Chapter 37

For those outside of the imperial palace, they had resisted wave after wave of Lesser Daemons and mad cultists that tried to breach the palace. Yet the Grey Knights and the Servants fought fervently and desperately to prevent their enemies from intruding upon the battle inside.

"How much longer do we need to hold on?" Salter tried to calm her rapidly beating chest, grasping for the next breath despite her exhaustion.

To that question, Kaldor Draigo did not answer immediately and scanned his eyes to the others.

The Space Marines fare relatively well. Exhaustion is rarely ever a problem for them if ever. But the Servants had shown signs of exhaustion as they said that the Mana supply from Adam started to dwindle the moment he entered the palace.

"Have faith, sister. Our Primarch will definitely emerge victorious as he had always been. However, it is indeed true that you Servants could not continue for much longer." Kaldor Draigo spoked before he addressed another Grey Knight through his Vox Caster.

"Brother Janus." Kaldor Draigo spoked. "It's time to call upon our Battle-Brothers."

Grand Master Janus who received the order nodded before reaching his empty hand out where a banner of the lavishly woven Grey Knight's standard, a banner with their Legion's icon proudly flutters by the strong billowing winds.

Grand Master Janus raises the Legion's Standard, glowing with holy light, and slams it into the ground. As the standard pierces the earth, golden arcs of psychic energy burst outward, sanctifying the battlefield.

"By the Emperor's will, in His name I stand, unyielding!

Unto His light, I call forth my brothers in arms, shielded in faith, bound by our sacred duty!

Through blood and flame, we have walked. Through the fires of the Immaterium, we are tempered!

Now, upon this ground consecrated by our valor, rise! Grey Knights, warriors of the Emperor, heed my call!

I plant the Standard of our Legion. By this banner, none shall fall! Through unity, through brotherhood, we are one!

Come forth! In the name of the Emperor and our Primarch! Stand together, brothers! In their names, we shall fight until the last!"

"Empyreal Phalanx of the Grey Host!"

From this light, shadows of fallen or still alive Grey Knight Battle-Brothers emerged, clad in gleaming silver armor, their Nemesis Force Weapons shining with psychic power.

Across the battlefield resonates with the echoes of their war chants, and the Standard glows brighter, a beacon of the Emperor's will cleanse the taint that dare approach the sanctified ground where the banner is planted.

As the Noble Phantasm reaches full power, the Grey Knights fully materialize upon reality, ready to fight alongside them, a manifestation of their eternal brotherhood and sacred duty even in death.

The once overwhelmed defenders at the gate of the palace immediately found themselves with reinforcement of over a hundred Grey Knights Battle-Brothers who were filled with wrath and rage upon seeing the Chaos tainted Imperial Capital. Especially with the arrivals of two Grey Knights Dreadnoughts armed with Heavy Psycannon and Nemesis Doomglaive that immediately saturated the battlefield with their potent Anti-Psyker firepower that devastated the horde of Daemons with ease before shattering their formations with their mighty Nemesis Doomglaive to anything that dare approach them.

Instantly the once disadvantageous battle turned tide as the Daemons found themselves pushed back despite their seemingly endlessly spawning numbers. However, despite this. Kaldor Draigo did not look optimistic as the Servants did.

"How long will this… Noble Phantasm hold, Brother Janus?" Kaldor Draigo looks at the visibly drained Grand Master Janus holding on to the Grey Knight's Standard unmovingly.

"As long as necessary, Brother Kaldor." Grand Master Janus replied firmly which caused Kaldor Draigo frowned deeper under his helmet but did not push for an answer as he understood what Janus answered.

The Noble Phantasm Grand Master Janus deployed is incredibly draining and he could hold for a while. But because the Daemon can keep spawning from Slaanesh's power. Grand Master Janus' answer meant he will hold as long as it is necessary for Adam to emerge victorious against Slaanesh. However, strategically thinking. There's no way he could tell how much time Adam would require to defeat Slaanesh and to waste the large forces of his Battle-Brothers against these weak yet endlessly spawning Lesser Daemon's is idiotic that even the stupidest commander could tell is a complete waste of perfectly good manpower to tackle bigger enemy.

As such, Kaldor Draigo had a change of mind.

"Leave behind a dozen Battle-Brothers to guard the entrance. The rest fol—" His order was cut off when the palace trembled and a powerful roar filled with wrath shook the entire Imperial Capital.

Then from the direction of the throne room, the dome collapsed as monstrosity with seven heads covered with scales of red and gold emerged from within. Black sludges poured out from within the palace into the streets which horrific monsters spawn from and attacked the Grey Knights and the Servants.

Unlike the Lesser Daemons that spawn endlessly and numerously. These new monsters seem to be limited in number but immortal as long as they stand close to the black sludge no matter how they are killed. They will keep reforming and continue to attack.

As if it couldn't get any worse. A few Grey Knights Space Marines that accidentally stepped on the black sludge suddenly stopped moving before tendrils from the sludge tried to envelope their body, corrupting them to turn against their allies. But thankfully, resisting corruption is what the Grey Knight's is best on. However, even if the black sludge fails to claim any Grey Knights. Stepping on it is a guaranteed death sentence as the monsters and Daemon will gang on the incapacitated Grey Knights and kill them.

Seeing this scene unfolding upon the battlefield. Kaldor Draigo once again shouted his order which was previously interrupted.

"Brothers! Gather upon the palace entrance! Leave behind a dozen Battle-Brothers to guard the entrance. The rest follow me! The battle will end the moment Slaanesh is slayed. Wasting time on those monsters and Daemons is pointless!"

Hearing Kaldor Draigo's order through their vox, the Grey Knights scattered across the capital immediately gathered upon the palace.

As for the group with Kaldor Draigo. They follow his lead and storm into the palace in hope to reach Adam immediately.

Lifting their heads up, they could see the ensuing battle raging in the throne room. Thick and dark rumbling clouds gathered above the throne room as it rained thunderstrike upon thunderstike upon the red and golden monstrosity of a dragon which in return roared in pain before lashing out in anger and retaliatory attacks that destroyed a portion of the palace.

"Hurry, this way!" Jeanne led the way as she recalled the layout of the palace from her initial visit.


Inside the throne room.

The room was destroyed beyond recognition. Not even a trace of its past glory remained, demolished by the battle of the two titans.

Adam moved agilely and swift as wind despite his size, weaving through the monster's limbs and attacks while leaving slashes on the monster with his Titansword.

Titansword in his possession is not mere power sword commonly seen in the arsenal of the Imperium that is already rare enough to be coveted by most especially swordsmen due to its special feature. A disruptive energy field that wreaths the blade with energy that will split anything from the molecular level. Be it flesh, bone or armor plate alike, everything will be split in half by the disruptive energy field. The flesh of the monster is no different. However, despite that. There's no clear sign of victory.

Even if Adam could cut off the monster's limbs, they regenerate near instantly as the sludge below absorbs the severed limb and quickly regrows from its stump. Even if Adam added Warp Lightning to his blade, it only served to slow the regeneration but did not stop it.

This isn't his first time encountering such an opponent with overwhelming regeneration ability. Those within the rank of the Plague God, Nurgle and the Blood God, Khorne also have those with such persistent regeneration.

Usually, this kind of opponent relies on certain conditions to have such regeneration and for this monster, whenever its body part is regenerating, the black sludge will fill the injury or severed limbs. Thus, making the black sludge the necessary component to the monster's regeneration. However, he is powerless to remove it because the Grail in Slaanesh's possession keeps endlessly spilling these black sludge from within the large open jaw on the monster's chest.

Adam's only option would be to outlast Slaanesh simply because the sludge cannot be poured out endlessly. It's finite and requires large amounts of magical energy to produce. However, it would take days or weeks before Slaanesh would exhaust his magical energy.

Adam couldn't afford to wait for days because of the Servants fighting outside. While he did not worry for his Grey Knights, the Chaldean Servants did not have the endurance of a transhuman like the Space Marines that can fight for weeks without rest while retaining their peak combat efficiency. Also because he cannot allow Slaanesh to stay fused with the Beast VI or a bad consequence will happen. He must end the battle as soon as possible.

To do that, Adam needs to enter the monster itself and kill Slaanesh since he is the one manipulating the Grail from within. But, that is precisely the trap.

The Beast might look strong and mighty. But for some of Adam's caliber, its strength is pointless when its attack is rather straightforward and easily dodge.

No, it wasn't that the Beast is weak. It just didn't fight him with everything it had. Instead, it was stalling time. To force Adam to walk into Slaanesh's trap because he cannot afford to wait.

"Am I… hesitating?" Adam realized and made a mistake for suddenly pausing in battle.


The Beast whipped it's tail and hit Adam in the chest, throwing him into and through several walls like a cannonball.

The armor on his chest dented and caved in, pressing against his chest and making it incredibly difficult to breathe as he coughed out a mouthful of blood as he felt like his lung ruptured.

Heaving for breaths, Adam used his sword as a support and stood up from the crater he created. The thought of his hesitation still lingers in his mind, asking for an answer.

Did he fear what Slaanesh had become after his fusion with Beast VI?

No. He never fears greater adversaries.

Then, what exactly did he fear?

It's the loss of his immunity that caused his fear. The very scene where Slaanesh nearly corrupted him played in his mind when he assumed the form of Alina to beguile him. It was a testament that the current Slaanesh has the power to corrupt his mind.

Yet, what he feared isn't his own fall. But what will become to others, the Chaldean and his Gene-Sons if Slaanesh manages to turn him into a pawn of his bidding.

But then, Adam remembered Malcador's words. It's the machinations of Slaanesh, to sow weakness in his mind. His will is unbreakable and firm. But his mind isn't. Doubts will only hinder him from taking decisive action.

"That is true… Why am I doubting myself? As long as my will remains firm and unbreakable. I will never know defeat." Adam tightens his grip on his sword before standing up straight and stared directly into the Beast's eyes defiantly.

Seeing his opponent's action, the Beast roared and charged at Adam with the intention to trample him before he could restore his armor and mobility. But before it could, a flash of white appeared before Adam.

"Oh flag of mine, protect our comrades!"

"Luminosité Eternelle!"

A golden radiance swallowed his vision before it was promptly restored to see Jeanne in front of him with her Noble Phantasm deployed which halted the Beast's attack.

Before the Beast could react, a pillar of dark beam smashed to its side, evaporated half of its right side and felled it to the ground accompanied with a pained roar.

Soon, Adam saw dozens of Grey Knights poured in and laid waste of their firepower upon the Beast along with Jalter and Artoria. But it would be for waste as the black sludge quickly fills in the injury of the Beast and quickly heals it back to its pristine state.

Seeing this, Kaldor Draigo approached Adam with a question that Adam already knew.

"It's futile to attack it as long as the Grail Mud are present. It would keep healing it near instantly." Adam said, which caused Kaldor Draigo to frown and wonder what else they can do as they have no access to any previous firepower that can exterminate the Beast in one go.

"Then, what should we do now, Milord?" Kaldor Draigo hesitantly asked.

Looking at Kaldor Draigo before turning to the Beast that was engaging in battle against the Grey Knights and Chaldean Servants, Adam lift the sword that was previously planted firmly on the ground and said.

"I'm going inside it and killing Slaanesh myself to stop the Grail Mud from continuing pouring out." Adam said resolutely.

Hearing this, Kaldor Draigo simply nodded and approached the battle.

"We will open a path for you, Milord." Kaldor Draigo said before he charged into battle while issuing orders through his vox.

But, before Adam could take a step forward. He noticed Jeanne stood nearby and staring at him.

"You must return safely. We… Chaldea and everyone else will be waiting for you." Jeanne said firmly with worries painted on her face.

Jeanne had seen those same scenarios many times. Those brave martyrs that are willing to do anything for victory even at the cost of their lives.

Hearing this, Adam made light-hearted chuckles and placed his massive hand on her frail looking yet sturdy shoulder.

"I am immortal, remember? The last thing you need to worry about me is dying." Adam said before retracting his hand and walking towards the heart of the battle.

But somehow, Jeanne felt his words didn't sound reassuring. It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than her. She could only clasp her hands and pray to her lord for his safety.


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