(S1) - Chapter 4

(Y/n) and Issei we're walking around Kuoh as they had nothing to do right now. (Y/n) had already trained. Issei didn't have anything or anyone to peak on. Both were BORED!!

Crash!! Both boys saw Asia!! "Asia your safe!!" Issei said in relief as (Y/n) offered her a smile. You might be wondering what this was about right?? Well it all is a fuse for a time rewind!! Let's go!!

*Time Rewind Go!!*

(Y/n) was sipping some tea in the ORC while waiting for Issei to finish his contract. Kiba was cleaning his sword with a rag that looked like it had definitely seen better days. Koneko was eating sweets. Akeno was just sitting next to him smiling. Rias was at her desk going through paper though (y/n) thinks he can see a... manga??

But she suddenly stood straight up. "Everyone let's go issei is in trouble!!" They all vanished into a magic circle with Kiba going first and in time to block a exorcist from cutting issei with a light sword. It looked tasty to (Y/n). Wait it did?? Weird.

*End Time Rewind!!*

In short Asia was there and found out the two were devils by the exorcist which Asia surprisingly defended issei claiming him and (Y/n) to be 'good' devils. She was sexually abused by freed from what they saw. So issei and (Y/n) punched him. Hard. Rias nearly hit him with her energy blast thing destroying the couch she hit.

"Come on let's go have some fun!!" Issei said excitedly. (Y/n) gave a small smile. They went to the arcade and played games. Issei had won Asia a plushy dog. They went and got a bite to eat at a burger shack and Asia had to ask for help how to eat it which angered (Y/n). Did the church teach her nothing!!

So they taught her how eat a hamburger that they bought and French fries. It was pretty cute. As they were at a small fountain Issei suddenly grabbed where freed had injured him. Asia quickly came over and healed him as he felt better.

"Does it feel better now??" She asked and issei nodded. "Yep. A lot better now." Issei said as her smile widen. Asia liked having friends. "I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom." (Y/n) said as they said they'll be right here.

When (Y/n) got back he saw a crying issei and no asia. He was fucking confused, he was gone 5 mins!! The hell happened??

"Issei explain!!" (Y/n) ordered issei who spoke up. "Raynare or Yumma as she called herself came here and put another spear through my chest wanting to take Asia and she healed me and left with her to protect me." He said and (Y/n) sighed knowing he and issei are gonna get chewed out for this.

"WHAT DID I SAY!! Stay away from the nun!! What did you two do?? You went out with the nun!! Look I'm sorry for yelling I just care about you two. But why would she want Asia??" Rias said and suddenly it clicked in (Y/n)'s Head.

"Her sacred gear!! She could heal EVERY race. Devils. Angels. Fallen angels. Humans. Animals, etc. Raynare must want it herself!!" He deduced as Rias went wide eye and a glint entered her eyes.

"I see. Let me explain this. When a pawn enters enemy territory that I claim you two can promote to queen, rook, Bishop, knight. Now me and akeno must me off. Don't cause trouble now." Rias said after explaining as she and Akeno left in a magic circle.

"You coming (Y/n)??" Issei asked as

(Y/n) nodded and followed issei along with Koneko and Kiba. "President and Akeno would be sad if you two died." Was the response from the two. Though koneko and kiba had their own reasons also.

"You guys go ahead there is something I have to do." (Y/n) said to them as they all felt killing intent. "Are you sure??" Koneko asked in worry which didn't sit her. He pat her head and rubbed as she leaned into it. "Yes I'm sure Neko-chan. Now go ahead I got this." He said and gave her a smile as she gave a slight smile with a blush.

"You can come out now." (Y/n) said once they were gone. That same fallen angel who he has beaten before came out now sporting three sets of wings.

(There now just give him 6 wings)

(Y/n) was actually scared. Sure he could take a two winged maybe a four winged fallen angel but a 6 wing. He's screwed. But he decided to try his chances and enter his partial dragon form.

(Y/n) moved at fast speeds but the fallen angel easily distorted him with a simple light spear and used it like a baseball bat.

(Y/n) spit out some blood and possibly a tooth and vanished at a bit faster speed and got into a hand to hand fight with the fallen angel. It was going decent.

A punch which the angel dodged. A kick the angel dodged. A elbow he dodged. (Y/n) managed to block when the fallen angel went on the offensive but his arms were now a bit sore. Would probably be broken if not for his dragon scales.

"Can't say this has been fun brat. But I'm tired of this now DIE!!" The fallen angel said and threw a spear of light right through (Y/n)'s heart as he spat out a load of blood and possibly a piece of his heart. Neither of the two noticed Rias and Akeno who were now crying. Akeno the most of the two her face a visage if anger and pure sadness.

(Y/n) suddenly found himself in a giant castle.

But suddenly out of the sky came a giant black dragon.

"So you are my new host and possible partner??" The giant dragon said. Despite just being stabbed through his heart he was calm as fuck.

"I think I died..." (Y/n) said as the dragon broke out laughing or is that roaring?? He wasn't sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"You could be dead. I can save you but you will answer my questions." The dragon said and (Y/n) nodded.

"If you had access to power that put almost all to shame what would you do with it??" "I would master it and use it protect my friends and family and those important to me. Also have a good fight. I'm a battle maniac sue me." "Haha. Good now if someone threatens a loved one, mate, friend what do you do??" "Full on destroy their ass then if needed give them the good ol sword through the neck removing a head." "Heh. I like you. But what is your official goal??" "Well I guess to realize my full potential. Then find the one I would love to be with or them if it happens. I guess then have a family and protect them and raise them one day."

The way (Y/n) said that brought back memory's. "I see. I deem you worthy of using my power. You have adapted to using my power which you made your own. You can be classified as a starlight dragon. For now I will give you knowledge on how to use my sacred gear and speed up your transformation which you can call dragon force. I will help you train later but for now show that weak 6 winged angel why you don't mess with a dragon. My name is also (D/n) see you soon partner." The now known (D/n) said and tapped (Y/n)'s Head with his finger.

Outside in the real world (Y/n)'s wings and tail seemed to vanish and his hair started floating and scales started to change.

(Sting's or the left one of you haven't watched fairy tail then you poor soul but the scales are silver not white!!)

"Don't count me out yet bitch!!" (Y/n) roared out which was devastatingly loud and powerful. The fallen angel threw another spear stronger... correction as strong and powerful as he could.

(Y/n) pointed his hand at it and a loud [Absorb] and the spear turned into energy and went into (Y/n) as a pair of futuristic dragon wings appear on (Y/n)'s back.

The other three people had one thought. 'Only one sacred gear has the ability. The starlight wings aka the blue dragon emperor... I'm fucked.' They thought though the last one was only the six winged fallen angel who was trying to fly away but sadly for him (Y/n) wasn't going to let that happen.

[Amplify] was heard and (Y/n)'s power boosted by three times. A black spear of energy formed in his hands.

He threw the spear and it scored right into the fallen angel's stomach killing him as he fell to the ground.

"When you see lady death tell her (Y/n) (L/n) sent you!!" (Y/n) said and summoned the energy spear again before throwing it into the ground as it destroyed most his body leaving only a few feathers left.

(Y/n) was suddenly tackled once his dragon force vanished along with the starlight wings. It was Akeno and Rias.

"Hey hey what's wrong?? Why are you crying??" (Y/n) asked them as he didn't expect to be slapped. It hurt more then when Rias did it.

"You dumb fool!! Don't do that again!! I thought I lost you!!" Akeno said crying with tears down her eyes along with Rias to a lesser extent. To Rias (Y/n) was a little brother to her like Kiba.

"I'm sorry Akeno, Rias." He said and wrapped his arms around them as he was on the ground them on top of him. Suddenly they all felt a high level power. Around Rias's level. So average high class devil level. It was issei!! So they rushed back and saw the issei and Raynare thing and Rias held back Kiba and Koneko from helping him.

Issei managed to unlock the boosted gear!! Surprise surprise. Soon enough Koneko carried back in Raynare and threw her onto the ground. Hard.

"Akeno please wake her up. I think she might be a bit hot." Rias said to akeno who nodded and a magical circle formed above Raynare and water dropped on her.

"Welcome back to the world fallen angel Raynare. My name is Rias Gremory high class devil of the Gremory family." Rias said smiling sweetly to sweetly (Y/n) noticed at the fallen angel.

"Oh don't worry about backup. My and akeno took care of the two girls and

(Y/n) killed that weird fedora guy." Rias said as she dropped two feathers and (Y/n) dropped one near the two feathers.

"You can tell who's feather is who's right?? So you know I'm telling the truth now." Rias said still smiling.

Sadly freed arrived and this whole conversation about falling love with issei and wanting to kill him. Sex and some other stuff where he dropped a smoke bomb and vanished.

"Don't feel to bad though fallen angel. You weren't defeated by a simple twice critical. That is the dragons hands or boosted gear. One of the fourteen Longinus's. Holds the spirt of the red dragon emperor making issei the red dragon emperor of this generation. Plus he's not the only one with a Longinus. (Y/n) here has the StarLight wings and is this generation blue dragon emperor. Host of (D/n) the third heavenly dragon said to be on par with dragon gods. Not to mention he's also 80% dragon and 20% devil. So don't feel to bad." Rias informed.

'The power to kill god in the hands of these... children!!' She (Raynare) raged inside her head. Trying to survive she turned back into her Yumma form she turned to issei.

"Come on help me out issei-kun. Look see I even kept the gift you bought for me." She said showing the pink bracelet she bought.

"Bro please end it. I don't wanna keep watching." Issei said to (Y/n) who stepped up and said "For messing with my brothers emotions suffer in the void." He then dropped his black spear he made again and it destroyed her body into many feathers. There was also two green aura covered rings which (Y/n) grabbed and handed them to issei who put them onto Asia's fingers they were on before.

"You I think we could use a new clergyman." Rias said as she held a red Bishop piece and had issei move her to a more empty area and a red magic circle was below her as Rias did a chant and the pawn piece went into Asia's chest and she started breathing again.

"Oh thank the almighty your alive Asia!!" Issei said in relief with (Y/n) nodding showing he agreed. "You know issei I don't think mom or dad would mind us having a new little sister. There is always a extra room. Plus I planned moving out soon anyway to get my own place."

(Y/n) offered as Issei smiled and nodded as Asia stared wide eye at them. They would take her in!?

"Well now let us go back the the club room. Asia can move in tomorrow. For today she can stay at the club room." Rias said as they all nodded and left in a magic circle Rias made back to the club room.


I know I might have made (Y/n) slightly op already being able to take on a six winged angel already right?? Well dragons are said to be the ultimate beings in DxD proven by great red and ophis being NEAR unbeatable. So (Y/n)'s partial dragon form was a incomplete form of dragon force, being weaker. So he had the transformation being completed by (D/n) making him stronger. Plus he absorbed the magic in the spear boosting his magic energy. Then he used [Amplify] boosting his power by 3x so I feel somewhat justified being able to beat a 6 winged fallen angel. Especially since he was new to 6 wings have been a 2 winged fallen angel just earlier like a couple weeks ago in the story. So I feel justified for it.

Well that's my ranting done I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Asia arc complete. Riser arc beginning after familiars are given and we meet a certain chaos karma dragon, well enjoy now!!