Chapter 38

Despite how he convinced Jeanne a moment ago. Adam cannot be certain or sure of his survival.

With his access to this Universe's Warp, he could glean details of what Slaanesh had become. What the results brought by his union with The Beast of Sodom, a terrible and monstrous being of apocalyptic proportions. Not just in power, but also in resilience.

The [Independent Manifestation] skill allows Slaanesh to fully manifest in places where chaos and desire festers. Which means, the Capital of Rome where human desires and depravity gathered is his stronghold where his power is fully realized.

To make it worse the [Daemon God Core] renders Slaanesh unkillable through conventional means. Even if his physical manifestation is here, his existence was anchored in a realm beyond Space and Time. The only way to ever truly harm Slaanesh is through equally powerful Divine Power or Conceptual Power that can render the difference in realm useless.

In Adam's case, he has Conceptual Power to deal harm to Slaanesh with his [Formless Divine Art] providing advantage against opponents with Evil and Divine traits along with [Daemon Slayer] which give another layer of advantage against Demonic entities.

But. Even with those advantages. Adam fails to deal any meaningful damage to Slaanesh due to the Grail Mud providing him near instant regeneration. Not to mention, the Sodom Beast and The Beast of Sodom are two different entities.

Slaanesh who had merged with Beast of Sodom is inside the Sodom Beast, 'wearing' it like an protective armor which prevents Adam's attack from reaching Slaanesh.

Thus, to even hope to deal a meaningful attack on Slaanesh. He first needs to get closer. He needs to enter the belly of the beast which no doubt is a trap. But a trap he had no choice but to fall into.

Adam could feel it. Inside the Beast is a whole different dimension. A pocket dimension or a small world molded by Slaanesh and The Beast of Sodom's power. A personal realm where their power is even greater.

To be truthful, Adam didn't wish to enter. He wished to retreat and made greater preparation. Even if the world would be sacrificed, a mere world is a small sacrifice in exchange for the death of a Chaos God who had claimed hundreds if not thousands. However, that was a choice he did not have.

This is not the previous universe where humanity thrives across the galaxy. In this universe, humanity had yet to leave its cradle. Earth is the sole settlement of humanity. If he retreats, Slaanesh is allowed to spread his influence. The Singularity will be conquered and force a historical revision where the occupied Singularity will overwrite the Pan-Human History and become reality.

As such giving up to retreat is the same as allowing humanity to be doomed.


(Inside the Sodom Beast)

After Adam forces his way into the Beast through the gaping maw on its chest which spills out Grail Mud, he enters into a strange space or pocket dimension.

Everything about this place sends his senses into hyper alertness as he looks around trying to find a way forward especially when his precognitive ability had been hampered severely when his connection to the Warp was suddenly severed.

But just before he could get his sense to become coherent. He sensed something ominous.

With a quick spin, he slashed his lightning clad sword behind him only to hit nothing… No. He did hit something. He could sense the difference of the wind pressure that his sword sliced for a brief moment.

"I know you are here, playing tricks on me, Slaanesh! Stop hiding!" Adam growled as his eyes darted left and right but failed to find anything.

"Truly worthy to be the Champion of Humanity." A voice suddenly echoes from all over the place, confusing his senses.

"This realm is my domain. Or should I call it my Reality Marble? Pandemonium Estasis, The Womb of Eternal Ruin."

"Anything that enters will be forever trapped in limitless indulgence and desire. All forms of desire are amplified to the point of ecstasy and madness until their mind melts into a nourishing nectar."

"However, it didn't seem to work on you as expected." The voice spoke words of disappointment yet the tone was different, carrying the emotions of delight and arrogance.

He didn't like this at all. Not even one bit.

Yet, there's little he could do for now. Lashing out aimlessly would only waste his energy that he should save for the crucial time.

Adam is familiar with Slaanesh's tricks. Trying to sow doubts and fear in him so he could use it to erode his mind, soul and body. He is familiar enough to recognise it instantly.

"Really… I hate how sharp your mind is." The voice turns sharp suddenly, voicing its annoyance.

Then, the world around him suddenly changed. Gone is the foggy void and replaced with a familiar place, Slaanesh's Palace of Pleasure. The opulent and luxurious palace where Slaanesh resides and worshiped by his Daemonic followers.

Inside the lavish throne, sat Slaanesh who possessed the body of Nero. There's no trap in sight, no Greater Daemons to attack him, there's nothing. Nothing but Slaanesh and him who is clouded by confusion by Slaanesh's sudden move to reveal himself.

But, despite Slaanesh revealing himself vulnerably. Adam did not dare to attack. Not because his senses or intuition had been silent for a while. Also not because of his instinct which warns him of nothing that is particularly dangerous. But his rational mind when neither his intuition or instincts are warning him of anything while he stood in the heart of Slaanesh's stronghold is an exceedingly very abnormal situation.

Adam gazed at Slaanesh with an increasingly sharp and wary stare before he asked.

"What are your tricks, Slaanesh?"

In response, Slaanesh smiled and lifted his arms.

"Tricks? There is no trick." Slaanesh said before he paused for a moment like he said something wrong and corrected himself. "No, this realm itself is the trick. My trump card. But it seems you are unaffected by it. I had played every trick in my sleeve. Yet none of the works. Neither mine or her's."

Then Slaanesh continued.

"You indulge in neither Excess or Depravity added on top of the modification upon your existence. Even if it's a wound on my pride and existence, I have to admit that you are the sole pure being I am incapable of corrupting even in this state." Slaanesh gave a genuine praise filled with frustration.

But, that seemingly genuine confession only confused Adam even more.

Should he take this as Slaanesh's declaration of giving up? Should he take the opportunity to finish him off? What should he do?

Adam didn't know. He never encountered situation where he would be troubled by this much hesitation and confusion.

"Ah, you must be confused about what I am trying to do." Slaanesh broke into a smile on his throne after sensing Adam's confusion.

"It's easy. Neither I could corrupt you or you could stop me. It's a stalemate." Slaanesh shrug and show a relented look. But that vanished when a smirk creep up his face. "But, even if I couldn't win. I could deny you of your victory and trap you here inside my domain for eternity. Even if I cannot defeat you now. Who knows if I could in the future."

Naturally, Adam know this risk when he decides to enter the Sodom's Beast. He knew there would be a trap that could imprison him.

"So what? You talk as if I wouldn't dare to sacrifice myself to drag you down with me." Adam said as power radiates from his form, threatening to explode at any moment of notice.

Yet, Slaanesh simply smirk as if everything went according to his plan which honestly made Adam almost took a step back in hesitation.

"As I said before. This realm is my domain. My Reality Marble, Pandemonium Estasis, The Womb of Eternal Ruin. A world of illusion that can melt the mind of a Primarch with the exception of you." Slaanesh repeat his explanation with a sharper tone when mentioned him. But his voice relaxed again. "While the indulgence and desire couldn't break your mind. I could still use the illusion normally to affect your mind."


Adam heard the snapping of fingers before he found all his five sense become muddled. He tried to resist with all his might but a voice told him that his resistance was for naught.

"Why bother resist? The illusion will simply get stronger the more you tried to resist it. Simply accept it and indulge your pleasant dreams."

In the palace, Slaanesh saw Adam's body fell to his knee as Adam tried to resist the illusion despite his advice. But in the end, the illusion claimed his counsciousness as his hulking form covered in his power armor fell flat to the ground.

Beast of Sodom appeared when Adam collapsed to the ground. She look at Adam first before looking at Slaanesh sitting on the throne with an annoyed look on his face.

Before Beast of Sodom could even ask, Slaanesh already answered the question.

"You think I wouldn't attack him now if I could kill him? He is a Perpetual. Even if his body is killed, exterminate or disintegrated. As long as his soul survives, he will return to life again stronger than before. Trust me, I know and seen it happen. Unless you could kill him for good. Don't even bother. There is a reason why I didn't do it and you will regret it just like that idiot Khorne once did." Slaanesh said bitterly as he recalled a particular bad memory.

Beast of Sodom give Slaanesh a look of doubt. But after glancing at the serious look on Slaanesh, Beast of Sodom shrugs and disappeared.

Slaanesh could only stare at Adam's body and unable to do anything about it. After all, he is the weakest amongst the Chaos Gods. Even weaker than Tzeentch who focuses on manipulation rather than direct attacks. In direct combat, he would lose 10/10 of the battle he fought. His power to manipulate desires towards corruption are powerless against Adam who is immune to his methods. However, that didn't mean he had given up.

Even The Emperor of Mankind who is much stronger than Adam eventually fell from his height and become corpse bound to his throne. Why couldn't Adam be the same?

No one is perfect even if they claimed themselves to be. Slaanesh knew that the best. Therefore, no one could claim themselves to be impervious to everything just like The Emperor which neither Chaos Gods could do anything against since his rise, eventually fell in the hand of his own son, Horus Lupercal, due to thr Chaos Gods machination.

For Adam, his mind is impervious to all methods of manipulation from Slaanesh which render him immune to Slaanesh's corrupt. But what if Slaanesh could find Adam's true weakness?

Betting on that chance, he force Adam into a slumber clouded by illusion. The illusion of his past in hope to learn more about him discovering his weakness.


Waking up to the sound of his phone buzzing due to the alarm. His body jolted awake as it had become a habit.

Yawning and staring at the dark ceiling, he reach for his phone and saw it was 4 am in the morning. Then he stopped the alarm before stretching his stiff body.

"That was an odd dream." He mutter mid yawn.

He recall vaguely that he get transported into another world and play heroes fighting against forces of evil or something.

"Ah… if only it's true. Beats working days and nights slaving away to big corporation until I die of old age or sick." He grumbles before crawling up from the thin and worn mattress on the floor before start to clean up his sleeping space.

Then, as his habit kicked in. He went to wash the laundry from the previous day before hanging them up on the drying rack.

Next, he take a quick shower before settling for a simple breakfast of egg and toast while browsing through a social media platform for half an hour before looking at the time on his phone which shows 5:40 am.

After washing the dishes and cooking utensils, he dressed up in his worker uniform and leave his small and cramped apartment to begin his morning.

He have to wake up extra early because aside from his main job as shop assistant, he also work as newspaper delivery man in the morning while waiting till 9 am for the supermarket to open. He need those extra income to afford his apartment which although small, cost a sizable chunk of his salary.

As time passes like a blur, evening came as he returned from work and without wasting time. Adam returns home like he always do.

Upon returning home, he took a shower and make himself a dinner with thrown out food that reaches expired date from the supermarket but still edible enough.

After dinner, he spend some times playing games before going to sleep when his eyes are tired.

The routine would repeat and repeat. There's nothing that would change as days become weeks, weeks become months and months become year.

He is content with his life even if it's miserable looking. He is content to simply having a roof to sleep under, food to eat and entertain such as games or novels to indulge on. He never sought for a change knowing it's a futile effort.

The world is a harsh and unforgiving place where those with even greater advantages than him competent fiercely for a place in society. He who had neither talent, knowledge, money or any advantages couldn't even afford to compete. So why even bother? Why bother to make his life even more miserable when he is content to simply rot away in his current state?

To the eyes watching Adam's life, it's an interesting question.

Adam is simply nihilistic about his view on life. He is content with his current state. So, why bother to change?

Slaanesh could very well let the illusion take it's course and let Adam forever trap in the illusion that he is very much content with.

But, looking at his miserable life made Slaanesh feel a strange bubbling anger from within.

It's a matter of pride for him. Slaanesh refused to believe or acknowledge that a miserable existence like this had been the thorn in his life, had been the antithesis that he sought to eliminate.

It's like when you had spend your lifetime working on something hoping to win only to find yourself bested by a nobody who never spend even an ounce of effort to try.

This enrages him, infuriated him so much he couldn't bear to sit still and watch.


(AN: I apologise for the lack of epic battle which I know all readers are expecting. But IMO, a battle does not suit this match up.

Slaanesh isn't known for his martial prowess. He is known for mental manipulation. So, it's not realistic to have Slaanesh fought Adam in a duel. Instead, it's much more realistic if Slaanesh tried to attack Adam's mind to corrupt him.

In the present situation. Adam is trapped in the Noble Phantasm unable to escape. He also couldn't attack Slaanesh without knowing for certain he could kill Slaanesh. For all he know, what happened before his eyes could be illusion to waste his energy.

The same goes for Slaanesh as he cannot kill Adam without certainty he could corrupt or annihilate Adam's soul because he is a Perpetual that will revive if only his body is destroyed and not his soul. He couldn't simply devour Adam's soul which would harm any Daemonic or Evil entity upon contact. That like trying to drink a bottle of Bleach. So, Slaanesh's hands is tied since he could neither corrupt or devour Adam's soul. He could only trap Adam in hope he could discover his weakness and compromise his Mental Fortitude to corrupt Adam.

Well, if Slaanesh did yolo it and devour Adam's soul. A certain 12th Dimensional Eldritch God wouldn't sit still and would come knocking at Slaanesh's door.)

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