Chapter 29

(Not quite reaching the Pwr Stone goal. But eh, it didn't matter since my real objective is to get enough votes to enter the rankings and 60+ is good enough. So, here you go. 👍)

The reaction of the Servants to the enemies from Adam's previous world are mostly that of horror. Especially the Greater Daemon that Adam is personally facing off against.

Generally, the strength of Daemons varied. It mainly depends on how much power their patron God gifted to them and the more they are favored upon, the more power they are granted.

In the case of this Greater Daemon, it was favored a lot and Slaanesh personally sent it here to kill Adam who is currently weakened. Naturally the Greater Daemon is armed with power sufficient to perform its task.

While they witnessed Adam effortlessly slew a swath of Daemonettes with arcs of purifying Warp Lightning and fierce bursts of his wrist mounted Storm Bolter and naturally, his Titansword. However, when reaching the Keeper of Secrets. His advance was halted by its blade-like limbs while its humanoid pair of arms relentlessly prying a gap in his defense in hope to dig into his flesh. The speed they clash on are so fast that even in the Servant's eyes, Adam and the Keeper of Secrets are basically a blur and even leaving behind afterimages.

While Adam is impressive, Alina and Sif are incredible in their own ways too. Alina rides on top of Sif with her twin Nemesis Force Falchions laying down devastation upon the Daemons and Traitor Marines that dare to interrupt her Lord. Holding off hordes of Lesser Daemons with her magnificent display of Psychic power that is often overshadowed by Adam because of the lack of opportunity. But not this time.

Dark clouds gather above the battlefield like a swirling tornado about their head. Arcs of white lightning streaked around it, releasing a thunderous roar before a thick pillar of lightning struck down at the enemies, dealing a splash of lightning bolts that purified those Daemons by the dozens with each splashing smite like a Goddess of Lightning standing before the battlefield.

Sif wasn't going to let herself be overshadowed either despite lacking impressive Psychic power like Adam and Alina. Her sharp pair of claws rend her enemies apart and her jaw shatters even steel that finds itself there.

In such a brief moment the Servants were awe struck, the trio had wiped out at least a quarter of the enemies.

"We shouldn't stand here and continue gawking. Let's help." Emiya said which woke everyone up and Traced himself a black bow and Hrunting to shoot down the bigger and stronger enemies while leaving the smaller ones to Artoria with her Mana Burst beam blade, sweeping the battlefield.

Martha summoned her Dragon, Tarasque into battle and wreaked havoc in the enemy's rank in order to prevent the Daemons from mustering a proper counterattack like a cavalry, riding her dragon into battle.

As for Jeanne and Jeanne Alter, both sprint without stopping and heading in Adam's direction.

While Adam looks like he is taking the fight well, he actually is incapable of dealing any fatal damage on the heavily empowered Keeper of Secrets by Slaanesh. He ordered the two to come into his aid and slay the Daemon before wiping out the remaining Lesser Daemons lest they survive and spread further corruption on this world.

"No matter how much you defend, it is useless if none of them could injure me!" The bovine abomination howled gleefully as one of its bladed limbs managed to stab through the thinner layer of his armor and drew fresh blood.

Adam gave no reaction to the Daemon's words and instead let it stab it's bladed arm deeper before he amputated it with a swift slash with his Titansword before the Daemon retreated in a panic and painful grimace.

"Why would you act so proud? At the end of the day, only your strength increases. Not your intellect. You never thought that I might just be stalling for time." Adam snorted before he sidestepped. "Jalter! Now!" He look a Jalter that swiftly replaced his spot and lifting her dark banner high.

"Le Grondememt Du Haine!"

Amidst of its own confusion, the Keeper of Secrets find itself suddenly stabbed by several unavoidable spears, piercing its flesh effortlessly despite the blessing it obtained from its patron. Then, a fiery blaze scorching like the fire from the pits of hells burns it's flesh and soul. Nothing it did could snuff the flame. Instead it simply burns stronger like the hatred of its conjurer.

The Daemon howled in pain from it's soul being scorched, praying and begging help from its patron only to be ignored.

"This is the end, Daemon. Mark my words, I shall hunt down your kind and your gods, those who dare tread upon this world will have to meet their end by my blades just like you right now." Adam gave his final words before plunging his Titansword supercharged with the purifying Warp Lightning.

The Keeper of Secrets finds itself electrocuted and simultaneously burned by the exorcizing Psychic energy. It's final moment is filled with unbearable pain not even Slaanesh worshipers' love for masochism could help as Adam makes sure it is screaming and begging for the sweet release of death before annihilating it's soul to never be reborn again.

By the time the leader of the Daemon legion fell, most of the Lesser Daemon had been annihilated. Others are pursuing the fleeing army of Daemon while Adam found respite in the post battle, trying to take in the information and plan his steps forward now that the Daemon and Slaanesh are in the picture.

Naturally, Slaanesh took priority. As long as the Patron God fell, his gift would naturally vanish too and the Daemon would lose their power. However, locating the Dark God of Pleasure is difficult.

Normally, a Chaos God is like a shining beacon of Psychic energy. Whenever they manifest in reality through an avatar, it would be quite obvious even from the farthest reach of a galaxy. But not on this occasion it seems.

After some while of waiting, Ritsuko, Mash and Nero regrouped with Adam.

"Umu! You fought splendidly as expected!" Nero wasn't hesitating to offer praise when it was warranted.

Adam returns the gesture with only a nod of acknowledgement before turning to Ritsuko and asking her to hurry and connect to Chaldea. Nero isn't upset to be ignored. She at least understand the urgency of the situation considering a literal army of demons just appeared and almost slaughtered her expeditionary forces if not for the intervention of Adam and the Chaldean.

Upon connecting to Chaldea, Malcador already waited solemnly next to Romani. Both understand the gravity of the situation without needing to converse.

"Mash, deploy your shield for the summoning ritual. I shall act as the anchor for the summoning." Adam said before turning to the screen where Malcador nodded before moving to the Rayshift room.

With swift work done, Malcador soon arrived at the Singularity and Adam reached into his Inventory and handed over the severed head of the Keeper of Secrets to Malcador who immediately performed a Divination ritual.

Psychic energy rolling off Malcador like a wave of tsunami and from his body, a pillar of light burst into the sky, causing a phenomena of swirling clouds like vortexes above the sky as he pry the secrets of the universe with greater mastery than what Adam could wish to perform. After all, Divination is Malcador's specialty among a few others and also the main teacher of Adam in Psychic Disciplines.

After a while, the phenomena faded and everything returned to calmness. Malcador opened his eyes solemnly and looked in a certain direction.

"As it has told you and us, The Prince of Pleasure is indeed in this reality. Hiding on a certain island biding his time doing something. Weaken as he is, a weakened Chaos God is still a Chaos God, they are not an opponent we should approach without proper preparation and adequate forces." Malcador stated before his eyes scanned the people around him with a silent message most understood without needing to be told.

"I understand, however. We didn't have a choice either. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If we fell the Dark God…" Adam did not finish his words and looked at Malcador.

"I understand, son. It is the greatest wish of all mankind." Malcador sighed and noticed that he didn't understand why Adam hated the Chaos with passion that he is willing to throw all sense of prudence out of the window.

"However, will you tell me how you expect to slay the Dark God? Just with yourself?" Malcador asked with a look of disappointment. More on himself and the Emperor than Adam since this is the result of their work.

"What! He planned to go on his own?" Even Ritsuko and Mash are shocked.

"Umu. Even though I would like to help, there is little we can offer to aid in his mission." Nero added too since this is a matter of killing God after all. Not something mortals like her and her people can help with.

"Of course." Adam nods with a frown at Malcador's lack of support. "Neither the corruption of Slaanesh or Chaos can affect me and I am an immortal. I'm the most suitable candidate in this regard." His frown deepened with his words. He couldn't understand Malcador's hesitation.

Again, Malcador sighed with greater disappointment and said. "Clear your mind for once and think again, Adam." His voice spoke with a graver tone. "Has the thought of killing the Dark God muddled your mind? This is another universe and another world. It operates with different rules from the previous and nothing is absolute. Especially with your immunity and immortality." Malcador spoke with a harsher tone, scolding Adam like he is just a little child.

"Remember what I taught you, Adam. In the universe, there is no such thing as absolute. Even beings far greater than you and me had fallen, the Old Gods, The Emperor and many more. Your's are simply stronger than others and there are definitely ways to subvert your Immunity of Warp's corruption." His voice gradually turned softer after Adam gained a realization of his mistake.

After Adam realized his mistake and reflected on it, he quickly thought of a way. What way can he bolster his forces when he could not rely on the Servant to participate in a battle with Slaanesh.

His idea was to summon. Since summoning Malcador is possible, what stops him from summoning more people from the previous Universe?

It's the limitation of Chaldea's power reactors to supply necessary energy.

But, since when did a Psyker have such limitations? A Psyker's power is simply limited by how much they can safely draw from the Immaterium. For Adam, that's basically endless when coupled with the fact that the Immaterium here is much safer compared to the previous Universe.

But before Adam could proceed with his thought, Olga stopped him.

"I would object! Last time you performed Irregular Summon, the Fate System had suffered extensive errors that had yet to be fully fixed. If you attempt more, you risk breaking it apart entirely!"

Indeed, this is also another factor that stopped him. But, it isn't going to stop him. Killing Slaanesh takes priority, whatever else he will deal with later once he completes his goal.

Adam turned to face the floating screen and looked firmly into Olga's eyes which caused her to subconsciously take notice of it and gulped because his presence radiated so much reassurance that she felt like she could surrender everything to him in that very moment and let all her worries wash away.

"Please let me do it. Whatever happens later, I will take full responsibility, Director Olga Marie Animusphere." He spoked solemnly.

Olga was too stunned to say a word and thankfully her expression wasn't visible from the voice only transmission due to unstable connection or she could never live with it anymore.

"*Cough* Director…" Romani cleared his throat loudly while averting his gaze away. "He is still waiting for your decision."

Olga is quick to hide her flustering and blushing state before immediately glare at Romani like everything is his fault before she coughed and addressed the question.

"Well, if you said that much. I will place my trust in you. To be clear, I only do this because you are the expert in the matter of Daemon and nothing else. Hmn. Definitely because of that." The way she said it was more like trying to reassure herself than anything.

"Thank you, I will definitely not betray that trust you place in me." Adam nodded before his attention turned back to the Summoning Circle on the ground that Malcador previously used.

"Ah… o-Okay…" Olga replied as her blush deepened and she couldn't even look at his face on the screen without her head exploding in smoke from how red her face was, metaphorically.


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