Koneko and Kuroka’s Date

This one will probably be the shortest of the dates and it is the last one as I'm finally getting to season 3)


(Y/n) was chilling at a hot springs alone enjoying the feeling of it. Where at?? In a random mountain he found while exploring the under world cause he had time.

He growled annoyingly when he saw a blast of energy coming towards the hot springs blowing it up. He stood up as his cloths formed on his body via magic with his hair drying also.

"Who dares!!" (Y/n) said roaring loudly at being disturbed. He rarely gets free time alone now a days.

What was flying there was a dragon that was a western dragon about 30 meters in size that had white scales and red slit eyes. It's wings flapping keeping it in place.

"(Y/n) (L/n) I Haruto Idia challenge you to a fight for your spot of a heavenly dragon!!" The dragon now known as Haruto said and (Y/n) blinked before grinning and turning into his dragon form which was double the size of the dragon who suddenly didn't feel very confident especially when (Y/n) roared loudly before saying in a mocking voice "I'm gonna shit on you bro!!"

(Y/n) then opened his three mouths and fired a blast of black fire at Haruto who quickly moved but a few of his scales were hit by embers and it hurt. Was this the power of a heavenly dragon??

Haruto opened his mouth and fired a blast of violent wind at him. (Y/n) merely rose a wing and swished it making a equally if not more violent wind which severely hurt Haruto's pride.

"Damit!! Why am I so weak!! Were the same age yet you completely outclass all but 3 dragons!!" Haruto said and (Y/n) just chuckled which sounded weird with three heads.

"Do not compare yourself to me. But a reason is that you lack drive to do what needs to be done. You lack the will to get stronger. To be more precise you lack a goal. A reason to get stronger. I have a goal and that's to surpass my father and get answers from ophis for what she did to me when I was younger." (Y/n) said as he flew above the dragon and dropped a brown substance on the head of Haruto and said grinning "I did say I was gonna shit on you." (Y/n) flew away quickly then watched as a giant amount of wind destroyed the area where he was. That was funny.

(Y/n) flew back to a area away to transform back and did and arrived in his room and proceeded to get ready for his last date with the Neko sisters who had been reunited.

Another 3 dam hours. He didn't complain though. Koneko and Kuroka came from the room and had been surprised when Koneko came out wearing a robe along with Kuroka.

"Nya~ (Y/n)~sama we decided to skip the date and go straight to the main course. Little shirone is going first of course. Nya~" Kuroka said with a seductive wink before sitting down in the chair to the side.

"C-can we skip all the foreplay??" Koneko asked a blushing mess. (Y/n) just nodded. He stripped himself and koneko removed her robe and her two tails and her cat ears cane out and he had one thought... well a long thought.

'Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine...' was all going through (Y/n)'s Head. Koneko slowly lowered herself onto his shaft but she only got half way before dragon instincts activated and took over making him push in the other half making koneko moan in pain and pleasure though it was mostly pleasure.

Eventually he released inside of the Neko who couldn't handle it and had passed out with a cheerful look on her face. (Y/n) moved koneko from the bed to the couch in the room.

He came back to the bed and was surprised when Kuroka took charge her clothes already on the ground discarded and started to push his shaft inside of her and once inside she made the cutest yet hottest moan by going "Nya~" and he wouldn't lie it really turned him on a lot from it. It caused him to pick up pace and strength while pounding into her before releasing his baby maker fluid into her womb as she moaned at the feeling of his semen in her womb.

They would go on to spend 7 hours mating till Kuroka couldn't handle it anymore.


I'm aware that's its dam short compared to the other dates but I really wanted to get into season 3. I plan to speed the story up a bit now cause I wanna get going as I have plans and life is giving me less and less time to read and write. So hope we get there soon. Ja Ne.
