(S2) - Chapter 10

(A/n: I usually put these at the end of the story but I feel it's needed to know that while they fight it's going like cannon for the others)

"We Meet again (Y/n) (L/n)." Rogue said arrogantly. (Y/n) full on glared at the man as they started their second fight now.

"Fist of the holy shadow dragon!!" Rogue said as he tried to punch (Y/n) who merely pulled a matrix and leaned back dodging the fist of magic energy that was covered in white and black energy.

(Y/n) retaliated with "Fist of the-" (Y/n) didn't get to retaliate with his own move as Rogue had kneed him hard sending him flying into a wall painfully. (Y/n) groaned as he pulled himself out the wall.

"As you can see (Y/n), I've gotten a lot stronger while you still remain the weak one." Rogue said arrogantly as (Y/n) growled before entering his dragon force. His power shot up before he charged at Rogue and tried to punch him in the face painfully hard but ended up getting a punch to the gut with a fist covered in Rogue's new magic painfully as he spat blood up and fell to the ground before being kicked away.

"BALANCE BREAKER!!" (Y/n) roared out as (D/n) yelled out [STARLIGHT DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER!!] and (Y/n) was wearing his balance breaker as he decided to try something and his eyes took the form of Geass.

He smirked as he could hear Rogue's thoughts and was able to fight on a even field.

"Starlight dragons hard fist!!" (Y/n) roared out as he punched rogue in the cheek and rogue took it like a champ and punched (Y/n) in the cheek with a "Holy shadow dragon ghost fist!!" which went right through his armor and punched (Y/n) painfully in the cheek.

Both backed up and put their hands around their mouths.

"STARLIGHT/HOLY-SHADOW DRAGONS ROAR!!" Both blew out their respective color beams of energy from their mouths which hit and caused a explosion making rogue start to skid back but (Y/n) was blasted away as his lacked the power even despite (D/n) amplifying his power multiple times around 14 times if he remembered right during the fight.

"ROGUE CHEENY(??)!!" (Y/n) yelled out in pain as his power shot up to a high level that many dreamed to reach in rage at not being strong enough as (Y/n) made a giant orb of energy made of starlight and threw it despite everyone who noticed yelling to stop.

"EVIL STARLIGHT DRAGONS SACRED ART COLLECTIVE DESTRUCTION BLAST!!" He yelled out and no one seemed to have noticed the evil part as he threw it at Rogue who calmly grinned in his evil way and mother fucking caught it like a badass and just minimized it before crushing it easily.

"N-n-n-n-no way!! That was my strongest spell" (y/n) said in fright as he started stepping back as rogue started to laugh evilily before "Is this all you can offer blue dragon emperor??" Rogue asked and (Y/n) glared before Rogue that made (Y/n) start to go into what we call "I just pissed off a dragon mode" as rogue will call it in the afterlife.

Rogue channeled a orb of magic energy and threw it at Sona and Koneko who were not able to react in time and mouthed to (Y/n) I love you and a explosion accrued blocked the sight of the two as (Y/n) started crying as his anger started to show as his power started growing by leaps and bounds till a laugh was hear where the explosion was and it cleared to show a red haired man (A/n: The one from the first time Rogue showed up in the pendant) protecting the two girls and the man in a protective barrier as (Y/n) shot past Rogue and then the red haired man and hugged the two protectively as he then glared at the red haired man.

"Me and you will be speaking later father... but... thank you for protecting my mates... now for you rogue." (Y/n) said as he calmly walked past his father as many gasped at what he said. That was (Y/n)'s father. They believed it seeing how strong he felt. The raw power emanating off of him was scary.

"But first WHO are you?? I know my dragon side is from you." (Y/n) asked his father who grinned and did a pose as his flared how power shaking the area making cracks in the ground.

"I am known by many. The red dragon of dreams and illusions. The strongest existence. The ultimate dragons. The true dragon. DxD. The badass ultimate mofo. A dragon god. A true dragon god. Great Red. But to you I am... your father." He said pausing at the end frantically as (Y/n) sighed and punched the true dragon god was sent flying into the ground before (Y/n) walked back to rogue.

"Hm... tell me (Y/n) do you know the dragons skaters ultimate spell??" Rogue asked as (Y/n) looked confused. Their was a ultimate spell. Red ,(Great Red. It's easier to say.) Ddraig, Albion, (D/n) and Tiamat gasped having a feeling they knew what it was along with the faction leaders.

"It's the ability to command dragons. I have been able to control 1,000's of dragons at once, albeit with a bit of mental strain it was easy to do. I even managed to control Tannin and Yu-Long the dragon kings. Not to mention a couple hundred dragons at once also. So controlling you should be no issue." Rogue said as he was about to do the spell but was punched in the gut then kneed sending him into a building by (Y/n) who turned off his balance breaker and dragon force free sending rogue flying.

"You day that's the ultimate technique of a dragon slayer huh??" (Y/n) asked calmly before grinning like a maniac. "Let me tell you a secret." (Y/n) said grinning as he powered up.

"When a dragon slayer is at least somewhat human and dragon as long as the dragon is equal or more dominant then he or she can gain a lot more power then dragon force. They first must "defeat" their dark side. Guess what I did and my magic and his fused to make dark starlight magic. But since that didn't work I guess I'll use the power I've gained from the fight and show you my true power. Not (D/n). Not my fathers. Not my mothers. My own power. My very own." (Y/n) said seriously as his power started growing as the younger devils felt a pressure pushing down on them to the ground. The older beings and stronger ones managed to stand still but felt the weight on them. Rogue was in the situation of the elder people.

Soon a silver and blue glow covered (Y/n) in a giant sphere which was ginormous. It was around 60ish meters in size. The sphere started to CRACK!! When it broke standing there was a dragon. A large 60 meter dragon that was around 10 meters bigger than the heavenly dragons who were already massive!!