Chapter 9

"So this is the Greater Grail." Everyone gasped at the object guarded by Saber.

Even those who have no idea about this world can see with a glance, that gigantic amount of energy, swelling and festering like a pus, spreading and inflicting evil corruption upon this city.

"Are we not going in?" Ritsuko wondered when they all stayed huddled inside the end of the tunnel.

"Not yet. Adam replied and took out his personal Psycannon before charging his Psychic power and blasting it at the Saber who stood still like a last boss before the Greater Grail.

*Boom!* A powerful shockwave of explosion ripped through the cavern's calmness.

"Cowardly fools! Show yourself!" Saber enraged when she was sneak attacked.

A powerful beam of dark energy cleaved through the cavern when Saber lashed out. But Alina uses her Psychic power to erect a barrier with the help of a Shielding Banner to shield the group while Adam sneaks another shot.

Stupidly enough, she stayed there as if she couldn't move. Probably because she would be cut off from the vast energy of the Greater Grail. So, Adam continues to take potshots after potshots while the Chaldean look in disbelief that such tactics work on Saber.

Well, the only reason it works is because Psychic power is not Magecraft so Magic Resistance cannot affect it.

"Okay, she is battered enough. Let's go." Adam put away the Psycannon and replaced it with a Nemesis Daemon Hammer modified to his size and greater in power.

"Finally showing yourself, coward." The battered Saber with cracked armor, gripped her blackened Holy Sword tightly to unleash another sword beam.

"It's not my fault you are idiotic enough to stand still like that, basically asking to be shot." Adam shrugs and leaves the group to Mash to defend while he charges forward with a powerful momentum and smashes the Nemesis Hammer which unleashes a storm of destructive Psychic blast on impact, forcing Saber to dodge but unexpectedly, she block it with two hands using the flat side of her sword.

"Really, I am grateful no one knows how to fight a Psyker yet in this world." Adam said and released the Hammer which disappeared and in his both hands is powerful Warp Lightning which he used to smite her stunned and give her a kick with his right leg and send her crashing to the wall of the cavern, shattering her ribs and puking blood.

Adam briefly glanced at the Chaldean to assess their reactions but apparently his method had been too brutal when he barely even scratched the surface of his brutality yet especially when he usually fought while being surrounded literally by Daemons. Using Daemon's spine as a whip is just the basic stuff when he often just straight up Dominates a Daemon Sorcerer to slaughter its own ally.

Anyway, Saber uses her sword as a crutch while shakily trying to stand up while enduring immense pain.

"Doctor Romani, how do I extract the Grail?"

"Err… How? Just kill her I guess. The Grail will drop after she dissipates." Romani replied in a hurry.

"Alright." Adam nods and prepares to finish Saber off.

"You…" Saber managed to stand up with great effort and tried to lift her blade when even breathing felt painful with her shattered bones poking her organs.

"Well, this is the end for you, Saber." Adam summoned Titansword and slashed at Saber who tried to parry while wincing in great pain.

Her attempt failed and Adam gave her his swiftest mercy with decapitation.

As Romani said, once Saber died and her body dissipated away. The Grail fell from her body and Adam recovered it before turning to the entrance of the Cavern.

"How long are you planning to hide and watch, Daemon?"

"Huh?" Everyone turned to the direction he was staring at and Olga immediately gasped and called the name.

"Lev? Lev! Is that you? Is that really you, Lev? I am happy to—" Olga ran towards Lev but was quickly swooped on by Sif who picked her up by her clothes and retreated away immediately.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let me go!" Olga resisted. But Alina started down at her with killing intent.

"Silence, cur. That friend of yours is no longer human."

"What? No… No! It's a lie!" She refused to believe it.

Alina, fed up with her insistence, knocks her out and dumps her to Mash.

Back to Adam. He stared at the Daemon while trying to evaluate it. It wasn't strong. Most probably just a fragment of its real body possessing the host.

Normally that's a problem because killing just the fragment is like cutting the grass without uprooting the roots. After a while, it would grow back. But that's a very long time ago. He had once created a method to kill a Daemon's true body through the connection of it with its host. But his intuition now tells that it is no longer the case. At least, he would fail to slay the Daemon even if he did.

After learning about the uniqueness of abilities in this Universe and seeing with his eyes, the ability like Heracles to resurrect numerous times. Adam felt it is not impossible that the Daemon also has ways to revive even if he kills its true body.

While Adam is evaluating the Daemon. The Daemon also does the same, trying to figure out the identity of this being that throws a wrench into his plan which is neither a Servant or member of the Holy Church. He never saw a Daemon Hunter with such appearance or unknown ability from the Holy Church before.

"What are you, human?" The Daemon asked, unable to hold back his curiosity anymore as neither could he make the guess.

"Me? For now, I'm just a mercenary I guess." Adam shrugs and answers truthfully. However, the Daemon didn't think so and felt like Adam was making fun of him.

"You human dare make fun of me, Demon God Flauros! I will make you pay for this humiliation!" Flauros commands the power of wind to attack Adam.

"How about, no?" Adam answered with an innocent looking black cube in his hand.

A rift opens up and instantly swallows Flauros before it closes. Not even giving him the opportunity to comprehend what had happened. Then Adam returned the Tesseract Labyrinth into his Inventory where time is in stasis, a double layer protection in case it tried to escape.

Adam casually turned back to everyone and asked, "So, mission complete right?"

"Uh… yes… I'll get the Rayshift ready." Romani said before cutting off the line while Ritsuko and Mash plop down to the ground in relief the mission is done.

"You know, I felt like I did nothing at all and got carried away by Adam senpai." Ritsuko also starts to address Adam as her senpai because he is better than her in resolving Singularity deals.

"Me too." Mash agreed.

"Fou Fou Kyu!" Fou conveniently appeared when the situation was resolved and telling Adam something

"Right. I forgot about that." Adam mutters and turns to the still knocked out Olga.

"That's the matter?" Ritsuko and Mash noticed the attention directed at Olga and asked.

"Hmn. Apparently Director Olga is without a physical body. In another word. She died and her soul was temporarily saved because she was Rayshifted into the Singularity. But if we Rayshift back now, she will die upon arrival in Chaldea." Adam explained calmly without a change in his emotions which disturbed the two but they ignored it and immediately tried to contact Romani to halt the Rayshift.

"Damnit, Romani! Answer the damn call!" Ritsuko felt impatient and irritated when she failed to contact Romani.

But then, in Adam's vision. A screen appeared with an offer.


Preserve the Soul of Olga Marie Animusphere?

> Cost 500 Points.

[Accept / Decline]


For some reason, Adam can already imagine the expression of the mysterious being. Anticipating his reaction and choice to the offer.

"No. She is just a stranger I met for less than a day." He mumbles as selected Decline.


Are you sure?

[Yes / No]


"Yes" Adam said firmly and chose Yes.


Are you really sure you are willing to let a beautiful maiden die just like that?

[Yes / No]


Again, Adam chose Yes. Because why does one death matter when he saw billions die in front of his eyes through the course of a single war and he watched millions of such wars with death tolls being even higher.


Are you very very sure you wouldn't use such paltry amount of points to save someone in need?

[Yes / No]


Vein popped on his forehead and Adam punched the screen. Then the screen suddenly changed.


Thank you for your good deed, hero and saved a tragic maiden from a pitiful death.


"Milord! Is there another enemy?!" Alina and Sif went into alert when Adam's Psychic energy went wild. Unaware Adam having an emotional turmoil.

Adam inhales and exhales before recalling a calming scenery to pacify his rage. Lest he accidentally unleash a Psychic Storm due to his emotional instability.

"Nothing to worry about." Adam dismisses Alina and then retrieves the item he was scammed off that looks oddly similar to an Aeldari Soulstone.

As for why Adam said he was scammed? Because, if he wants one. He can just ask one through a prayer to Isha. Yet he was scammed off his hard earned points for something he can get for free. Just thinking about it made him want to crush the Soulstone in his hand but he calmed himself down once more and used the Soulstone to absorb Olga's soul.

"What did you just do, Adam senpai?!" Ritsuko becomes alarmed when Olga suddenly glows and vanishes into the Soulstone in his hand.

"Something that can preserve her soul. With luck, we might be able to revive her in the future." Adam sighed at his loss and tossed it to Ritsuko who looked shocked with how casually he treated the object that held Olga's soul while fumbling trying to catch it.

"Ah… Attention everyone, the power generator finally has enough power. The Rayshift is ready." Romani suddenly appeared.

Then on cue, the Rayshift light envelopes all three of them before Ritsuko has the chance to chastise Adam for his handling of the Soulstone.

Adam quickly unsummoned Alina and Sif before his soul was flung back to Chaldea.

Back to Chaldea, Adam opened his eyes and saw the previous burning and nearly destroyed room had been fixed and looked like it was never even destroyed by an explosion.

"Welcome ba—"

"I'm going to my room and rest." Adam cut off Romani in his foul mood and strode off the room.

"Ah. Alright, you must be very tired after resolving the Singularity…" Romani looked at Adam leaving before he could even finish his words.

He becomes dejected because he thought Adam was disappointed at him for hiding about Olga's condition.

To be perfectly honest, Olga herself should already know about her condition. Yet she never mentioned it. Then that would mean she didn't want to talk about it. Perhaps avoiding to acknowledge the truth entirely. Romani simply did his best as a doctor to let Olga pass in peace because they do not have any capability to even help Olga.

Sighing, Romani made a mental note to prepare an apology to everyone for hiding the truth about Olga's condition.


In a room he randomly chose to be his own, Adam unequipped his Power Armour and threw himself on the bed. He would like a rest after that mentally draining event.

But before that, he summoned Alina and Sif again.

"Milord." She called.

"Hmn. You can go and choose a room to be your own sleeping quarters." He ordered before he looked at Sif. Without even need to be told, he jumps on the bed and joins Adam as he cuddles her fluffy body and closes his eyes to sleep.

Alina didn't leave to find another room. Instead, she looked at the very bare bone room and shook her head disapprovingly.

The bed is too small even for just himself. Adding Sif, they are basically barely squeezing on to the bed. Then there's the furniture sizes. All of them are too small and not sturdy enough for Adam.

"No, this room is inadequate for Milord." She mutters before she leaves with an intention to set those problems straight.

When she opened the door, she came face to face with a stranger that was trying to enter the room. Like a thief caught red-handed, the stranger tried to turn away but Alina caught her by the shoulder.

"Who and what are you doing here? Answer me if you still treasure your life.

The said stranger immediately turned back and said with a smile, "Buonasera, signora. It's me, the Beautiful and Genius Servant Caster, Leonardo Da Vinci-chan at your service~♥!" She introduced me with a pose and a forced smile. Her intention was only to sneak in and study the unknown technology Adam possesses. She didn't expect she would be discovered and pointed with a very angry looking blade that discharging strange lighting, just like it wielder.

"You do have the resemblance to a Mechanicum Artisan." Alina mutters and ponders about her though before she said, "Fine, you shall make do."

"Ah, need help with creating something? Then let this Genius Inventor help. I who strived for perfection will definitely be able to satisfy your needs." Da Vinci saw the opportunity to get close to Adam and immediately jump on the offer.

"Indeed, I require you to remake the room to one worthy of Milord. Let's discuss the details." Alina dragged Da Vinci to the neighboring room instead of talking at the door.

Sif should be enough to guard Adam temporarily while she acquired the cooperation of Da Vinci.
