(S1) - Chapter 3

"Alright good, you've passed out all the flyers now is the time for you two to go out and actually make contracts." Rias said with a smile on her face like usual.

"Sweet!!" Issei yelled excitedly. "Anyway Koneko has a extra hooked one as well does Kiba. Issei can you takes Koneko's and (Y/n) can you takes Kiba's??" Rias asked them as they nodded.

"Good. Now akeno prep the magic circle." Rias ordered and called the two over as she took their wrist gently and wrote a symbol on it.

"This is the symbol of the Gremory clan so who ever see's it knows you are apart of my family. Now Issei you can go first. Just stand in the middle of the magic circle. It is also your way back till you can teleport yourselves." Rias said smiling sweetly at issei who had a small blush which only (Y/n) saw. He had teasing material.

Issei stood in the middle of the magic circle as it slowly rise up but then stooped and went back down. "Huh??" Issei said when he noticed he wasn't somewhere else. "Oh dear." Rias said as akeno just said her usual "Ara Ara."

"It would seem you don't have enough magic to use the spell. Even new borns have enough magic to do it." She said with a sigh. "Sorry Issei-kun But I guess it's a bike for you." She said apologetically as Issei sighed.

"Alright (Y/n) why don't you try." Rias said as she noticed him and issei talking. "One day you can probably teleport issei." (Y/n) said and walked to the magic circle and 5 seconds later he was teleported out.

"Your not Kiba-kun..." a young women mid 20's said. He offered a apologetic smile. "Sorry. Kiba-san was busy and over booked so I came in today. What is it you would like me to do??" He asked politely as the end as the women's lips twitched upwards into a small smile.

"Can you clean and then make dinner. I had a long and hard day of work and I'm tired." She said apologetically as she usually just had Kiba make dinner. "I can do that." He said and asked where the cleaning stuff was and cleaned what she wanted and needed clean.

"What would you like for dinner??" He called out to her. "Surprise me." Oh surprise her he did.

(I just googled anime food and those are what I choose!!)

After eating a very and satisfying dinner she formed a contract with him and he focused on the mark on his wrist and he was teleported back. But before he left Shaw gave him a piece of candy she had. It was just a lollipop she had. He thanked her and the crimson red magic circle teleported him back to the club room and handed the signed contract to Rias.

"Good job little brother. First try and already got a contract. Now..." she was cut off as Issei ran into the room with some sweat on his forehead. A couple cuts on him.

"Issei!! What happened." Rias demanded and everyone who was there aka just (Y/n) and Rias went over to Issei. "I was coming back when a fallen angel from before attacked me again and my sacred gear sent her running and I ran here since the bike was destroyed." He said huffing and panting.

"Good grief, alright (Y/n) you can go home now I'll teleport Issei over myself once I'm done healing him." Rias said as (Y/n) nodded and left with a light job back to home. As he was walking home he noticed a black cat. She was injured.

He walked over to her and she reacted defensively but he held up his hands in a surrender like style.

"Hey hey it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you girl." He said. How did he know it was a girl?? There was no genitalia. He slowly reached in his school bag he had grabbed when he left the ORC he pulled out a small bag of food. A snack he carried around to eat when he gets hungry.

He put it in his palm and offered his hand to the girl cat. She sniffed it and meowed happily as she ate it. He gently rubbed her messy fur.

He stood up to leave but he was stopped by the cat who had a sad look in her eyes. "Do you want to come with me girl??" She meowed happily and he smiled as he gently picked her up to not injure her fully and walked back home.

When he got home he asked his parents if he could keep her and they told him she was HIS responsibility to feed and take care of her. He nodded and went upstairs to the bathroom in his room and turned the bath on and filled it slightly after removing his shirt and gently cleaned the cat he named Kuromi up and wrapped her injury which was just a cut on her leg and dried her off gently and then laid her down on his bed. He then took his own shower. He eventually put on some underwear and shorts and fell asleep as Kuromi curled up into his chest sleeping peacefully.

A week had passed and it was pretty normal. Well as normal as his life was now. Kuromi had healed surprisingly fast.

One time in the hall way Issei had stepped on her tail and she scratched the hell out of issei. (Y/n) calmed Kuromi down by gently rubbing her tail.

He was also a bit scared of his cat. He would some times see her be staring at him with stars in her eyes. He felt like his cat was gonna rape him!! But he shoved it off as a idiotic thing. Not possible.

The two hyoudou brothers were walking to school and heard a crashing sound and saw a nun fall face first. She had blonde hair and green eyes. He noticed a blush on issei's face. Oh teasing material.

So the two after recollecting themselves helped her grab her stuff she thanked them and talked in Italian?? (Is that right??)

"Thank you. My names Asia Argento." She said a bit shyly. She looked so innocent!! "I'm Issei hyoudou and that's my brother (Y/n) Hyoudou." Issei introduced them. Asia did a little bow.

"Can you tell me where the church is please??" She asked kindly as they said sure and showed her where the church was. But on the way they saw a boy who injured his knee and asia went over to him and two rings appeared on her hands and a green glow healed him.

"Thank you onee-san!!" The boy said excitedly. Asia looked confused. "He said 'Thank you big sister!!'.." (Y/n) translated and the boy waved and walked off to his mother who smiled kindly at Asia.

"You can heal people Asia??" Issei asked. "Yep. It's a gift from god." She said proudly. Issei had a headache while (Y/n) merely felt a tingle in his head.

She then told them her story. In short she had found a injured dog and healed it by summoning her power. She was declared a holy maiden. She would heal people. But one day she healed a injured devil and despite not knowing he was a devil they kicked her out the church. Apparently if she could heal anything not a angel or a human then she was a heretic.

Both boys felt anger at that. It wasn't Asia's fault that she healed a devil when she didn't know it was a devil.?

"My dream is to have many friends and go do stuff friends do." She told them. "Asia we are friends but we have to go or we will be late for school." (Y/n) said as Issei nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure you can't come in for tea??" She asked sadly. They wanted to but their instincts were telling them to leave now. "Yep. Maybe if we meet again we can have tea in town Asia." Issei said as (Y/n) nodded in agreement.

SLAP!! Both boys were slapped by Rias. Issei had a big red mark on his cheek while (Y/n) had a small red mark that already faded nearly.

"You aren't allowed to ever see that nun or go near the church again!! They are our enemy's. If you were killed it could cause a bad thing for the factions!! So don't go near that nun or churches again!!" She ordered strictly. They boys nodded and left.

"Don't you think you were to hard on them??" Akeno asked her as she (Rias) sighed. "No. They need to know that they have to be careful. One wrong mistake can be disastrous." She said. Then a little bit later the boys came back to apologize but akeno spoke up suddenly as she walked into the room from the little kitchen room.

"Orders from the arch duke we are to go kill a stray." Akeno said as Rias nodded and called Kiba and Koneko to meet them at the place.

When they were all there Koneko and (Y/n) said at the same time "Blood."

They opened the door.

"Some sweet, something sour. I wonder which it is." A voice said with a seductive tone and a female came out. She was quite beautiful. But she was naked.

"Stray devil Viser you are to return to your master at once or be eliminated in the name of the duke of Gremory." Rias said and the stray scoffed. "Your just jealous I have bigger ones that you won't have." She then fully stepped out showing a ugly below her waist body.

"Ok you two tell me have you played chest??" Rias asked. "No. But (Y/n) has he's really good at it." Issei said but then had to stop as they dodged a blast from Viser shooting a laser out of her... nipples??

"Well lets start with Yuto. He's a knight and he's fast and his ultimate weapon is a sword." Rias said as Kiba moved at speeds to issei he was a blur. (Y/n) easily saw him with his enhanced dragon eyes.

Koneko was next and she was eaten by the giant mouth thing with teeth. "Koneko!!" Issei yelled only for Rias to stop him. "Don't worry. Koneko is my rook. She is a tank. Defense and strength." Her words were true as Koneko pushed it open and showed her clothes destroyed.

She spun and punched it into the air.

(Y/n) gave her his coat which she great fully took.

"Finally-" she didn't get to finish as both issei and (Y/n) moved stopping the arms Kiba had cut off her earlier trying to get Rias. Issei had summoned his sacred gear along with (Y/n). Issei had crushed the hand somehow. (Y/n) had stabbed it before smushing it under his foot.

"Thank you two. Now akeno is my queen. She is a mix of all the pieces." Rias said and they looked to see Akeno using lightning on Viser. She also had a blush on her face with a pleased look.

"She is also into S&M. Like highly into S&M." Rias added and said also to ease them mostly issei though "Don't worry she doesn't hurt comrades. Mostly." Rias said mumbling the last word quietly as (Y/n) had a tick mark. "I heard that!!" He said as she giggled.

"Alright. Down girl!!" Rias said to akeno who poured cutely about not being able to continue. "Any last words stray devil Viser??" "Go to hell!!" "Then begone in the name of the duke of Gremory." She then destroyed Viser with a attack.

"President!! What pieces are I and (Y/n)" issei asked as they were leaving. "You are both pawns." She said as they all left to the directions of their housing. (Y/n) took a shower before going to sleep as Kuromi purred as he rubbed her head gently before curling into his chest and falling asleep.