Chapter 57 Pill

Recipe It seems that there is no known pill recipe made with Tianyanxiang Mushroom, so there is no reference, and I can only create it myself.

  Du Yue complained this way for Mo Jiuwei to see, but at the same time, she was speaking from the heart.

  She really wanted to do it, but she had no master above her, and no one like her, so she could only study it by herself.

  Fortunately, there was also Junior Sister Jiuwei, and this was the only straw she could hold on to.

  [The pill recipe of the breakthrough pill is very simple, just add Kou Su, Bai Mingzi, Luohuang Fruit, and Chencao together. ]

  [Oh, by the way, you can add another camphor leaf, so that the taste of Tianyanxiang Mushroom will be more difficult to distinguish, and it will taste better. ]

  [This pill is very easy to make, and Senior Sister Du can make it with her current level. It's a pity that I can't tell her. ]

  [If the pill can't be made, then all these Tianyanxiang Mushrooms...seem to be eaten. ]

  [Can I drink some mushroom soup then? It tastes so fresh. ]

  Thinking of this, Mo Jiuwei wanted to drool.

  And everyone in Xianlai Sect was delighted -

  great! Jiuwei finally said the recipe!

  And as she said, the materials used are all common, which shows that it is not difficult to refine. Even if Du Yue doesn't know how to do it at the beginning, she can learn it after a few tries. It's

  nothing more than ruining two or three Tianyanxiang mushrooms, but compared to the amount of this mountain, it's nothing.

  "How about this, I'll buy more materials these days, and then try it out, maybe I can figure out the recipe for the pill." Du Yue said, "I'll go now!"

  "Take Jiuwei with you, she likes to go out." Liu Feng said with a smile.

  "It's dark, I'll go with you." Chen Lan said.

  Let Du Yue take Mo Jiuwei out alone, she really doesn't feel at ease.

  Du Yue smiled after hearing this, "Senior Sister Chen, you are taking care of Jiuwei like your daughter now, you really care too much..."

  She was speechless halfway through, suddenly stopped talking, and looked at Chen Lan nervously.

  Chen Lan had a daughter, but she died young.

  If I say this, isn't it bringing up her sad story?

  Chen Lan was not as sad as Du Yue expected. Instead, she was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded, "You know what, it's true. I feel uncomfortable if I don't hold her for a day."

  Du Yue was relieved.

  When buying medicinal herbs, Du Yue deliberately selected about twenty kinds, asked the clerk to put them in a row, and then looked at them in confusion.

  Chen Lan hugged Mo Jiuwei, held her little hand and said, "There are so many, it's really hard to choose. If you want me to choose, it's better to let our Jiuwei choose. Her luck has always been good."

  "Okay, then let Junior Sister Jiuwei choose for me." Du Yue put down the medicinal herbs and looked at Mo Jiuwei.

  [Huh? You actually let me choose? ]

  [Haha, then you have chosen the right person! ]

  If you ask her to choose, then she will choose!

  Mo Jiuwei was not polite at all. She stretched out her hand vigorously and touched Kou Su, Bai Mingzi, Luo Huangguo and Chencao.

  The smile on Du Yue's face could hardly be stopped. "Have you chosen? OK, I want these kinds. Give me ten portions of each!"

  Buy some to try first. If you can refine it yourself, then buy a large amount.

  After bringing the things back to the sect, the mushroom feast has been prepared.

  Tianyanxiang Mushroom is different from other spiritual fruits. It cannot be taken directly. It needs to be cooked before it can be eaten, and the taste can be better released.

  As a great contributor, Spot certainly has a share. It took a bite and shook its tail excitedly. It obviously felt that the taste after cooking was more tempting than eating it raw.

  Mo Jiuwei also had a share. She was given a bowl of mushroom soup, which was boiled for a long time. A flavor of Rong Ningxiang was added to it, which made the mushrooms melt and all the essence was in the soup.     [Wow, it's so delicious!]

  [This is ten times better than the Seven Treasures Soup in the restaurant last time!]

  After taking a bite, Mo Jiuwei shook her hands happily, not to mention how satisfied she was.

  Chen Lan wanted to laugh when she heard

  it. Of course, the Seven Treasures Soup was worth so much, and this Tianxianxiang Mushroom was incomparable in terms of value and taste.

  "By the way, where are Xuechu and Xuequ, are they coming back soon?" Xu Yihan suddenly asked.

  Mo Jiuwei, who was drinking the soup, was stunned for a moment when she heard these two names, and then she realized belatedly that these two were also disciples of Xianlai Sect.

  Yes, there are three disciples of Xianlai Sect who are not in the sect. One is in seclusion at home, and has been in seclusion for ten years.

  The other two are Mu Xuechu and Mu Xuequ, a pair of twins, who went out to find ways to make money.

  For a period of time, the food and drink expenses of Xianlai Sect were all made by the money earned by the two, plus the sale of their property.

  After the sect had a good time, Liu Feng had sent a message to the two of them, saying that Xianlai Sect was no longer the same as before, and asked them to come back quickly and not to work so hard to make money.

  However, they probably felt that this was not credible, so they said they would wait for a while, and that's why they didn't reply.

  "They've been urging us, and they said it would be soon." Liu Feng was a little helpless when he mentioned them, "The two kids probably still think that our Xianlai Sect is about the same as before, so they want to make more money so that everyone can have a better life."

  "How about telling them about the Tianyanxiang mushroom?" Hu Jiu asked.

  "This is a serious matter, and it's not suitable to be said in the message." Xu Yihan shook his head, "Let me persuade them in person."

  Xianlai Sect is no longer short of money now, and the two kids have been struggling for a long time, and it's really hard, so they should come back and have a good rest.

  After eating the mushroom feast, everyone went to practice with a full stomach, just in time to refine the spiritual energy in their bodies.

  After refining, Du Yue started to make pills. She put Mo Jiuwei next to her and started to process the materials.

  While processing, he talked to himself.

  "Ah, I don't know what proportion these materials should be used in... Are these Kou Su enough?"

  [Too much, just use half.]

  "Let's use half first, then can we use two Bai Mingzi?"

  [Yes, use two.]

  "What about Luo Huang Fruit, one?"

  [No, two as well.]

  "One seems a little too little, then two will do..."

  Just like that, he tried one by one, and finally got the exact ratio from Mo Jiuwei.

  Du Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but a light bulb suddenly flashed, and he thought of a way to find out the recipe of the Ten Day Elimination Pill for the headmaster!

  Yes, at that time, just like now, I will definitely be able to learn the recipe of the Ten Day Elimination Pill from my junior sister, as well as the ratio of the ingredients!

  After thinking it over, Du Yue began to refine the pill.

  "The first herb should be put in first, right? Then this..."

  [Wrong, Chencao is put in first, it takes the longest time to refine.]

  Mo Jiuwei was anxious after hearing this.