(S2) - Chapter 9

(Y/n) woke up with a groan as his lower half felt sore as shit. He blinked open his eyes and then rubbed them barely since his arms were held down by weight... wait weight....

In his bed in the room he was in was Grayfia Lucificage, Serafall Leviathan, Sona Sitri, Tiamat Khaos Karma, Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou and Kuroka Toujou. He was sure 2 of them were not here at the start... oh well... now to remember everything.

Loading memory's banks.








Activating normal response.

(Y/n) had a massive blush on his face as he looked at all 7 girls in bed with him with cum stains covering them and himself and the room smelling of sweat and sex. He really hoped none of them were pregnant as he didn't want to be a father yet. Then information rushed to his head.

He had marked them as mates. The Mark was a black dragon with red eyes.

Sona and Tiamat though had red crowns on top the heads of their dragons though showing they were alphas. With the mark he could check if they were pregnant and control if they got pregnant and thankfully he made sure they didn't due to his instincts knowing it wasn't the right time to have children.

He blushed at the thought of having children. It felt almost unreal to him. He never felt the love of a family and promised himself to unite the world to make sure everyone has the peace so that no one has to grow up like he has.

What he didn't know was that (D/n) heard his thoughts also and promised to help his partner as much as he could. But then sweat dropped at his partner's actions when he fell back to sleep as he got comfy but shrugged it off as dragons loves sleeping.

*Time Skip 1 Week*

(A/n: I'm skipping the parents day thing as (Y/n) was unconscious for that part.)

(Y/n) and everyone else in Rias's peerage and his own beside Sona was in the room of the ORC.

"I'm scared." Gasper said, fear obviously in his eyes and also physically shown as he had disappeared back into his box shaking.

"Gasper listen to me." (Y/n) ordered kindly yet with a strict voice as gasper followed it and listened to his voice. "There is no need to be afraid. Koneko will be here with you along with Kuroka so you will be perfectly fine. Here you can use this to distract yourself. I'm sure koneko wouldn't mind sharing her sweets with you??" (Y/n) asked sweetly as she said she wouldn't mind.

"Good." (Y/n) said as he handed gasper a game system he stole off of issei when the pervert wasn't looking and grinned at gasper who smiled shyly before going back into his box.

(Y/n) clapped getting everyone's attention. "Ok let's go. We have already kept them long enough." (Y/n) said as everyone nodded and left to the room.

They would walk through the hallways and everyone was nervous beside (Y/n) and his peerage.

(A/n: I'm not naming anyone in it beside Tiamat and Sona for a reason not revealed till later as time skips are very nice and very rude also.)

Rias knocked on the door as she and (Y/n) entered and Rias bowed before them but (Y/n) didn't which didn't surprise anyone with him being a dragon. They then let their peerage in as they introduced themselves.

The four (Sirzechs And Serafall are both there so 4) faction leaders made miss leading talk about the Kokabiel incident was mentioned but (Y/n) decided it was pointless.

"Alright I'm speaking out of line but I'm gonna be brief and summarize what's on the pervert's mind over their. Peace. Talk. Starts. Now." (Y/n) said trying to mimic Azazel's voice which he did pretty dam well only missing his usual pervert and annoying tone, but he almost had it down.

"He's right. Let's skip these boring status stuff and focus on peace. If another war broke out it could lead to the end of the three factions." Michael agreed as Sirzechs and Serafall nodded.

At that moment (Y/n) and Vali locked eyes. Both grinned like battle maniacs that no one beside issei saw. It scared issei.

(A/n: Fem-Vali looks THEN clothes)

(Y/n) wouldn't admit it as his pride wouldn't let him but he was sure if he was all alone with Vali he wouldn't be able to hold himself back and try to claim her. Of course with her permission to do it.

suddenly everything froze... "gasper" multiple people whispered. People started coming out of a portal in the sky rapidly and a lot of them at that at the rate it was happening.

"Hm!! Why aren't they focusing on me!! I'm a real magic girl!!" Serafall said pouting cutely.

"Maybe the blue dragon emperor and white dragon empress should go out there and put on a show!!" Serafall suddenly said excitedly as seeing her new lover and mate fight the wannabe magicians.

"What you say Vali~chan a competition??" (Y/n) asked as he purred her name seductively making the white haired girl blush. But she held her smirk. "Your on (Y/n)~Kun." She said purring his name also before both flew out the windows at fast speed grinning and went back to back both their sacred gears letting them float.

"Balance-" (Y/n) said.

"Breaker!!" Vali finished for the both and both glowed their respective colors of dragon emperors. (Y/n) glowing a dark blue as he was covered in balance breaker. Vali in a bright white light as she was covered in her white armor.

"Who ever kills the most wins and the loser has to follow their commands in a maid or butler in your case outfit for a whole THREE months." Vali said with a smirk as they both shook hands before spinning back to back again and throwing a blast of magic destroying a ton of magicians but suddenly (Y/n) was hit by a blast of shadow magic sending him to the ground but didn't seem hurt.

"Rogue" (Y/n) said harshly. A shadow formed but Rogue looked different now. He had white hair and looks more menacing.