that there was another person who was silently pursing his lips, clenching his fists, and there was sadness in his eyes. Xu Yihan

  sat in a wheelchair, beating his legs with one hand and beating his legs with the other hand.

  There was a misty look in his eyes, and he tilted his head to look at the distant mountains covered by the night stars. Surrounded by mountains, only the pointed shape of the mountains was outlined at night.

  He seemed to be looking there, and seemed to be in a trance, but the sadness in his eyes was getting more and more.

  Liu Feng was about to clink glasses with Xu Yihan when he suddenly noticed something was wrong with him. He paused slightly and sighed silently in his heart.

  Meng Ling's regret had been resolved, but how should Sect Leader Xu's regret be resolved?

  In terms of talent, Xu Yihan is not inferior to Meng Ling at all -

  he is a genius with ice spirit roots!

  Xu Yihan is the son of the previous sect leader. He has been gifted since he was a child and has always been regarded as the hope of the entire Xianlai Sect.

  And Xu Yihan has always performed well in all aspects. He not only has good qualifications, but also good comprehension, and he practices hard. It's just that his temper is a little cold and he doesn't like to socialize with others.

  As long as he continues to practice, he will always become famous in the mainland, and then he will be able to compete with the genius disciples of other sects. Why worry about Xianlai Sect not being able to rise then?

  But his leg was injured, and he couldn't stand up from then on.

  Not only that, the injury to his leg caused the spiritual energy to be blocked after it arrived there, and it could not flow completely in the body.

  Since then, Xu Yihan suffered a huge blow, and he was unable to recover, becoming even colder.

  "Master, it will be fine, you are still young." Liu Feng said softly.

  Xu Yihan's eyelashes trembled, and he looked at his legs and smiled bitterly, "I have found all the ways I can find. Unless there is a muscle-growing pill, there is no solution, but that muscle-growing pill..."

  Muscle-growing pill, let alone leg injuries, even broken limbs can be regenerated, but this medicine has been lost tens of thousands of years ago, and there is no prescription left, making it difficult to copy.

  This also cut off his only hope.

  Others noticed the movement here and looked over. Although they did not hear the content of the conversation between the two, they could guess something just by looking at their expressions.

  At this moment, everyone's smiles paused, and turned into concern and worry.

  [Who said that it must be cured by muscle-growing pills? ] Mo Jiuwei thought to herself.

  In a flash, everyone looked over.

  Mo Jiuwei was thinking to herself.

  [Master Xu's leg... Oh, it's poisoned and the tendons are broken. ]

  [It turns out that this poison is the entanglement of karma. The person who did it is also very cruel. The entanglement of karma is entangled, and the more it entangles, the deeper the poison...]

  [Over the years, Master Xu has not only had to endure the pain of not being able to stand up, but also has to endure the pain of the poison. His perseverance is amazing. ]

  Everyone was shocked and looked at Xu Yihan.

  They only knew that the master's leg was injured, he couldn't walk, and his cultivation was also affected.

  But they didn't know that he had been being eaten by poison!

  How did he live these years?

  Xu Yihan opened his eyes wide, put his hands on his legs with some trembling, and stared at Mo Jiuwei with a look of surprise -

  what she said was all right!

  Xu Yihan was poisoned, and later his legs were broken by someone's spiritual power.     Before he had time to treat his leg injury, the poison made him miserable. Seeing that his life was in danger, he had to force all the poison to his legs, and only then he barely saved his life.

  But this made his legs even worse.

  After being attacked by more poison, even if he took the elixir that had the effect of repairing the tendons and veins, it was no longer effective.

  It was the first time that Xu Yihan knew that the name of this poison was Chanye Luo!

  I have to say that this name is really appropriate.

  [However, although it is a bit serious, it is not incurable. ]

  [You have to detoxify first, and then take the tendon-repairing elixir after detoxification. ]

  Bang, bang, bang!

  At this moment, Xu Yihan's heart beat heavily, as loud as if it would jump out of his chest.

  There was heat on his body, probably because the heat in his heart was too much. Xu Yihan looked at Mo Jiuwei with burning eyes, hoping that she would continue to talk.


  Mo Jiuwei smacked her lips and fell asleep!

  "Jiuwei?" Chen Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and called her name in a low voice.

  My dear, why do you have to sleep now when you can't?

  So many people are staring at you, how can you fall asleep so quickly under such gazes!

  "Don't call her, let her sleep." Xu Yihan stretched out his hand to stop Chen Lan.

  His voice was a little trembling, because he was too emotional.

  "Master, it's about your leg, let's ask her, so that we can treat it earlier." Liu Feng said.

  "If there is a way, she will tell it sooner or later, there is no rush." ​​Xu Yihan shook his head, "Just right, let me... calm down."

  His hand touched his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth-

  he had no doubt that Mo Jiuwei must have a way!

  Since she can accurately tell her poison, there must be a way to detoxify it, just like she once helped Meng Ling.

  This alone was enough. This was great news for Xu Yihan. It meant that he could have a fresh start and everything would not be so bad.

  "Master, wait for Jiuwei to wake up and I will go ask her." Chen Lan said, "There must be a way. After all... Jiuwei is omnipotent."

  But they did not expect that Mo Jiuwei slept so long and so deeply.

  Everyone had sobered up and looked at her with wide eyes waiting. When it was late at night, she was still sleeping soundly. She did not forget to smack her lips in her dreams, which was very cute.

  Xu Yihan was the first to laugh.

  "Forget it, there is no need to wait. Let's go back and rest and practice. It will not be too late to ask again in the morning." Xu Yihan said, and looked at Liu Feng, motioning him to push him back.

  Liu Feng hummed, "Let's all go away. Do what you need to do. There is no rush."


  Everyone dispersed.

  On the way to send Xu Yihan back, Liu Feng also felt excited, "Master, if your leg is really healed, then our Xianlai Sect will be... "

  With Xu Yihan and Meng Ling, two peerless geniuses, the chances of winning are undoubtedly increased!

  This is really exciting good news.