(S2) - Chapter 11

"Hahaha just like his father!!" Red said as he saw the four wings on (Y/n). He was also appreciating the raw power rolling off his son who was now matching mid heavenly dragon level. He knows in a year if (Y/n) went very slow in his training he would surpass him soon. He was so proud. Now if only his mother was here.

"Hm... if I remember right I was called the heavenly dragon of reality by (D/n)." (Y/n) said grinning before his voice turned darker.

"Come at me Rog-" he was cut off as his eyes gained a glazed look in them.

"Hahaha Hahaha it worked!!! Now (Y/n) attack them and destroy them!!" Rogue said laughing like a mad man as (Y/n) flew up and opened his three mouths to charge a blast. At the angel all three heads were in the middle and back and soon (Y/n)... the three heads of (Y/n) grinned darkly as they could before they fired three large blast of starlight magic that was a mix of dark and normal starlight magic.

But they didn't hit the factions they hit rogue making a giant explosion. They could all hear Rogues yell of pain from the explosion.

Many were sent flying away from the force of it as the gym, courtyard, pool and a few other parts of the school was destroyed.

Rogue was seen laying on the ground bleeding everywhere and in bad shape. (Y/n) flew down to rogue and said from the three heads at once "You have my thanks Rogue Cheney you have pushed me to a new level of power and for that I shall grant you a quick death." (Y/n) said as he let out a roar of honor for a strong enemy and his tail then stabbed the light and shadow dragon slayers heart as he stopped breathing with a small smile on his face as his body slowly turned into energy and split into holy and shadow before both vanished showing the death of rogue.

(Y/n) glowed slightly as he was covered in a silver light. When it vanished it showed (Y/n) in pants with no shoes and no shirt but he still had underwear and a pair of tattered pants as he slowly stood up and walked over to the others.

Apparently everyone had stopped fighting.

(Y/n) watched in interest as Azazel used the dragon king fafnir as a sacred gear to make a golden armor and fought a child of the original leviathan of the underworld. Azazel ended up giving one arm to fight her. It was pretty funny.

Then came the shock to most people beside (Y/n) and Azazel of Vali betraying them. But what Azazel said ticked (Y/n) off that he was tempted to go into dragon form and go find ophis and beat her into submission before asking for his answers he wanted from middle school. But he relented not to do it as he would not be a match for Ophis just yet.

He watched with interest as his little brother absorbed the power of Vali's sacred gear by using a slightly shattered orb of the balance breaker she had and crushed it taking in the power. He decided to get into this fight.

(Y/n) appeared and kicked Issei Vali sending her into issei sending issei into the ground but she had managed to recover before she crashed into the ground with a pervert. It sent a shiver up her spine.

(Y/n) powered up his aura fully making a glow around him. Vali flew up into another corner as her white glow appeared. Issei was on the ground then Vali did the half dimension attack which was interesting and watched in disgust as issei powered up when Azazel said Rias's tits would also shrink by half and he snapped generating a shot on of power destroying the barrier around the school.

"Hahahaha!!" Both Vali and (Y/n) laughed at the same time as Issei powered up the the level their were fighting at with interest. It was around low ultimate class he would say. Not bad honestly.

He was also surprised when Issei managed to figure out how to break Vali's armor by using her advantage to her disadvantage by overloading her power then punching her breaking her armor.

(Y/n) was also impressed when Issei broke his armor. You might be like "how the bloody 9 hells and 7 heavens did the pervert break (Y/n)'s armor right??" Well simply put the dragon slayer Ascalon worked a bit more then it should on him being devil and dragon so a big disadvantage right there.

Issei's ego started growing but soon took a jump into the deep end when (Y/n) and Vali glowed before their armors regrew and glowing like nothing.

Soon issei started getting into saying he wouldn't lose to (Y/n) and won't let Vali minus the girls tits and shattered both our helmets.

"Impressive. I expect nothing less of my rival!! Think you can handle something stronger?? It's the juggernaut!!" Vali said almost in bliss as she started the chant but a monkey man arrived. Apparently he was a descendent of Son Goku. Not the super cool one but still pretty cool.

"So this is the boy you talk about being in love with all the time!!" Biakou -he heard his name being shouted- said grinning as he ran around in a circle from the Lucifer descendent.

"Anyway!!" The monkey Yokai said getting serious. "We're going to fight the northern gods let's go." He said before slamming his staff into the ground and both vanished into a portal.

"Wait!!" Issei yelled but fell down as his balance breaker (unlocked during Kokabiel incident remember??) broke apart hitting the limit and fell down to the ground exhausted. He smiled when Issei asked Micheal if Xenovia -who apparently was turned into a devil by Rias- and Asia could pray again as it would mean a lot of to them.

(Y/n) slowly walked to his father and grabbed him by his leather jacket and said darkly and threatening that it sent shivers down his fathers spine "If you disappear and vanish leaving me again I will hunt you down and neuter you slowly and painfully and then burn it in front of you and have it regrown with Phoenix tears and do it over and over till I'm satisfied." When he didn't get a response he said in his draconic of voice "Am.I.Understood.Father!!" Each word slowly said adding to the scary ass Red nodded and noted never to piss off his son. He was scary as shit. Ok par with his mother.

"Y-yes son." He said as (Y/n) smiled again as red thought sweat dropping 'bipolar much??' Due to what (Y/n) said next. "Good!! Now your gonna tell me everything I want soon right father??" Red just nodded as (Y/n) smiled before giving a hard very hard punch to red right in the gut as red bended over at the force as (Y/n) turned into his dragon form easily and grabbed his mates and flew home taking the apparently 8 mates since Xenovia was a new mate surprisingly when she confessed during the 5 days time skip.

(Shit I broke the 4th wall again for the second possibly and probably something number time so someone please use the flex tape as I'm running a bit low on fourth wall flex tape as I used it already enough to keep the walls together!!)

(Y/n) soon had all 8 mates on his back before he took off flying like it was something he did his whole life. He soon arrived home and made sweet love to his mates and was a happy man.

The treaty would be called "The Kuoh Treaty" and would be known through history as what started world peace.


So world peace has started on this and everyone coming together. Also season 2 is officially ending but unofficially I'm starting the OVA's of the dates and confessions of (Y/n)'s 8 girls now so far.

1: Tiamat (Alpha)

2: Sona (Alpha)

3 Kuroka

4: Koneko

5: Xenovia

6: Serafall

7: Grayfia

8: Akeno


I hope you really enjoyed the reveal of his true dragon form and the very NON detailed fight of Vali, (Y/n) and Issei and the full power of  (Y/n)... ok well a level you can have (Y/n) at as I said in the story and the rate of expecting him to power up even more. I plan to reveal the peerage in season three which will be complete with full back story's for them since I can think of it you know.