Chapter 34

As the night grows darker, few get to sleep as they battle insomnia. The horror of the recent battle is still fresh in their mind, not to mention the result of Malcador's Divination that haunts the mind of many.

The topic of the 'Beast 666' is what the Servants are discussing. More specifically, the 'Beast' itself. Chief of them is Emiya, while not actively discussing, he did share what information he had to spare.

'Beast' is one of the Classes within the Saint Graph record, technically a Servant but in reality is calamity incarnate. Calamities that threaten the existence of humanity itself, borne out of the Sins of Humanity, from the very existence of humanity itself as they progress their civilization.

"Normally, when a Beast is summoned. The Counter Force would definitely summon a Grand Servant too to counteract its manifestations. That is one of its purpose of creation." Jeanne explains with the knowledge afforded to her as a Ruler Class Servant. "However…" She paused and hesitantly wanted to continue.

"But, the Beast is no longer one since it was devoured by Slaanesh? Thus, the Counter Force is unable to mobilize a Grand Servant?" Adam finished her words with a grim countenance as others did too when they realized the severity of the matter.

"That is indeed the case." Emiya replied after he tried to sense the influence of Counter Force which hadn't increased and confirmed Adam's guess.

"But that is! Is… impossible." Romani suddenly interjected with a shout and paused. "Even if the Beast no longer exists, the fact that there is a threat to Humanity existing in the Singularity does not change and it's illogical for the Counter Force to simply ignore it." He said very confidently which raised a few eyebrows at him, especially Olga who is standing next to Romani but decided now isn't the time to ask other questions.

"That is true." Olga nodded.

As the heir of Animusphere Family, she has access to much classified information many Magi cannot hope of even seeing and the existence of Counter Force is one of them. Otherwise, not many Magus would dare be rampant with their crazy experiments.

"I would not ask why you have connections to the Counter Force. But I hope you can find out why is the Counter Force retracting it's support on the Singularity." Olga commanded Emiya who didn't argue and nodded his head before trying to get in touch with the Counter Force.

While waiting, Adam raises another statement.

"I don't think it's possible to bring Ritsuko into battle anymore. The situation had grown so severe that I suggested that she and the other Servants retreat from the Singularity. Malcador and the Astartes alone are sufficient to defeat Slaanesh." He said.

Immediately some Servants protested. Mainly Jalter for being moved to the side bench. Artoria protested too for being forced out from this mission, saying that she does not fear Slaanesh and neither is she afraid of Slaanesh corruption. Saying that Holy Power from Excalibur is sufficient to ward off any attempts of Slaanesh to corrupt her because even if Blackened, Excalibur Morgan is still the Strongest Holy Sword.

To her argument, Adam could not refute and better to have a more capable hand considering Artoria herself minus her Noble Phantasm already have the firepower of an average Battle Titan.

As soon as Adam approved Artoria's participation, Jeanne also joined and of course, Jalter who didn't want to be left behind from any battle.

But suddenly, Adam stood up and his expression turned ice cold as his head snapped to the direction of Alina's room. Others are confused but wary, thinking Adam sensed an enemy. Which is correct. An enemy slipped into their temporary base. But for Malcador, he was shocked and concerned because he could sense with his Psychic sense but incapable to intervene because the Divination attempt on Slaanesh left him drained and exhausted.

In the next moment, a surge of power ripped the wall apart and revealed the room Alina was staying in. A Daemon of Slaanesh appeared and nearly assassinated Alina in her sleep but thwarted by the two Champions relegated to her protection and Sif who stood guard before her.

"You dare!" His voice dripping in cold rage.

Adam almost lost Alina not too long ago and now Slaanesh tried to assassinate her? If there was any rationality left in him, now he had none. Twice Slaanesh had tried to rob him of the person precious to him, and continues to prod at his bottom line.

The Assassin Daemon flew into the grip of Adam's extended hand and he crushed the life out of the vile creatures before throwing its lifeless corpse to the side like trash.

While other sees cold determination in Adam's eyes, Malcador sees self blame and guilt underneath the mask of his cold determination.

"Adam." Malcador shook Adam off his thoughts with his hand firmly pressed against Adam's hand. "No need to blame yourself for a mistake, not yours. If I couldn't sense it, how could you sense it?"

"But…" Adam grit his teeth and wanted to say something but the stare from Malcador made him slam his jaw shut and swallow his words.

"No buts. It's the machinations of Slaanesh, to sow weakness in your mind. Your will is unbreakable and firm. But your mind isn't." Malcador sighed in hidden guilt and wondered if it's truly a boon that Adam finally regained his emotions or was it a curse instead.

No matter how Adam had grown for the past ten millennia, shaped into the tool and blade of his and The Emperor's design. Deep down, Adam has still never grown out of his true old self, a naive boy who knows nothing of battle. No, he is simply projecting a shell of personality of a tool that he and The Emperor indoctrinated. To become what he isn't and to become what he shouldn't be. But now that shell had been broken and merged together into a mix of both. It was like waking up from a lucid dream only to have ten thousand years long memories engraved vividly in his mind.

Adam was trying to meet the expectations of the people who looked up to him and tried his best. Those people might not be able to notice it but Malcador practically raised him and he could see it with a glance. It was like a sick entertainment of a higher being imposed upon Adam. To force him to live through what he had tried to abandon and force him to relive the horror he had escaped.

When Malcador felt the otherworldly summon and learned the nature of the summon, he accepted to atone for what he did. While Adam isn't the sole person he should atone to, Adam is the only one he is capable of atoning to as the others are beyond his grasp. He hopes to lessen his burden and help him as much as possible, that's why he manipulated the Daemon to assassinate him instead of Alina because she is Slaanesh's true goal.

As he said before, while Adam's will is unbreakable and firm, his mind isn't, especially at the present where he is struggling to even put on the mask of his broken shell. Alina was like the anchor of the ship that is his mind amidst a turbulent and stormy sea. A companion that accompanied him for such a long time that he finds comfort and reassurance in her familiar and reassuring presence despite not knowing or acknowledging it. If she were to drift apart from him, the mask of that shell he wore that is built like a house of cards will also crumble instantly. By extension, that applies to himself too who Adam sees as a pillar of confidence that had guided him for many times.

"But…" The mask on his face waver and cracked and his true emotions seeped out as his vulnerability became apparent.

Malcador gave Adam no opportunity to object and Adam could only nod silently before hesitantly going to check on Alina and Ritsuko to prepare their returns to Chaldea.


When Adam is once again in the room Alina was resting, he found her initially asleep. But his presence seems to have alerted her, who is a light sleeper.


"It's alright, you should continue to rest." Ray stopped her from trying to sit and lightly nudge her back to her bed.

"I'm just here to inform you that soon Romani will prepare a Rayshift for Malcador and Ritsuko. For you, unfortunately you cannot return via Rayshift, so I might have to unsummon you and Sif for a bit." He explained his purpose of being her.

The immediate thought that came to Alina's mind is to deny it since she wanted to fight alongside him. But looking at his slightly raised brow and eyes filled with unspoken worry. Alina hesitated, especially when Adam was subconsciously squeezing her hand. Not because she couldn't trust Adam to win. But she can see vulnerability in him, it's a very fatal mistake to have considering he will be fighting against a Chaos God soon and his emotions could be a weakness Slaanesh can use to exploit his mind. If accepting his arrangement can put his mind at ease for the upcoming battle, who is she to say no? In fact, it's her duty to ensure so, both as his Auxiliary and lover.

In the end, Alina reluctantly accepted to be unsummoned along with Sif. But not without making him promise to win the battle.

Normally, Alina would be worried. But with the other Gray Knights Brothers supporting him, Alina can rest assured because they are as loyal as her and much more ferocious than her to their Gene-Father.

"I promise, this will be a swift one." Adam promised as his voice turned steely in resolve as he vowed to slay Slaanesh. For himself and the future of Imperium.


In the next hour, Ritsuko, Mash, Martha, Archer and Malcador had been Rayshifted back to Chaldea as Adam rounded up those who remained for a speech. A final speech before the dreaded battle.

Adam stood straight and tall before an elevated ground, Titansword placed before him rooted to the marble floor and supporting his both arms that rested on its wide guard. He faces before before his Gene-Sons and the three Servants, their faces grim and determined reflecting his own.

To the Chaldean watching, this Adam is an unfamiliar one. A stark contrast to the usual Adam they knew. But to the Gray Knights, this is the Adam they knew and worshiped, the Adam that is the Champion of Humanity, the Supreme Grand Master of the Gray Knight Legion, their Primarch and their Gene-Father.

As he opened his jaw, his voice, cold and unyielding, cut through the oppressive silence that hung heavily on those who volunteered to the subjugation force of Slaanesh.

"Brothers and sisters. This is the hour of our reckoning. We stand on this unfamiliar yet familiar battlefield, with only the cold embrace of destiny awaiting us. Our enemies, the Chaos God Slaanesh, seek to extinguish our flame and the last flame of hope for Humanity of this universe. He is the embodiment of excess, bound by his insatiable desires and he shall learn the true meaning of denial.

Our path has always been wrought with death and hopelessness. However, our Indomitable Will and Selfless Sacrifice had always been our tool against the darkness. We were forged in the crucible of war that is our universe to stand against the darkness, to uphold the Imperium's and The Emperor's sacred will when all others falter. Now, as the final battle looms before us, we face the ultimate test of our resolve.

Know this. We fight not for glory, nor is it for honor. But to uphold our duty, for the purity of our cause. In these last moments, our duty is clear. We shall embrace our fate with the same cold precision with which we have conducted our countless crusade. Slaanesh will find no pleasure in our end, only the stark realization of his own impotence before our steadfast will.

Do not fear the darkness that approaches. Embrace it, for it is in our darkest hour that our true strength shall be revealed. We will not bend, we will not break! We are the Grey Knights, the eternal guardians of humanity! Our sacrifices might not be remembered, our deeds known only to few. But it will not change this one fact! Our enemies shall be crushed beneath the weight of our unyielding resolve.

March forth, my sons and allies of my cause. Let the final battle be a testament to our unbreakable spirit. Let our enemies remember us not as helpless victims, but as the iron-clad force that defied and purged their corruption from both galaxies.

Today, we write the final chapter of our saga, and it shall be one of resolute defiance and absolute victory!

We are the Emperor's wrath and even in death we shall know no peace as the darkness encroaches upon our bastion! For in death we serve!"

With those words, Adam reached for the Titansword that immediately crackled with Psychic powers manifest as Warp Lightning. His presence radiates a powerful aura of white light bathing the surroundings with his purifying aura that vanquishes the corruption upon the land and . Hefting his blade, he cleaved open a Warp Rift as he march upon it with determination an steely resolve.

Affected by his unshakable determination, his Gene-Sons and his Servants followed his steps with renewed purpose, accompanying him into the jaw of the abyss with unrelenting resolve that not even death could break.


(AN: Sorry it took very long, I have to rewrite this chapter because how shitty it was initially while also experimenting with Chat GPT.)

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