Xenovia’s Date

(Y/n) blinked as he stared at what was a temple he assumed. According to his memories from Lelouch this was where a entrance to the world of C was. He put his hand on the door and focused as his code on his forehead flashed glowing red before his body vanished and he was standing on a platform in a world with a sunset. He heard clapping and spun around to see a women walking towards him.

She had green hair and amber like eyes.

"C.C..... no the world of C or more precisely GOD!!" (Y/n) said as the women seemed to smile.

"Very good young (Y/n)." The C.C. look a like before starting to grow taller and the hair turning white and the now male old man's eyes turning a light blue. This was the look the world of C... no God had chosen to use.

"They day you die but your the collective consciousness. You can't die. The physical body you had been using had gotten destroyed when you sealed the 666 beast away. The I guess mind or soul of you came back to the world of C. Also can you like not stare at me like that it's creepy!!" (Y/n) huffed as the old man laughed.

"I'm sorry I just think that you remind me of my old friend (D/n) he was just like you." He said gaining a sad faraway look as (Y/n) sweat dropped before summoning his sacred gear.

(A/n: Realized I haven't even had (D/n) talk for a while. I sorta forgot about him hehhehehe it's kinda sad...)

"It's been a while God." (D/n) said as the glow of his sacred gear shined as (D/n) spoke.

"It has indeed old friend." God said as the two old people talked. When he said this outloud on accident he received a smack on the head painfully in his head from (D/n) and physically from God. Both grumbled about not being old.

"So... God... I'm bored... and your boring just cause." Y/n) said in a tone of mocking that would make C.C. jealous. God had a vain on his head and grabbed (Y/n) by his head and yelled "IF YOUR BORED THEN FIND YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS!!" Having lost his patience he threw (Y/n) off the area they were on and he yelled "WEEEEEEEE!!" Like a child on a sugar rush having fun and was flapping his hands like they were wings.

"Hey (D/n) I did a stupid didn't I??" (Y/n) asked casually as if he wasn't falling down a giant area while just laying down falling. He heard a chuckle. "That you did partner... so how long you gonna fall for??" His partner asked him and he looked at his watch and saw it was near time for his date. He was 2 hours and 58 minutes late. Xenovia would be done in 1 minute and 15 seconds. He panicked and transformed into his dragon form and quickly flew back to the platform before exiting and appearing back in the real world and vanished in a magic circle.

1 minuet left.

He took a 13 second shower.

47 seconds.

15 seconds to do his hair.


2 seconds to dry his hair with magic.

30 seconds.

15 seconds to get in his clothes.

15 seconds.

15 seconds to lay down on the bed and act like he had been there for 3 hours.

0 seconds.

The door opened and he knew he pulled it off.

"Ready to go Xeno-chan??" He asked as she nodded her face holding a small smile compared to her normal smirk or fake smile when she tried to copy Irina.

"Let's go already (N/n)!!" She said her smile making him smile also as he felt her grab his hand and pull him along.

(A/n: If you don't know (N/n) means nickname)

They arrived at what appeared to be a amusement park. It was nice seeing Xenovia having fun to him. It clearly beat listening to two old men talk about the past. Headache!! He made a note to self to stop calling them old.

"So what do you wanna do first Xeno-chan??" He asked his mate who lead them over to a shooting game where you have to shoot a BB gun and try to hit the middle and the better the shot the better the prize.

"Interested??" The owner of the game stall asked as (Y/n) nodded and paid the man and grabbed the gun not taken closest to him and took aim placing the gun in the right position, taking a deep breath and stared perfectly where he needed to and pulled the trigger in rapid succession and all the shots perfectly destroyed the center area.

"I don't think I've ever seen that before... which one you want kid??" the stall owner asked (Y/n) who looked at the prized and decided.

(I just didn't want to spend forever so I chose one of the first ones there)

(Y/n) handed it to Xenovia who took it and hugged it to her chest. They would play a few more games for fun winning small prizes like a snack or something. Eventually they went in the Ferris wheel and said the three magic words at the same time.

"I love you." The two would say in sync before slowly leaning in and kissing which turned into a heavy make out session between the two. Lust was poorly hidden in his and her eyes.

The two soon got off made the way back home quickly and xenovia put the stuffed animal in her room and then pushed (Y/n) down onto his bed. Xenovia only in pantys and a bra. (Y/n) only had pants on and a pair of dark blue long soaks.


"Xenovia... I love you." (Y/n) said as he kissed her with passion and she eagerly returned it and they broke apart their lungs needing air. "I love you to (Y/n)~sama." She said Before reengaging in the make out session.

(Y/n) made quick work of his hand going up her back making shivers go down her spine and he swiftly and skillfully removed her bra and tossed it into the laundry hamper in the corner.

He eagerly took her left breast into his mouth while his right hand played with her right breast and he sucked on it making her moan. He switched his arm playing with her left breast his mouth sucking on her right breast. Eventually xenovia came.

"(Y/n). Fuck. Me. NOW!!" She yelled and he obliged her and removed his pants and underwear leaving his monster cock and rammed it into her as she moaned at it going fully into her and going in her womb somewhat.

He then started fucking her more and more till he filled her womb up with cum. Xenovia was panting tiredly on the bed her stomach slightly inflated from the cum inside her.

"We're not done yet!!" (Y/n) said in dragon force and xenovia didn't get any sleep that night and nor did (Y/n).


I know it's short compared to the others which were at least 1,500 words at the minimum but I want to try to get to season 3 soon.
