Chapter 28

((1/1) For this week release.)

During the night, Adam finds himself unable to sleep. Not that he needed since he can go years without sleeping a wink and still perform at his peak state.

He glanced at his bed where Alina and Sif slept together before he turned away and walked to the balcony.

"Oh, Master. Can't sleep too?" Jeanne Alter called out from the roof which made Adam lift his head up and look at Jeanne Alter who is moon gazing alone.

"Yes. I am not used to taking a sleep during the duration of a mission."

"That's something odd to say. Isn't being well rested is important for a warrior since exhaustion can hinder your performance." Jalter said as she jumped down from the roof to the balcony.

Somehow, Jalter is in a good mood considering her smile.

"Indeed. However, I am far from being a normal human. My body is turned into a weapon to fight an endless war in mind. I could fight for years without rest, food or water and still perform at my best." He answered without much experience or expectations. He simply stated the fact like it's normal. For him at least.

The smile and good mood on Jalter immediately washed away like a crumbling sandcastle before a wave.

Others might not see it. But she could. She could see the smothered embers of hate and anger deep inside him. The feeling bore out of the hatred of his situation. The situation that led him to be what he is today.

Now she figured out why she connects really well with him. Turns out they aren't all that different. It's just that Adam had let it go while she embraced it and became what she is now, the Servant of Avenger class, a Heroic Spirit of Vengeance, born from powerful resentments and hatred that wouldn't fade even after death.

The two stared at each other for quite some while. Adam was curious what was going on inside her head while Jalter was thinking about their similarity.

"You know, Master. I had been curious about you." Jalter bluntly said. "Other Servants like to discuss things with you when they have free time. But none of them like to talk to me about it. So, I wonder if I could hear from you. Not like you are going to sleep at all anyway, right?"

Adam gave the request a thought and nodded. "Sure." He replied after he recalled something from Olga's lesson about Servants.

Servants in some sense are just a very advanced magical familiar. There are particular rules and ways how their powers are manifested. Such as being in the region they were born in gives them power. Or enacting the feat of their legend like how Siegfried the Dragonslayer receives power up when against anything with the Dragon trait.

Similarly, there is a mechanic called Bond. The better they are connected or the closer their bonds are, the stronger the Servant will be when fighting for him. Essentially, it's just to foster a greater level of trust and loyalty. The more they trust and feel loyal to their Master, the better and more willing they are to fight for you. Which sometimes allow them to go beyond their limit of their vessel and tap more into their Heroic Spirit self.

With that in mind, Adam wouldn't mind spending time to foster his bond between Jalter considering she is a powerful Servant and definitely an asset for the future Singularities to come.

Together, Adam and Jalter stay on the balcony the whole night to dawn talking about his journey in the previous universe. From his 'birth' in the underbelly of a hive city to being kidnapped and done various body modification and implant surgeries before he was told by the Emperor he will shoulder a grand mission for the survival of the Imperium, the only true bastion of humanity in the hostile universe choked fill with hostile and dangerous xenos race from the minor to a great ones like the Necron, Ork and Aeldari also most dangerous of the threats, the Chaos.

During the talk, Jalter serves mostly as a silent listener. She was simply too shocked to form any thoughts as the moment she thought she acclimated to the story, he would drop another bigger bomb to blow her mind away.


Next morning, the Chaldeans are invited for a morning breakfast with Emperor Nero.

"Emperor Nero." Olga called after they were done eating.

"Umu! What is it, Director of Chaldea?" Nero replied in a good mood and free spirited like she had finally removed one more worry from her mind.

"We would like to ask you for a favor to visit Mount Etna."

"Mount Etna, huh? Of course it is possible. My Court Mage used to visit Mount Etna a lot too. Hmm… but why?" She wondered out of curiosity and already agreed to help to provide a means of transportation.

"Perhaps because it is one of the closest Leyline points to the capital. We need it in order to resupply our field team during their mission." Olga swiftly answered which left Nero nodding in understanding.

"Umu. If that is the case, go ahead. I will arrange a few carriages for you Chaldean." She said since it is to aid her campaign to drive out the United Empire, she is very willing to help the Chaldean to resupply.

"Thank you, Emperor Nero." Olga quickly expressed her gratitude.

"Umu! It's fine, I am generous after all." She replied proudly which sounded arrogant but did not displease anyone since she is like that and didn't mean anything bad.

Upon Nero's arrangement, the Chaldean departed to Mount Etna posthaste. Even though they could just ask Martha to summon her dragon and ride it there, doing so might reveal their strength to the enemies which they wanted to conceal.

In less than a day through carriages, the Chaldean arrived at Mount Etna and climbed it swiftly with the aid of Servant's superhuman capabilities. After they resupply with appropriate supplies for the Singularity, they returned back to the capital.


"Umu, you all are quick to return which is a good thing. There are reports coming in that the front on Gaul had been attacked by the United Empire and are requesting reinforcement."

"And you require our aid?" Adam guessed.

"Umu! You are quick to upvote. I did not choose the wrong person indeed. Yes, unfortunately there are more sightings of these 'Servants' you Chaldean spoke of with those who are dead still alive on the opposing side."

The expressions on everyone upon hearing the news are basically an unanimous agreement that the United Empire did employ Servants and very surely also own the Grail which is needed to summon these Servants.

"As such, I will be sending reinforcements to Gaul and myself to aid them against the invasion of the United Empire and then mount a counterattack to invade them and put an end to the United Empire."

"Umu! You Chaldean will follow me too, to deal with these 'Servants' on the United Empire's side." She declared which none object since this is what the Chaldean wished for.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ritsuko nods after getting the agreement from everyone.

After that, they are preparing to depart. But the Chaldean have free time since the soldiers are doing the preparation. Adam, Alina and Sif were missing from the group after the Imperial Court.

With Adam, he is staying in the guest room while pondering about something. Alina and Sif merely follow him, thinking he would like to meditate before departing. However, with Adam staring at the void instead of closing his eyes to meditate, that isn't the case.

"What is it that bothers you, Milord?" Alina asked, able to read his thoughts with a simple glimpse at him with how long they had been together.

Adam turned to look at Alina sitting next to him with her legs folded and Sif lay next to her also looking at Adam in concern.

"It was my Intuition." Adam said with a frown on his face.

In the previous Universe, his Psychic power is powerful enough that he can get Divination or Future Sight instead of just his intuition flaring up. But now, it has grown weaker and the best he can get is his Intuition warning him with vague feelings and sensations instead of clear pictures of what future has in hold for him.

None that is concerning. He cannot feel his death. But that didn't mean it is good either because what he worried more than himself is the Chaldean because they could die even if he couldn't. Especially Ritsuko and Mash who still have mortal bodies unlike the Servants that can be resummoned.

"Perhaps, we could ask Lord Malcador to perform Divination for us?" Alina suggested considering Malcador is the greatest Psyker in Divination Discipline.

Adam shook his head. "I doubt he could perform any better than me in this situation. The issue isn't my capability but the Warp of this Universe. Something is trying to hide its secret like a dragon hoarding treasures in its lair. That something is preventing me from prying its secrets." He explained which left Alina disappointed at herself that she had nothing else to suggest.

"It's not your fault, no need to beat yourself up for such trivial matters. Knowing the future or not didn't matter to me. I will crush everything that stood in my path like I always had been and always will be." He said while looking a little awkward to display his affection since it felt very unnatural for him. But he placed his hand, bigger than her head, on top of her head and patted it like he would Sif since he didn't know how else to do it.

On the side, Sif watched Alina receiving headpat while she didn't, immediately nudging her head against Alina to fight for the hand out of jealousy while whining very vocally about it. The two, a transhuman and a giant Fenrisian wolf fighting for a headpat.

"There is enough for both. Come." Adam offers his other hand to Sif who is having a fight with Alina.

He found the scene very funny. A huge difference from before. In such a peaceful time they can afford to joke around although Alina didn't look like she was joking when she pulled out her falchion to shave Sif bald for stealing her affection while Sif replied with her claws ready to retaliate.


Near the afternoon, the soldiers had completed their preparation and Nero ordered the expeditionary force to march toward Gaul with the Chaldean along.

Due to the requirements of arriving quickly, all the soldiers either ride on horse for the higher ranking officers and cavalry while the footsoldiers ride on carriage and wagons.

The Chaldean opted for a horse although just for Ritsuko despite her protest. But she didn't have stamina like a Servant to keep up along the entire journey. As for Adam, he and Alina ride on Sif next to Nero herself, talking to Nero who asks him all sorts of questions to keep herself entertained along the boring journey.

"Umu, what an impressive mount. Where can I get a wolf like her?" Nero tilted her head up very high to look at Adam due to their height difference added with Sif being very tall.

"Unfortunately, she is a very unique wolf found only in the world of Fenris. Even if you could go to Fenris, I doubt you can find one as majestic as Sif." Adam said and chuckled when Sif lifted her head up high and proudly once she was praised.

"That is very unfortunate to hear." Nero replied with disappointment but it vanished in a mere moment before she asked another question. But she was interrupted when Sif suddenly growled.

"Hmn, I'm afraid we have company." Adam said while looking at the direction Sif was looking while informing Nero.

"Umu, she can even detect enemies faster than my scouts. Truly impressive." Her eyes brighten while looking at Sif as if she would kidnap her if not for Adam.

"Let us take care of this, Your Majesty." Ritsuko suddenly said as she approached Nero on her horse.

"Umu! Go ahead. I shall bear witness to your might, Chaldean." Nero gave her permission before Ritsuko and the Servants marched forward ahead of the expeditionary force to meet the enemies to ensure a smooth journey for the expeditionary forces.

The journey is a smooth sailing from there on. Whenever there are enemies approaching, the Chaldean will take care of them to not slow down the pace of the expeditionary forces.

That is until they arrived near a passage surrounded by a small valley on both sides. Such a place was chosen as a shortcut since they are pressed on time. However, Adam can feel something isn't right. His instinct in particular is screaming at him about a potential ambush.

"What is the matter, Master?" Jalter, who walked past Adam who stopped Sif in the middle of the road, asked.

Adam didn't reply and instead spread his Psychic sense to scan the valley as others also started to take notice of his sudden stop.

In the next instance, without even explaining. Adam tapped on Sif's back as she understood and charged forward.

From the top of the valley, the ambushers reveal themselves. Fashioned in power armor with some resemblance to Adam's but pinkish purple in color and very ornate although looked more twisted and blasphemous than how it originally should look while on their massive pauldrons bearing the iconography of the Prince of Pleasure.

"Emperor Nero! Bring all your soldiers and retreat immediately! You too, Ritsuko. These kinds of enemies are the worst for mortal humans!" Adam broadcast using his vox caster without turning back as he equipped himself with Psycannon and taking potshots at the Chaos Warband of Emperor's Children Marine that serve Slaanesh.

Of course, given with such sudden order. Both Nero and Ritsuko hesitated but Malcador in the Chaldea command room urged them to obey.

"His order is not without reason, those corrupting litanies of the Chaos are potent enough to corrupt any mortal human into that heard them. Especially so of litanies from worshiper's of the Prince of Pleasure." Malcador informed them which made Olga make the decisive order for Ritsuko to retreat along with Nero and her soldiers.

As for the Servants, with the exception of Mash. The rest join Adam to battle while Mash stays behind to protect Ritsuko if any enemies slip off and try to attack her.


"Damn it! Of all Traitor Marines, why must it be from Slaanesh?" Adam mumbles.

Slaanesh is generally weak as a Chaos God and so do her worshippers in direct confrontation with few exceptions. For those like Gray Knights who are very resistant to their methods and tactics, they are nothing more than nuisance. But against those without powerful mental fortitude, they are the worst type of enemies second only to the Worshippers of the Plague Lord due to their ability to spread corruption through pleasures from the mundane as eating or drinking to those dark and depraved pleasures that are deeply embedded in the mind of each human, degenerating those sensations and pleasures as they craves more and depravely. Even a Space Marine with a superhuman mental fortitude outclassed mortal humans by a wide difference are susceptible to corruption if they show any weaknesses to be exploited.

From the valley, Adam could see the small Warband of the Chaos Marine and their sizable army of Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh led by a tall and conspicuous Keeper of Secrets.

"Finally, I found you first. Your head shall be a great gift for my Master!" The Greater Daemon screeched and charged at him with its sharp blades, eager to claim Adam's head.

Adam narrowed his eyes at the loathsome and grotesque appearance of the Greater Daemon as he aimed his Psycannon at it.

"I heard it numerous times, such boastful claims and none had yet to survive nor succeed and so will you, repulsive Daemon." Adam spat in disgust as its vile psychic glamor and allure try to worm itself into his mind yet find themselves incapable of breaching his mental fortress.

"This time will be different, Champion of Humanity." The Greater Daemon did not snap at Adam as he would expect and instead calmly replied to him with a patient and disgusting voice. "You are no longer as strong as you previously were. But unlike you, neither I nor my Master suffer from losing connection to the Warp in this realm." The lips on the vile face of the Keeper of Secrets curved up as it lifted one of its humanoid arms and pointed its sword at Adam.

"Our Master is waiting for his head. Charge!" It screeches before the Daemonette and other Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh charged forward with glee at Adam.

Adam's expression remains unchanged as he stares down at the Keeper of Secret and its legion of horrific and twisted Daemons.

"I am weakened indeed. However, I wouldn't even need half or even a tenth of my power to crush you and that pathetic slut Master of your. In fact, I am grateful to learn she is here, outside of his realm because I'm going to kill him for good this time and make him regret each and every moment he has lived." Adam revealed a rare hungry smile on his face after learning that the God even involved Slaanesh himself in the Singularity as part of the Mission.

After all, of the four Chaos Gods. Slaanesh is one of the Chaos God he have personal grudge against because Slaanesh tried so hard to seduce him with all sort of divine and godly temptation only to fail miserably thus making him obsessed with corrupting Adam but it's a fool's work with his Indomitable Spirit and the other is Nurgle because the goddess, literally and metaphorically, he fell in loved with, to the extent of fighting Slaanesh in a bitter clash over, actually loved Adam instead and cucked him in front of his face with a kiss after Adam rescued Isha like a knight in shining armor. Something Alina still holds a grudge over because that is his first kiss too.

Hearing this, the Keeper of Secrets couldn't hold back its anger over the insults and personally charged at Adam along with its demonic screech of anger.


AN: I didn't even notice I cooked over 3k words so I have to cut it short. Anyway, I might reveal juicy bits about Adam and Isha and other females from Warhammer Verse enraptured by his charm in the future. Who knows, I might even feature them.

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