(S2) - Chapter 8

*(Y/n) PoV*

(It's still the same moment from last chapter)

I had just geass-ed the fallen fairy reject into submission and the white dragon emperor my rival had showed up saying for me and issei to be ready. Albion, Ddraig and (D/n) had a nice talk before (D/n) made them both cry like baby's. It was pretty funny.

My thoughts stopped as the world started spinning and I fell to the ground painfully on all fours and didn't hear the yelling of everyone to me if I was ok as I slowly saw black spots and soon passed out.

*Issei PoV*

(Don't expect this EVER again till possibly season 4 which is still a while away as I will need to rewatch it when its time to start it)

We were all celebrating temporary you forgetting about the white dragon emperor when big bro suddenly fell to the ground screaming in pain as we all rushed over to him asking if he was ok but he passed out as silver scales started climbing over his body.

We all quickly rushed over to him with Asia trying to heal him but it seemed to be doing nothing. Then Ddraig spoke up.

*Ddraig PoV*

That kid (Y/n), my hosts elder brother. He can't be going through that could he?? There is no way. Wait!! That's his energy. So that's who his dad is... why couldn't he be my host instead of this pervert. So he must be going through that instead of that.

"Partner you need to take him to a room where he can relax and be in a safe environment. I recommend asking that maid of Lucifer to do it." I told Hyoudou who quickly told Rias who called Grayfia who seemed to instantly appear and take him and vanish with him leaving a worried group of devils and one exorcist. I'm pretty sure (D/n)'s worries for his host also. I've noticed their bond is like brothers.

It makes me jealous/happy for (D/n). He was always isolated by our kind for being to strong. Only the dragon kings and above even talked to him even them beside Tiamat, Fafnir and Tannin the others ignored him. It's good for him to have more bonds.

I'm also jealous he gets such a good host. One who focuses on reaching his potential instead of checking out for boobs!! It's honestly annoying. I feel like I'm gonna be nicknames the boob dragon emperor or something and need medication due to hyoudou!!

(Foreshadowing much Ddraig??)

*(Y/n)'s Father PoV*

I watched invisible to all even ophis as (Y/n) thrashed and swished on his bed that he was given in pain I believe. He looked to be in a lot of pain.

My poor boy has to go through the dragonafication. It's the most painful experience a non full dragon can go through. Because he decided to learn dragon slaying magic he is stuck with this. The pain is almost triple what it should be due to him being my son a dragon. I only hope he beats it. I wish you luck (Y/n).

I then ruffled his hair before teleporting away before ophis finds out I'm missing.

*3RD PoV*

*(Y/n)'s mindscape*

(Y/n) woke up in his mindscape and jumped back when he saw a copy of himself but the white in his eyes black.

"Who are you and why do you look like me??" (Y/n) asked as the double seemed to grin. Evil (Y/n)'s grin looked down right like a evil grin.

"I am you and you are me!!" The evil (Y/n) said as he coated his arm with starlight magic but it felt evil this time instead of holy like normal. (Y/n) summoned his starlight magic on his hand and both clashed fist but (Y/n) was thrown back.

(Y/n) was shocked to say the least. He knows it put equal along of power into that blow but lost.

"Now your probably thinking. I put equal amount of power but still lost right?? Well it's simple!! Evil always prevails and wins against good!!" Evil him said before he punched (Y/n) to the ground and over and over and his strength seemed to keep growing. His power was now equal to when (Y/n) was in balance breaker and dragon force and at full power to, buy still seemed to be growing in power quickly.

A white screen seemed to form as it showed evil him killing all his friends and ruling the multiverse.

"But before I do that I'm gonna enjoy taking those girls of yours as my own. I bet Tiamat is a screamer." Evil him said but soon (Y/n) started fighting to get him off him with more vigor and that was when evil (Y/n) suddenly realized he pushed the wrong button and found himself flying away from the force of a punch (Y/n) had given him which made him spit a good chunk of blood out and possibly a tooth or two.

(Y/n) didn't say anything as he powered up dragon force as much as he could before he yelled in pain as he started growing with silver scales forming over his body. A silver light show was surrounding (Y/n) and when it vanished standing there was


*Annoying Time Skip 😉*

Evil (Y/n) with tears in his eyes assimilated into (Y/n) saying a quiet thank you as he turned into the same evil starlight magic he used but it felt more like dark but not evil now.

"Thank you... dark (Y/n)." (Y/n) said before he reappeared in the sacred gear.

"Good job partner. You defeated your evil counterpart." (D/n) said as (Y/n) shook his head in a 'no' way.

"I didn't defeat him I accepted him as part of myself. I quote what he said "I am you and you are me." In his own evil and dark psycho way. He was just the more insane and destructive... ok correction insane, psychotic, dark and evil me and more things but still me. So I simply accepted him as a part of me. You can't defeat your evil you can only accept them." (Y/n) said philosophically as (D/n) grinned at his partner.

"Exactly. Good job (Y/n). Now head on back. I think a certain someone wants to reunite with you." (D/n) said in a 'I know something you don't' type of voice.

*Grayfia PoV*

I watched as (Y/n) stopped struggling and released a sigh of relief. He's actually gotten a lot more cuter and hotter in the years since I've seen him.

I leaned closer to his face and at that moment (Y/n) decided to wake up and sit up. It resulted in us meeting lips to lips at the angel we were in.

*(Y/n) PoV*

I woke up to beautiful silver eyes and hair and it took a moment for me to realize. I was kissing Grayfia Lucificage the ice demon. Queen of Sirzechs Fucking Lucifer himself. Needless to say I'm scared for my safety as a man and my life. In that particular order also of importance. Wait. I'm immortal. Thank god for great great something grandfather Lelouch.

"Mercy??" I asked scared as Grayfia put a finger to her lips and then licked her lips lustfully almost before she suddenly claimed my lips for her own lustfully.

The next thing I knew was that my 5 mates suddenly pushed into the room. They all soon started kissing me. The next thing I knew my shorts and underwear was missing.

'I got to admit. Dark me was right. Tiamat was a screamer but she was also very fucking kinky and loud. Let's not forget Grayfia probably the loudest and the leading one in the activity's.' (Y/n) thought with a chuckle.

That night moans would be heard all over the castle they were in as servants would try to run by the locked door quickly if they passed it. The moans and sexual shouting wouldn't stop till the next five days.


Took longer then I thought to write this. If you REALLY want a lemon with each girl separately msg me and I'll include it in my plan for (Y/n) taking each girl on a date at the end of season two after the peace conference.