(S1) - Chapter 5

Issei and (Y/n) walked into the club room and when they got in there issei grabbed something. It was bra!! Asia's bra to be exact. How issei knew this we won't know. What's gonna happen to him?? (Y/n)'s righteous fury of pervert hating. So using his iron fan he smacked issei hard into the ground and then took a seat on the couch thinking things over.

[Say partner do you have any ideas for training with the starlight magic??] (D/n) asked his partner who had a glazed look in his eyes despite drinking his tea akeno gave him. 'Yes. I think at least. I'll explain "it" to you in the mindscape later.' (Y/n) replied using the same mental link they shared. [Right] (D/n) said back through the mental link.

"Help (Y/n) you there??" Rias asked waving a hand in front of him as he blinked. "Huh oh sorry. I was talking to (D/n) about training." (Y/n) apologized/explained.

"Wait you can talk to him already??" Rias asked as he nodded and his sacred gear appeared. Luckily he was the only one on the couch so he didn't need to stand up.

[Pleasure to meet you devils. But yes he can speak to me through the mental link we share.] (D/n) explained. "It's a pleasure to meet you (D/n)-sama." Rias said. [Its a pleasure little devil. Anyway you brown haired pervert. You host ddraig right?? Assuming by your magical levels I assume you can't talk to him right??] the non response answered the question.

[My host being your brother could transfer some of my energy to strengthen the bond so he can talk. So come here and summon the boosted gear!!] (D/n) said as Issei came over and one of the small bits flew off the gear and a small beam hit the green orb and then went back to the spot it was at on the sacred gear. [Wait a minute] then suddenly a voice was heard as the green gem flowed bright green.

{I CAN FINALLY TALK!!} This was the welsh dragon Ddraig. The dragon of domination. One of the three heavenly dragons.

[Its been a long time old friend.] (D/n) said. {It has nodded old friend. You also have a very interesting host. He is a starlight dragon like you.} [Yep. He was a half dragon but it eventually grew to right now 80% dragon and his remaining 20% human was turned devil. He had no alignment so he adopted my power due to his sacred gear!!] {You are quite lucky old friend. To think I had a great host?? NO!! I have a pervert who focus on his perverted nature instead of train like his brother to realize his potential} [Don't feel to bad Ddraig. Why don't you go to sleep old friend. But it was good to see... talk to you again] {Yes indeed it was old friend. Wake me up if anything interesting happens}

"That was interesting..." Rias said as (Y/n) merely chuckled slightly along with everyone else. So later they moved Asia in and (Y/n) started packing up as he was gonna move out. You see (Y/n) had earned a lot of money over life that was stored in his bank account due to him making a program or two online and he became rich very very fast. Plus it helped the government wanted to buy it also so he was filthy rich. So he decided to buy himself a nice house... mansion.

(A/n: I honestly wish I lived here. I would love it. A pool. A giant house. Perfect if you ask me!!)

After that he managed to get everything into his new mansion. It took a while but with the car he bought he managed to do it. He can't wait to see everyone's reactions to it.

The next morning he woke up with a groan. 'You weren't kidding when you said you wouldn't hold back.'

(D/n) relied back from the sacred gear on his parents back right now. [Of course I wouldn't. If I held back it wouldn't help you progress would it. Anyway you made great progress with 'it'. For now get ready if I remember right it's been a week since you've seen the ORC when you said you were gonna do a little training after moving in to your new mansion despite saying house to them.] he said with a chuckle.

"Ah fine." (Y/n) said and stood up finally and took a nice shower and got ready and ate breakfast. Finally he headed to the ORC. When he walked in he was surprised to see everyone of the club had their familiars out.

(A/n: He got rias to get him a couple basic books on the info he needed)

A min later Souna Shitori came into the room. "Who's she??" Asia asked Issei who was next to her. "She's Shitori Souna the student council president. The rest are the student council.

"Sona what are you doing here??" Rias asked Sona who raised her glasses. "Why are your familiars out??" She asked only for Issei to speak up. "Wait, how does she know??"

"Wow Rias I cant believe you didn't tell your little boyfriend about us!!" A voice said only to be be hit in the head. "Saji it's considered offensive to tell other groups about each other. Sorry he's knew and impulsive. Now introduce yourselves." Sona ordered. Everyone went.

"Saji. I took four pawn pieces. How many did you take pervert??" The two them started having a one upping contest. Eventually (Y/n) got fed up and punched them both into the wall. "SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS YOUR GIVING ME A HEADACHE!! Plus for your information Saji-san me and issei both took 4 pieces. Issei's mutated to equal 8 pieces. Mine mutated to equal 16 pieces. So keep your mouth shut I'm having a bad headache now cause of your stupidity." (Y/n) said angrily as he went back to the couch before curling up on it before relaxing and falling asleep.

"Ok ignoring my servants near mental headache breakdown. I was gonna go get my three new peerage members their familiars." Rias said smiling and Sona said she was gonna get Saji one to.

When (Y/n) woke up he saw everyone celebrating. "The hell?? Who's birthday is it??" He asked as they laughed. "Oh we had a match of tennin with President and Akeno vs Sona and Tsubaki sona's Queen. They broke the rackets. So we played dodge ball and won. Plus you woke up perfectly it's time for us to go to the familiar forest." Koneko explained.

(Y/n) was not expecting a killer bee from naruto with a older ash Ketchum as the familiar master.

(A/n: Shout out to all Naruto fan's love the show like a lot!!)

"If you don't mind I think I'll go explore myself." (Y/n) said as Rias asked concerned "Are you sure??" He nodded. "Don't forget what and who I am." He said and walked into the forest.

"What did he mean Gremory-sama??" Zack Touji the familiar master asked. "Oh he's the new blue dragon emperor and also a dragon which he conveniently somehow absorbed the power and made it his own becoming a starlight dragon himself." Rias explained to the shocked familiar master.

[It can't be?? (Y/n) go left I sense a energy of a person I think who it is. Look for a cave.] (D/n) said as (Y/n) mentally nodded and headed the direction given. He came upon a cave and looked inside but found it empty and was gonna leave.

"Going somewhere so sook hatchling??" A female voice asked and (Y/n) saw nearby a blue dragon.

"I'm sorry if I was intruding I just looking for my familiar ma'am." He said and bowed then the dragon narrowed its eyes at him. "That power!! WHERE DID YOU GET IT!!" She demanded ready to attack him.

[STOP!!] a voice yelled out stopping the blue dragon. [Down here Tiamat.]

(D/n) said and the now known Tiamat looked down to see (Y/n)'s sacred gear out and deployed.

"(D-d-d-d/n)" [Its been a while Tiamat. I'm sorry I didn't come back I was sealed with those two idiots.] "Ok but that doesn't explain the brat having your power"

"I can explain that. You see I was born 50% human, 50% dragon. Eventually it became 80% dragon, 20% human which is now devil. I didn't have any alignment for a power and I absorbed my sacred gear in this case (D/n)'s power and made it my own making me a starlight dragon Tiamat-san." (Y/n) explained as she nodded.

"Well I have to go now Tiamat-san. I need to find my familiar it was nice meeting you." He said and was gonna walk away. "Wait" he heard and saw a humanoid Tiamat now.

(Replace all red with blue)

'I ain't a pervert but I can appreciate her beauty.' (Y/n) thought at seeing her which made (D/n) chuckle and agree.

"I can be your familiar." She said and

(Y/n) and (D/n) were surprised. "Are you sure Tiamat-San??" He asked wanting to be sure he heard right. She nodded and told him the ritual. He did it and had closed his eyes when he opened them he was grabbing her boob...

"My my master might be a pervert." She said teasingly. "I'M SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!" (Y/n) yelled out as he bowed. Tiamat was confused. [Tiamat. He isn't a pervert like Ddraig. He literally beats perverts up when they do perverted stuff.]

"I see. Anyway just call me Tiamat then master." She said and (Y/n) said "Nope. If I'm calling you Tiamat then you can call me (Y/n)" he said stubbornly as she smiled at him then he heard a scream and realized it was his group and took off fast summoning his sacred gear with Tiamat following using her wings.

When he arrived he saw the girls covered in slime. It was melting their clothes and blocked their powers. Issei was starring. Koneko had punched Kiba.

"Tiamat can you burn the slime off??" He asked she nodded and went to do it. (Y/n) meanwhile tapped issei on the shoulder and dragged him off and screams were heard. A minute later he dragged back a very injured issei.

"(Y/n) who is she??" Akeno said pointing to Tiamat. "She's my familiar Tiamat." He said it so casually they all went wide eye. Plus a sweat drop. "Howdy devils." She said smiling. Issei knew from Ddraig's yelling not to perv at her or she would probably kill him. He follows that advice as it was good for his life.

(The rest is cannon!!)