Chapter 10

Can Adam dream?

It's a topic up for debate because the answer is a no and yes.

No. It's because the Gene-Seed implants caused his body to be biologically incapable of dreaming.

Yes. Because even if his body is biologically incapable of dreaming. His powerful Psychic mastery allows him to see vision from the Warp where time is convoluted. Sometimes its vision of the possible future. Sometimes it's a snippet of a vision of the future totally unrelated to him.

So, in his 'dream' he saw himself sleeping in a room different from what he remembered and sleeping next to a butt naked wolf-girl, as is a human girl with only a wolf-like ears, pair of long canine teeth and a big fluffy tail that uncannily resembles Sif.

Instantly jolted awake, Adam immediately turned his head to his right and eyed down on his canine companion.

"Thank goodness it's just a dream." Adam sighed in big relief that his portable fluff pillow hadn't turned into a tall amazonian wolf girl.

Awakened by her master, Sif whined and lightly hit him with her giant paw.

"My apologies, Sif. I just startled awake by a disturbing dream about you." Adam sighed in relief while rubbing her fluffy belly which responded with a happy bark.

"No, it's nothing you need to be concerned about. Also, do you feel hungry? I haven't fed you anything since yesterday."

When Adam speaks about food. Sif immediately rolled out the bed and energetically moved around, eager about her meal.

"No, I don't think we can do the usual. Chaldea suffers great damage from the explosion set by the Daemon. Let's just hope their kitchen still works or else we might have to hunt for food ourselves. Though, you seem to like to hunt your own meal rather than be served one."

Sif barked and nodded in reply.

"Alright. Let's go and look at the choice we have with our meal." Adam put on a robe to cover his naked torso and with Sif, they made their way in search of the kitchen.

After he and Sif left, the room next to him opened up and Alina and Da Vinci sneaked into Adam's room and did their renovation.


Arriving at the kitchen or rather, cafeteria. Adam and Sif discovered it to still be intact and connected to the storage room where food supplies, both canned, frozen and arcanely preserved foods are stored.

"Well, you can just lay there and play with the bones while I cook something up for us. Maybe for everyone too." Adam then thought maybe the other Chaldean staff might need food too and he had nothing but time in his hand anyway. So, he might as well cook for everyone since to him, cooking is a meditative activity.

So, while Sif is chewing on the thigh bones of a mythical creature and playing on her own. Adam at the actual kitchen decided to cook something very simple and nostalgic which he couldn't eat after his reincarnation. A fried bacon and fried chicken egg on toasted bread with a selection of beverages of either coffee, tea or orange juice.

The reason why such a dish is non-existent in Imperium is because the majority of the poultry animals from Earth had long gone extinct. Also, the substitute poultry animal or the cultured meat is simply not the same. Not that they are worse either.

Anyway, while he peacefully humming and frying eggs and bacon. Someone stop by the cafeteria.

"Waah! A giant wolf!" The distinct voice of Romani can be heard from the kitchen and Adam assumed he probably walked in half awake and shocked by Sif's presence.

"Oh, it's just you. You are Sif, right? Adam's companion wolf." Romani asked and in response, Sif barked and nodded too probably.

"I see. Does that mean it's Adam cooking in the kitchen?"

Sif barked again and answered Romani's question.

"Well, that's great because we have no kitchen staff right now as all the remaining 20 staff are working tirelessly to repair the damages done to Chaldea." Romani said and found a place to sit down while peeping at the Kitchen where the delicious smell of food wafted into the dining hall of the cafeteria.

When Adam was almost done, more people arrived. Probably because Romani went to inform everyone about a meal being prepared for everyone.

When Adam pushed the food trolley carrying their breakfast. Everyone cheered and their exhaustion melted away as they eagerly got their portion of breakfast before sitting together to eat with a rowdy atmosphere.

Adam also saw the half awake Ritsuko supported by Mash enter the cafeteria. But what he finds weird is Alina who is missing. Well, he just keeps her portion in his Inventory and passes it to her later.

"So, what is on our agenda today, Dr Romani?" Adam asks the current Acting Director of Chaldea.

"Well, since everyone had been working hard last night to bring one of the main reactors back online. We can probably start summoning some Servants."

"Wait. We can summon Servants ourselves?" Adam did a double take because if that is possible. Why hadn't the Chaldean done it even before the start of the first Rayshift?

"Yes." Romani said and gave him a simple abridged explanation about the FATE summoning system and the Throne of Heroes.

Apparently, they plan to summon a Servant after they arrive at the Singularity because there is a high chance they can get a more suitable Servant for the specific Singularity if they do it that way. Something about the Servant gets enhanced if they are summoned at their home country or any time something aligned with their legend.

Still, Adam found it idiotic they didn't at least summon a few just in case something went wrong even with its apparent low success rate. Like, did they expect to go into the Singularity and have a confirmed chance to reach the Leyline to summon a Servant without encountering an enemy?

"Anyway. So, how are we going to acquire the catalyst?" Adam recalled the summoning requiring a magic circle, mana and catalyst from Romani's explanation.

"Well, a catalyst isn't absolutely needed. A catalyst just helps to narrow down to a specific group or individual Servant. So, we are just going to summon without a catalyst."

"Alright. We will do just that then." Adam nodded before they quickly finished their breakfast to start with today's agenda.


After the breakfast, Romani went to look for another important staff member that had been missing since the morning.

Adam, Ritsuko, Mash, Fou and Sif headed to the Summoning Room first under Mash and Fou's guide.

Sif and Fou get along well despite how it looks like the former is bullying the latter with her bigger size. Adam knew the two were just playing around. But he had a feeling that Fou is more than just a pet that Chaldea adopted.

Once they arrived. They waited for Romani and the other staff that Mash revealed to be a Servant of Caster Class, the infamous Leonardo Da Vinci or Da Vinci-chan.

No matter how fogged Adam's memory were, he never remembers Da Vinci being a female though. Even Ritsuko is shocked, which reinforced his thoughts that Leonardo Da Vinci is indeed a male.

After waiting for a while more, they get bored of waiting. Ritsuko seemed to be fidgeting and was trying to strike up a conversation with him but struggled for some reason. All she needs is a little push.

"You seem to have something that you like to talk about, Ritsuko."

Ritsuko jerked when she was discovered and then sheepishly turned to look at Adam before she suddenly bowed.

"I apologize, Adam senpai."

"Hmn? What for?" Adam why she would owe him an apology.

"It's about yesterday. I made you angry after you saved Director Olga." She said with a deeply ashamed look.

"Ah… that. Sorry. It wasn't you I was angry at. It was an old acquaintance I was angry at." Adam waved his hand dismissively.

"So… it wasn't any of us that you are angry with?" Ritsuko asked again to confirm.

"No. I am not. It's just a misunderstanding." Adam nods in confirmation.

"Fiuh. That's a relief. Without you, we wouldn't be able to resolve the Singularity and compared to myself. Adam senpai is much more important to the Chaldea. So, I wish we all could maintain a friendly relationship and work together." Ritsuko revealed her true intentions which made Adam frown.

"Now. No need to belittle yours, Ritsuko Fujimaru. The reason why you are struggling is because you are still inexperienced. No one can expect you to be best at something you have never done before. Comparing yourself to me is a foolish thing to do because I have been alive and fighting for over ten thousand years and fought over a million wars. My strength and experience is not something you should use as measurement to yourself as it is a fool's work." Adam went into his lecture mode and banished those misconceptions and useless thoughts in her mind.

Both Ritsuko and Mash nod and take his advice and teaching to their hearts.

"Wait. Did you just say you had been alive for ten thousand years?" Mash suddenly recalled his words and looked incredibly shocked and excited too. "How is that possible while being a human?" Mash asked.

Adam explains about Gene-Seeds and the mutations of Perpetual in layman terms to Mash and Ritsuko without revealing much sensitive details.

"Then, is it possible to do this Gene Seeding on me?" Mash asked with a very strong hope in her voice, like she is desperate for it which is odd because Mash didn't strive for him to be someone obsessed with eternal life.

"Well, since you are still in your adolescent year. You are a little bit older since the procedure usually starts at the age of 14 which is the most optimal age. But, it is still possible for you. Although it is an immensely painful and tortuous procedure." Adam explained purposely in a way to deter her from wanting it. But, all he could see in her eyes was determination. A determination similar to that of Guardsmen fighting to see another day.

"I am prepared to endure anything." Mash replied with firm determination.

"Well, let's not get hasty because even if you are willing. We still need the Gene-Seeds to do the operation and a wide array of machinery and devices which we unfortunately have none."

"I see…" Mash immediately turned depressed and Ritsuko helped console her.

"Ah! Sorry to keep everyone waiting. We can finally proceed." A woman Adam assumed to be Da Vinci finally arrived with Alina too for some reason.

Here he thought Alina universally hated everyone aside from him, Malcador and the Emperor. But it seems while he was asleep, Alina went ahead and made a friend.

Adam flashed the confused Alina a thumbs up before he shifted his attention to the Servant summoning.

"Well, everyone seems to know who I am already. Yes, I am the Beautiful and Genius Da Vinci-chan. Anyway, let us get started with the Servant Summoning." Da Vinci said and walked to the magic circle drawn on the ground and then turned to Mash.

"Please place down your shield at the center, Mash."

"Okay." Mash said and immediately transformed into her Demi-Servant form and placed down her shield where Da Vinci asked.

"Alright. Next… Romani, how is the condition of the active reactor?"

"Just barely enough for summoning four Servants" Romani replied through the PA system installed in the room.

"Well, at least we can still proceed as we planned. Two Servants per Master Candidate." Da Vinci said before she tapped the magic circle with her staff which caused the magic circle to glow in blue light.

"So, who is going first? Hmn?" Da Vinci turns around and looks at Ritsuko and Adam.

Ritsuko immediately lifted her hand up in this strange excitement. "Me, I would like to go first. Is that alright?" She then turns to look at Adam.

"Well, I would like to observe first. So, go ahead. Also, take this. This should work as a catalyst right?" Adam gave Ritsuko a shard of a black armor.

"This…" Ritsuko looked surprised.

"Indeed, it's Saber's armor shard I preserved because I thought it might be useful as ingredients for an Arcane ritual."

"Alright. But first, I want to summon without using a catalyst." Ritsuko step closer to the magic circle and follow Da Vinci's instructions to recite the chant.

"...From the Seventh Heaven,

attended to by three greet words of power,

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protector of the Holy Balance!"


The energy gathered and formed into a blue beam which exploded harmlessly other than its blinding light before a Servant did appear. Wearing a blue skin tight suit and holding a red demonic spear.

"I am Servant Lancer, Cu Chulainn. The— Wait. It's you guys. Well, I am glad to meet familiar faces. Also, thanks for summoning me as a Lancer, Master."

"Glad to have you too, Cas— Uh, I mean, Lancer." Ritsuko greeted him and welcomed him to Chaldea.

Cu then merrily walked out the summoning circle and greeted everyone before standing next to Mash.

Then Ritsuko repeated the summoning once more. But this time she utilized the catalyst Adam lent her. After the energy converged into a pillar and exploded with a blinding light, a servant appeared.

"I am Servant Sa— It's you!" Saber's introduction cuts short when Saber immediately points her sword at Adam and her sword bursts with dark energy.

Mash panicked without her shield. But Cu immediately sprung forward and stood before Saber.

"Get the hell out of my way, Lancer. I must make that coward pay for my humiliation!"

"What about, no? Besides, don't you forget our purpose as a Servant." Cu reminded Saber which did calm her down a bit. But it wasn't enough.

"No, I refuse to work alongside this cowardly bastard!" She pointed her blade at Adam but Saber's word had caused Alina to immediately turn hostile.

"You ignorant bumpkin girl dares to slander Milord as a coward?! Even if I die here today, I will make you pay for your words!"

The situation immediately devolved into a clash of blades.

Da Vinci sneaked closer to Adam and whispered to him, "I know your companion is strong. But that servant is the fabled King Artoria Pendragon, you know? Is she going to be alright?"

Adam glanced at Da Vinci and nodded approvingly that she would worry about Alina. They must be quite a close friend already, then.

"Hmn. It's fine. If it gets dangerous. I will stop the fight. I wanted to see the extent of Saber's strength since I couldn't properly assess her last time with the Grail in her possession."

"Well, if you said so." Da Vinci nodded.

So, everyone watched the duel between the two. At least Saber is aware enough not to cause wanton destruction in her duel with Alina with her sword beam or else, the Chaldean staff will throw their towel and go on a strike.

While Saber has overwhelming strength, she is hard pressed to overwhelm Alina who, like Adam, had very rich battle experience. Alina, unlike Adam who despite having superior techniques, prefers to defeat his opponent with strength over technique. For Alina, she can predict her Saber's next move well before she even did her previous one thanks to being a Psyker as well and able to see a glimpse of the future through the Warp.

After a little over three minutes of trading blows, Alina managed to disarm Saber who was forced to hold back her strength. But for someone who isn't a Servant, Saber has to acknowledge that Alina is a superior swordswoman.

Leaving Saber to her device, Alina returns to Adam and kneels before him to declare her victory.

"I have defended your dignity and honor, Milord."

"Hmn. You did well as I expected, Alina." Adam placed his hands on her arm and lifted her up before he looked at Saber.

Saber is clearly still dissatisfied. But she acknowledged her defeat and wouldn't pursue it anymore as she joined Cu next to Mash and leaned on the wall with a cold snort directed at Adam's gaze.

With those out of the way, it's Adam's turn to summon. He repeats the exact chant that Ritsuko used and soon, a familiar Servant.

"Tsk!" Cu clicks his tongue before looking away while the newly summoned Servant gives Cu a smug look before he looks at Adam.

"I have a feeling that we can get along well, Master." The tanned Archer said before walking away and standing next to Alina and the sitting Sif, greeting the latter one after the former gave him a cold shoulder. As for Sif, she gives Archer a few probing sniff before she gives him a bark of approval.

"Well, I am glad to gain your approval." Archer said, giving an exaggerated display of etiquette to Sif's acknowledgment.

Then Adam summoned the next Servant. Not as impressive as the previous line up though.

"Servant Assassin, Hassan of the Cursed Arm. I shall be at your disposal, Lord Mage." The cloaked figure wearing a white skull mask and an unnaturally big and wrapped right arm, bowed and greeted Adam.

Adam immediately turned his gaze to the wrapper hand, able to sense the Demonic presence from it. However, it seems subdued and controlled. So, he didn't address it immediately.

"Great, now that both Masters had summoned their Servants. You all are dismissed. Although the Masters are suggested to get to know their Servants better since all of you are going to fight side by side during the Singularity. Knowing what your Servant's capability is is the job of the Master." Da Vinci said after clapping her hand to get their attention.

After that, everyone left the Summoning Room to do their own things.
