Chapter 56: Changes in Spiritual Energy

The people of Xianlai Sect could not calculate this number, but they knew that they would never have to worry about food and clothing again.

  Everyone swallowed their saliva and felt their throats tighten.

  Liu Feng asked a question, "How long does it take for the Tianyanxiang mushroom

  to grow?" After digging it up, how long will it take for the next batch to grow?

  No one else could answer, only Xu Yihan shook his head, "No one knows the exact time, but I estimate it to be more than a month, and it will be faster if it rains frequently. The growth of Tianyanxiang mushrooms is born from the spiritual energy. If it is not picked in time, it will rot in the soil, and the spiritual energy will be returned to the land. Then this piece of land will easily grow the next one, which should only take a few days."

  Meng Ling was curious, "Master Xu, didn't you say that no one knows the time? Then how did you guess it?"

  The master seemed to know a lot.

  When she asked, Liu Feng laughed, "This is something you don't know. In terms of knowledge, no one I know can surpass Master Xu except for the great powers who have lived for thousands of years."

  "Wow, so amazing?" Meng Ling's eyes were full of stars. Xu Yihan

  just said lightly, "I just read more books, it's not worth mentioning."

  Meng Ling had a vague feeling: Could it be that the headmaster had no intention of practicing after his leg was injured, and could only rely on reading to pass the time, so he knew more?

  Thinking of this, he didn't dare to ask any more questions, for fear of touching on the headmaster's sad things.

  "The growth of Tianyanxiang mushroom depends on spiritual energy, and it often grows in the mountains. Doesn't that mean it should grow in the mountains with abundant spiritual energy? But why is it in our Xianlai Sect?" Yi Xingyun asked puzzled.

  When the Xianlai Sect was strong in the past, there was a mountain protection formation and a spirit gathering formation. The spiritual energy circulated back and forth,

  and it was naturally more concentrated than other places. But the formation has been abandoned for a thousand years, and it has become more and more desolate in the past few hundred years. How can it look like there is abundant spiritual energy?

  The growth of Tianyanxiang mushroom here has a sense of a great power condescending to come to my humble home, which is really incomprehensible.

  "I'm also puzzled by this." Xu Yihan frowned and thought, "What I can be sure of is that the Xianlai Sect has never found the Tianyanxiang mushroom... Our sect once moved the soil in the back mountain, and the back temple was built there, but we didn't see a single one after digging for so long, and it was the rainiest summer at that time."

  Summer has a lot of rain and the weather is hot, which is extremely suitable for mushroom growth.

  It doesn't make sense that a lot of them are found in spring now, but there were none in the summer before.

  The only explanation is that the Tianyanxiang mushroom is only now available and has never appeared before.

  So what caused this change?

  "In this case, it means that the spiritual energy in our sect has become thicker recently." Liu Feng's heart moved, "Speaking of which, I seem to have found that my cultivation has been much smoother these days. I thought it was because I have the immortal marrow, but now it seems that there may be other reasons."

  "Ah, I found it too!" Meng Ling said quickly, "I thought it was because of the cultivation method of catching spiritual points!"

  Others also nodded repeatedly, indicating that they had also found this situation.

  "Strange, the spiritual energy suddenly became thicker... Is it unique to our Xianlai Sect, or is it common in the entire Ziye City or even further away?"

  "I'll go ask around." Chen Lan said and went out.

  After a while, she came back, "I asked, and everyone said that there was no difference from the past. I also asked Zhang the butcher's family, and he didn't find anything either."

  Zhang the butcher specializes in selling monster meat. His home is very close to the Xianlai Sect, but there is nothing unusual.

  "In other words, only the spiritual energy in the mountain gate of our Xianlai Sect has become thicker." Xu Yihan said, but his eyes were on Mo Jiuwei.

  Mo Jiuwei had fallen asleep in the back mountain a long time ago, and she was still sleeping soundly now. Her little mouth moved from time to time. I don't know if she was dreaming about something delicious.

  "Is it related to Jiuwei?" Liu Feng's heart moved.

  "It's very likely that everything around us has become better after she came. Maybe there is no reason to explain it, but it happened." Xu Yihan said.     "I also think it has something to do with the little junior sister. She is the lucky star of our Xianlai Sect!" Ji Qingqing said with a smile, and lovingly covered Mo Jiuwei with clothes to prevent her from catching a cold.

  As soon as she moved, Mo Jiuwei hummed, moved her little body, and then woke up.

  She didn't know what happened when she woke up. She looked around with a hazy look in her eyes, and then yawned.

  [What's going on? Why are you all gathered here? Is something big happening? ]

  [What's the smell... Oh, yes, mushrooms were found. ]

  Mo Jiuwei gradually woke up.

  Liu Feng's eyes flashed, "What do you think, what should we do with the Tianyanxiang mushrooms in the back mountain?"

  "Dig them up and sell them for money... No, there are too many. It might be dangerous to sell them." Ji Qingqing realized something was wrong as soon as she opened her mouth.

  The yield of Tianyanxiang mushrooms in the back mountain is not low. Today, there are more than 20 of them just by digging casually. If all of them are dug up, there must be at least more than 100.

  If there are only one or two, it is no problem to sell them for money, but it will be troublesome if there are too many.

  It is a crime to possess a treasure. There are only a few people in the Xianlai Sect now, and there is not even a great master. They have no ability to protect themselves.

  If someone finds out that there is such a big treasure, I am afraid no one can sit still.

  Even the major sects will certainly be greedy!

  Therefore, it cannot be sold.

  "The preservation time of Tianyanxiang Mushroom is very short. Even if it is dug out, it can only be kept in a storage bag for three days. After three days, it will rot." Yi Xingyun was also a little distressed, "What can I do?"

  If you don't dig it, it will rot in the soil.

  If you dig it, there is no place to put it.

  Although everyone can eat it, you can't eat all the Tianyanxiang Mushrooms in a mountain, that would be too wasteful.

  And although eating it has benefits, it is enough to eat one or two when the cultivation is too low. People with higher cultivation are suitable to take more, otherwise it is a waste.

  [This is easy, just make it into a breakthrough pill, and keep it as long as you want! ]

  [After being made into a pill, the smell of the Tianyanxiang mushroom will also change. Even people who have eaten it cannot tell that it is in it, which will cut off the idea of ​​others wanting to replicate it. ]

  [In this way, this breakthrough pill will become the unique secret medicine of our Xianlai Sect. Are you still afraid that it will not be developed? ]

  Mo Jiuwei's words cheered up everyone.

  Liu Feng's heart was surging after hearing this. He didn't expect that he just tried to ask, but Mo Jiuwei actually had a way!

  She is really a god!

  "It would be great if it could be made into a pill. In this way, it might be able to maintain its effectiveness, such as helping people break through and eliminate inner demons." Du Yue touched his chin, thinking hard, "Alas, I'm really useless. It would be great if I could create my own pill formula."