Chapter 58 Success

Although Senior Sister Du has talent, she is still a beginner after all. Her knowledge is limited. She has not even memorized all the existing recipes. She is still a little confused about this homemade recipe.

  However, although Mo Jiuwei was anxious, she soon found that Senior Sister Du was wrong at the beginning, but then she would inexplicably correct herself.

  Could it be... this is also talent?

  But it doesn't matter, as long as the final result is good.

  In this way, Du Yue tried and refined at the same time. Because of distraction, the first batch of pills naturally failed.

  [What a pity. ]

  [But it's normal. It's a new recipe, how can it succeed at once. ]

  [The overall process of the last batch was still good, but the Tianyanxiang mushroom took a little longer to place, and its refining is very fast, so you need to react quickly and can't delay. ]

  [I hope Senior Sister Du will not be discouraged, learn from the lesson, and strive to succeed the second time! ]

  The expected comments finally came!

  Du Yue raised her eyebrows after hearing it. She was not depressed at all. On the contrary, she started the second batch with great interest.

  She was not afraid of failure, but she was afraid of not knowing where she failed. For her, the difficulty of making her own pill formula was obviously far beyond her level.

  If she relied on herself to figure it out, she might not know where the problem was even if she racked her brains. She might have to fail eight or ten times before she had a clue.

  And this process was quite a waste of time and money.

  But fortunately, Jiuwei Junior Sister was there, and she solved all the things she couldn't figure out. It can be said that all the problems related to alchemy were solved by someone for her, and she only needed to do it. The

  second furnace failed again in the middle because of her lack of experience.

  [Not bad, much smoother than the previous furnace, it would be better if I wasn't so nervous.]

  [Also, this kind of pill with a very special and strong smell can't just rely on the smell to make a decision when judging the time to refine it, but use your eyes to see the state of the furnace.]

  Du Yue listened carefully, and after understanding it, she looked as if she had suddenly realized something.

  So that's it!

  Let's do it again!

  Mo Jiuwei was not sleepy at this moment, so she kept watching Du Yue refining the pill, watching her fail again and again, and mustering up the courage to continue refining again and again.

  During this period, she did not give up or give up. She just kept trying again and again, and each time she tried harder.

  This made Mo Jiuwei feel relieved. When she looked at Du Yue again, she looked at him like a master looking at his apprentice. After

  failing three times, Du Yue finally succeeded in the fourth furnace!

  When a special fragrance came from the alchemy room and lingered, she almost cried with joy.

  "It worked, I really did it!"

  She held the bottle of pills as if she had found a treasure.

  "Jiuwei, look, I did it!" She put the pills in front of Mo Jiuwei like offering a treasure.

  [Yes, it worked, Senior Sister Du is really amazing! ]

  [Although I helped with the pill formula, the real alchemy was done by her alone, which is enough to prove her strength. ]

  [Tsk, if other sects knew that she had such strength after learning alchemy for two months, they would definitely dig her away at all costs! ]

  Du Yue blushed when she heard this.

  It was true that she did the alchemy, but she did it alone... not by herself.     So he was not as powerful as his junior sister thought, and there was no possibility that other sects would poach him.

  Coming to his senses, Du Yue hugged Mo Jiuwei and ran to the main hall. On the way, he sent a voice transmission to his senior brothers and others to share the good news.

  This was a major event related to the future of the entire Xianlai Sect. When they heard that the alchemy was successful, everyone put down their practice and rushed to the main hall. Even the head of the sect, Xu Yihan, came.

  Since knowing that his leg could be saved, Xu Yihan seemed to have changed from before. He was no longer so decadent and numb, and no longer rejected getting close to everyone.

  Although he became disabled, he was still the head of the sect and needed to be responsible for all the disciples, instead of falling into his own emotions and complaining about himself, and handing the important task of the sect to these young disciples.

  Now thinking back to his previous behavior, he felt ashamed and guilty.

  "Come and show me."

  Seeing Du Yue running over, he also stretched out his hand expectantly.

  Everyone stretched their necks to watch. Du Yue took out the pill bottle, poured out the pill inside, and gave each person one pill so that everyone could take a closer look.

  The number of pills produced in one furnace for each type of elixir is different. The more precious and difficult the elixir is, the fewer pills it can produce. Some elixir furnaces may only produce one pill.

  For example, this breakthrough pill, one furnace has ten pills, and everyone can get one.

  "Hmm... This taste is really strange. I never thought it would come from the Tianyanxiang Mushroom!"

  "It actually worked. Aren't you too amazing, Junior Sister Du?"

  "That's great. With the breakthrough pill, we will have a way to deal with the Tianyanxiang Mushroom when we find it in the future!"

  Everyone was very happy. Refining the pill is equivalent to camouflaging the Tianyanxiang Mushroom. It not only keeps its existence secret, but also prolongs its shelf life.

  Xu Yihan was also very happy. He asked Du Yue in detail how long it took to refine the pill and how many materials it needed.

  "One furnace of pills consumes three Tianyanxiang Mushrooms, and it takes two quarters of an hour to refine. I can refine at least 10 to 20 furnaces a day!" Du Yue said conservatively, "If I become proficient in refining in the future, I can refine more."

  The reason why I said 10 to 20 furnaces is because I have to consider the consumption of spiritual energy. It takes some time to recover spiritual energy and rest.

  And this is the premise of replenishing spiritual energy naturally. If she has endless pills that can replenish spiritual energy, she can keep refining.

  "It's really good. This is enough. We don't know the growth of Tianyanxiang Mushroom yet. Let's do it step by step." Liu Feng said with a smile.

  [This is just the simplest pill recipe. When Sister Du's level is improved, there will be a more efficient enhanced version of Breakthrough Pill! Then one furnace of pills can consume ten Tianyanxiang Mushrooms, which will be used faster and the effect of the pills will be better. ] Mo Jiuwei thought. Everyone was happier

  when they heard this.

  "We are not short of money now, so we will refine the pills first and save them all." Xu Yihan said, "Each of you will take turns. Every day, one person will follow Spot to pick mushrooms on the mountain. The ones you have picked will be handed over to Du Yue, who will make them into pills."

  For the alchemist, refining pills is a practice in itself, which is also good for Du Yue herself.

  Of course, the premise is not to be too tired, otherwise it will damage the foundation.

  "It will take some time for the hundred sects to learn, so everyone should practice diligently during this period. If you need anything during practice, please don't hesitate to tell me directly, and the sect will provide it to you unconditionally." "

  You are disciples of the Xianlai Sect, but you are also the masters of the Xianlai Sect!"

  Following Xu Yihan's words, everyone's heart surged, as if they had endless energy.

  "Yes, Master!"

  Everyone said in unison.