Adjustment To The Story

So, for the past few days I'm taking break. I'm not really off from my fic since that can degrade my writing skill. So, I had been testing things out and streamlining the story and lores. Mainly the latter and find many details I made wrong and I'm addressing them here.

1. About Adam's rank within the Gray Knights. He is Primarch but at the start I used Supreme Grand Master because I confused with the lore as I placed Adam at the highest rank possible, not knowing that Primarch is above the Chapter Master because formerly, Legion is lead by Primarch but after they were broken down into Chapters, they are lead by Chapter Masters.

So, from here on, Adam will be changed to Primarch while Kaldor Draigo be the Supreme Grand Master

2. Regarding Alina's position in the Gray Knights, she isn't formally a member as she initially just follow Adam but slowly Adam push the responsibility of documents and paperworks to her as he went to frontline.

While Alina is formally just a secretary or Auxiliary in Warhammer Verse term, she unofficially held power as great as Adam himself since he allow her to use his name to convey orders. But that is very situational as A Supreme Grand Master technically out rank her, even a Grand Master outrank her. However, she is well respected as Adam's close companion and confidant. The average Battle-Brothers will obey her without questions but higher ranked members like the Grand Masters wouldn't if they find her order to be questionable or suspicious. But generally would since her voice is Adam's own and she usually lead the fleet and fortress-monestary in his place along with a Captain or someone equivalent as advisors.

3. Regarding Adam's weak display of power ever since leaving Warhammer Verse.

For a fact, Adam's psychic power might be inferior than The Emperor, but not weaker. He can compensate with his abilities and mainly his immunity to negative mental effects make him able to wield Psychic power to a greater extent.

So, why is he never used his Psychic power to greater extent? So, from what I learned from reading the lore. Psychic power is generally destructive. So, my main reason is Adam rather not resort to his more destructive power without getting forced to. He is simply being cautious, afraid what the results would be if he wantonly use his Psychic power without restraint.

The second reason is emotion. After leaving the Warhammer Verse, Adam rarely ever encounter opponent that can draw out his emotions, mainly anger since in my head, I imagine most of the time where Adam forced to use powerful Psychic power is when he is driven to the corner with anger that he unleash them to devastate his enemies. Otherwise, he would just limit himself to casual uses like Warp Fire and Witch Lightning.

Third reason, lack of need. His encounters with enemies so far had been weak. His physical might alone is sufficient to dealt with those enemies without warranting the need of greater Warp Sorceries

Well, that's it for now.

I'll update more if my discussion with Chat GPT results with more improvements or suggestions.