Son of Medusa and Gilgamesh

Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze awoke with a groan. While most people were idiots and didn't realize who were his birth parents, he had realized their identity right away and even their secret identity.

His father was Minato Namikaze, Fourth Hokage, Yellow Flash, and the one who sealed the Kyuubi no Yoko -named Kurama- inside of him. Some might be angered at that, but not Naruto. He could respect his father for fighting for those he considered precious to him.

His mother was Kushina Uzumaki, The Red Hot Habanero, and also known as Artemis, Goddess of The Hunt. She was not someone Naruto liked for multiple reasons. The only thing he was grateful for from her was his abilities. Especially sealing.

Naruto took a quick shower and then got dressed for the day and decided to go for something different then usual. Naruto looked in the mirror and nodded pleased despite it seeming like he couldn't see.

He had ninja style boots that were black with a little purple on it. He had black pants that were tucked into the boots. He wore a long sleeve black shirt with a black jacket with a golden and purple stripe on it. On his waist was his supply pouch. On his ears were purple earrings that were cylinder like, but became spiky towards the end. They were an 1 1/2 inches long. He also had a dark purple sleeping mask that had a eye like symbol on it. It looks like it was on snuggly, but not painful tight.

(Gorgon symbol)

His hair was a golden color, but with purple streaks through it. It was also waist length. His skin, at least what was visible was pale, more so then a vampire, but it definitely wasn't affecting him. He was a bit on the short side, but he was fine with it. It helped him in certain situations.

Naruto smirked at his looks and was gonna enjoy graduating. He was gonna look like such a badass and make his Father(minato), Dad(Gilgamesh), and Mom(Medusa) proud!

"Master breakfast is ready." A female voice said. Naruto turned his head and saw who it was. Obviously thanks to his sealing skills he could see through his blindfold with worry of turning anyone into stone.

"Ah Fate. How's my little servant doing?" Naruto asked with a little of teasing in his voice. He always teased her, she was the one who made his first 6 years of life hell, but also led to him gaining a family of ALL the heroic spirits in the throne of heroes.

"I'm doing fine master." Fate said with a slightly strained smile. She was still new and annoyed at her situation, even after 10 years.

"Good. You're free to go after back now." Naruto said and she vanished in a silvery mist. "Hehe. To think that Fate is such a bad servant, I'm gonna have to punish her later on." Naruto said as he noticed the mess in the kitchen which he raised his hand and it soon vanished leaving a clean kitchen.

Naruto then started eating, and as he was eating a ANBU agent with a Neko mask appeared and handed Naruto a letter, stole a piece of bacon and then left leaving a snorting Naruto at her actions.

Dear Naruto

Be prepared for something that's gonna happen today. An please don't destroy anything. It will happen during the academy after roll call.

For my sake at least, please do not destroy anything or cause harm.

- Hiruzen Sarutobi, Third Hokage

Naruto frowned at the letter before burning it and finished his breakfast. He put the dishes in the sink deciding to clean them when he got home as he was running a bit late.

He then quickly left after locking the door as he ran on the roof tops at a quick speed around chunin lvl.

Meanwhile in Fates Home

"Damnit! Why am I attracted to that damn brat!?" Fate yelled to no one, but herself as she slammed her fist into the wall cracking it easily.

"Damn him! Making me feel these feelings!" Fate said as she slid down the wall with tears leaking from her eyes as she pulled herself into a ball. She knew she wouldn't be able to even get together with her master as he wouldn't want to do anything with her, after all, she was the reason for him suffering.

Several hours later another aspect called Love would find Fate curled up into a ball with puffy red eyes and tears going down her face.

With Naruto

Naruto arrived at the academy with perfect timing as his name was called and said "Here!" An then sat down in the top right of the room by himself with out any care.

"Well now that you're all here, as you all know today is graduation." Iruka said and many cheered. Even Naruto smiled a little. He was usually a reserved person.

"However today we have a transfer student." Iruka said and secretly glanced up at Naruto who was the only one beside Shikamaru and Shino to notice this. Naruto frowned at that.

'Why would he be nervous? Wait... is this related to what Jiji meant? Oh dear sweet root what is gonna happen now!?' Naruto thought while mentally making up many scenarios. Many of them.

"Iruka-sensei why do they not have to participate in all the other several years we had to go through!?" Kiba demanded and Iruka sighed. "Because they were raised outside of Konoha with a member of their family." Iruka answered and Naruto, Shikamaru and Shino suddenly had an idea of what Iruka meant.

An Naruto meanwhile was also feeling a pit of dread.

"Please come on in and introduce yourself." Iruka said softly, but still loud enough and a female walked in. She was definitely beautiful.

She had flowing red hair that fell to her ankles. It almost dragged on the floor. Her skin was pale. Not as pale as Naruto, but a bit pale. Her eyes were a shining silver color. Her figure was great. Her chest was definitely the largest in the class.

(It's hard to do females being a male. Also below is her outfit and looks as a image. I just wanted to write the looks because I did)

Naruto wondered how she would speak first. His dear younger sister. Him being him could tell she was younger.

"Hello my names Kasumi Uzumaki-Namikaze. Daughter of The Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Sadly I'm related to that waste of space and failure Naruto-Baka up there by him being my elder twin brother." She said with a glare to Naruto who growled as he slammed his hands on the desk and a very large amount of killing intent was focused onto her directly, but others could feel and even taste it.

"What did you say you little failure of a person!? Say that to my face. Come on do it! Say it! Come on!" Naruto growled out as the killing intent kept climbing and she was forced to her knees as she saw her death several times repeatedly.

"Naruto stop!" Iruka yelled out and Naruto snarled before sitting down. Just because he liked Iruka, he would stop. For now. She would learn her place.

"Take a seat Kasumi-san." Iruka said slightly coldly making her flinch. She didn't know why. She eventually sat down next to a few girls. The entire time Naruto was glaring a hole into the back of her head.

'If only my looks could kill. Wait. They do!' Naruto thought with a smirk creeping up onto his lips. Pointy teeth showing slightly.

(Ok, I'm just gonna skip graduation exam. In short, Kasumi replaces canon Naruto as dead last. Also skipping to scroll scene in the forest. Note Kasumi got lucky that Hiruzen didn't see her)

"Hahaha. Oh this is hilarious." Naruto said to himself out loud as he sat on a large tree branch as he swung his legs about. This got everyone's attention.

The hokage who breathed a sigh of relief and wondered if Naruto would hold into his urge to kill. Iruka who was injured while protecting Kasumi wanted to shout at Naruto to run. Mizuki who wondered what the damn masked demon brat wanted. Kasumi scowled at the sight of Naruto.

"What's so funny you damn demonic brat!?" Mizuki demanded and Naruto chuckled and vanished and reappeared in front of Mizuki in a burst of speed and said "The fact that you think I would let you harm my fathers village." An then he delivered a gut punch to Mizuki sending him flying back.

"Tch." Mizuki spat out a bit of blood and saliva. "Is that all you got demon brat?" Mizuki taunted and Naruto laughed.

"Oh you wish. Don't blink." Naruto then vanished in a burst of speed and only a golden and purple blur could be seen as Mizuki was gaining numerous cuts on his body.

Everyone watching had different reactions. Hiruzen was relieved Naruto would protect the village like his father, but hoped he didn't go to far. He still needed to get information out of the traitor. Iruka was shocked at how fast Naruto was. Kasumi was shocked how fast her failure of a brother was. Why was he so strong!? Why not her!?

"To think I would have to use it." Mizuki said with a growl and reached into his pouch and pulled out a vile and drank it. Naruto let him. He was curious.

Before their eyes they saw Mizuki turn into a humanoid tiger thing. Naruto grinned. This night was getting better and better!

"Yesssss! Give me a good fight!" Naruto said before suddenly appearing in his hands was a black dagger. It had purple marking on it that were obviously seals.

Naruto vanished in a burst of speed that Mizuki actually managed to follow this time. Iruka and Kasumi watched in shock as the two were fighting as super speeds.

"Gah!" Naruto cried out in fake agony as he was sent flying into a tree making a decent dent. Iruka and Kasumi, who wouldn't admit it, were worried for him.

"Ha! How was that you damn demon!? An this is only the weakened version of the power Orochimaru-sama is gonna grant me!" Mizuki said as he laughed happily at 'beating' the demon brat.

Naruto sighed in annoyance and stood up. All three went wide eye. Mizuki's blow was clearly at least Jonin lvl in strength.

"So you finally admit who your master is. Took long enough. Now, prepare yourself traitor, I'll show you the true power of a Namikaze." Naruto said before his dagger vanished and in its place was a scythe.

(That scythe. Lancer Medusa. It looks cool)

"DODGE!" Naruto yelled and then vanished in a burst of speed no one noticed and he was merely a blur they sometimes saw as Mizuki was gaining cut and cut on himself. Eventually a giant cut appeared on his chest that shot a lot of blood out quickly.

Naruto appeared in front of Mizuki and his hand shot forward and into his neck and soon Mizuki dropped down unconscious on his bag and reverted to a human, but he had aged many years.

Instead of Mizuki, he was Old Man Mizuki. Naruto frowned as he noticed Mizuki was majorly bleeding and decided to keep him alive long enough to get information out of him.

So Naruto walked forward and placed his hand on the mans injuries and they slowly were cauterized as fire appeared in the ninjas hands and closed the wounds.

"There. Neko-nee-chan can you come take this trash to Anko-nee-chan and Ibiki-Ojisan please!" Naruto said and a ANBU squad appeared and took the body of Mizuki while another told them to go to the hokage's office.

"Now, I want you all to explain your parts in this situation." Hiruzen said, his grandfather face gone, this was Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Professor and God of Shinobi. The Third Hokage.

"I guess it all started with me. Mizuki-teme approached me and told me that if I took the scroll then I would graduate." Kasumi said and Naruto snorted, but a glare from Hiruzen had him turning his head the other way. He wasn't scared of the hokage, but he respected him enough to be silent with the glare.

"I had sensed her chakra and followed her and found them." Iruka said and Naruto didn't say anything. He likes Iruka enough not to. Plus a little respect for handing ninja kids for several years.

"I was taking a walk through the forest to calm myself so I wouldn't go and murder someone." Naruto shot a withering glare at Kasumi. "An I found them and watched and waited if Iruka-sensei needed help, but it go so entertaining I decided to participate. Iruka-sensei would have clearly beaten Mizuki if he didn't have to protect that waste of matter." Naruto said with a glare at Kasumi again who returned it, but looked away since it was hard to stare into his eyes with his face mask on.

"I see. Kasumi-san, did you learn anything from the scroll?" Hiruzen asked and she nodded and said "I learnt the shadow clone jutsu, but could only make 15." Naruto snorted, but didn't say anything else.

"I see, well that's fine. The jutsu is taxing and most Jonin can even then barley make one. Being an Uzumaki helps with that since you have a lot more chakra then a lot of people." Hiruzen said and she nodded smiling a little. She was better then a lot of those idiotic men.

"You are all dismissed. An Kasumi here. Welcome as a Konoha ninja. Please report to the academy for your team selection in a week. Naruto stay behind." Hiruzen said and Kasumi said "In trouble idiot."

Naruto looked at her and smirked and said "Even if I am, which I'm not, you can't say anything dead last." Naruto's retort had her stomping out in anger with Iruka following behind who smiled at Naruto as he left to the hospital. He needed to get fixed up.

"Naruto-" Hiruzen started, but Naruto held up his hand and started talking. "I know Jiji, I shouldn't be starting things, but something, most likely my instincts, yells at me to. I just wanna stab here and end it, but I KNOW that's wrong. It's not her fault, but I just can't help, but to blame her. An she doesn't even try to bond, she just antagonizes me the entire time!" Naruto's answer had Hiruzen sighing.

"I know Naruto-kun. I understand. An I thank you for trying, I just hope you can last till you two mange to get along enough to not want to end her, or you get in a different situation where you don't have to interact with her." Hiruzen said and Naruto paled and pointed at the old man with a shaking hand.

"No! No! I will not be on the same team with that, that, that, that bitch! I won't! I know it's childish, but I'm honestly afraid I will commit treason if I'm on the same team with her." Naruto said and Hiruzen sighed. He looked his age now.

"I understand Naruto-kun, but the council is forcing my hand on this. They want the" and he raised his fingers for air quotes "Namikaze siblings" fingers down "together." Naruto started cursing words that Hiruzen hadn't even heard before. By the end Hiruzen and the ANBU were completely red faces form the words used.

"I'll try. I will try, but I don't know how long I can last. It will be a miracle if I don't end up at least injuring her a little." Naruto said and Hiruzen nodded.

"I understand my boy. Just don't kill her or cause perm any injury." Hiruzen said and Naruto nodded before heading to the window and opening it, but said "Thanks Jiji." An then he vanished in a burst of speed around Jonin lvl to go home.

"Good luck Naruto-kun." Hiruzen said softly before finishing a little paperwork before heading home.

Hi, Hi! Anyway, little thing to say is, Naruto was adopted, by blood and Magic, by two heroic spirits. An yeah was a Demi-god already, so he became a living heroic spirit who didn't need souls to live on like Gilgamesh or Medusa needed to stay without a master to give them energy.

Please note Naruto will be pretty damn over powered.

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze

Race: Heroic Spirt, Human, Demi-Deity, Gorgon

Titles: Champion of Chaos & Order, Master of Fate, 3rd Host of Hatred Itself, Human Gorgon, Youngest Grand Class Spirit, Alive Heroic Spirit, Prince, Master of All True Magic

Class: Grand Hybrid (Mix of all classes)

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Strength: A+

Endurance: A++

Agility: EX+++

Mana/Chakra/Energy: EX+

Luck: EX

NP: EX+/?

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B

Riding: A+

Item Construction: A

Presence Concealment: EX

True Name Concealment: B-

Self-Replenishment: A++

Independent Manifestation: EX

Independent Action: A+

Personal Skills:

Charisma: B++

Divinity: A+++

Golden Rule: B++

Monstrous Strength: A+

Mystic Eyes: A+

Noble Phantasm:

Breaker Gorgon: Anti-Unit: B-

Gate of Babylon: Anti-Unit: E-A++

Megami: Anti-Army: A+++

Bow of Fate: Anti-World: E-EX

Kyuubi no Yoko - Kurama: Anti-World: EX

Spear of The Void: Anti-Existence: ?

Breaker Gorgon: This Noble Phantasm is a creation of Naruto's based off his adopted mothers own version that allows him to have sight despite them covering his eyes and blocking his sight. They also allow Naruto to see in different type of sights.


Gate of Babylon: Gilgamesh granted his adopted son and heir his own gate of Babylon and with the help of a friend allowed him to store many different types of weapons from across the multiverse inside of it.


Megami: She is a Pegasus Poseidon had also gifted to Medusa while saying to her 'This shall go to the maelstrom heir of the golden king one day.' Medusa was confused, but later realized what he meant and gave her to Naruto. Both are like best friends. She normally flys around the throne of heroes waiting for Naruto's call.


Bow of Fate: This bow was created by Naruto while taking the power of Fate to use for the creation of this bow. It has the power of a regular bow and the power to end the world itself. It's true power is unknown.


Kyuubi no Yoko - Kurama: Kurama the Kyuubi no Yoko was sealed inside of Naruto at birth by his father, Minato Namikaze, Naruto can use Kurama's chakra to boost his stats and even summon Kurama as a phantasmal beast of near unrivaled power.


Spear of The Void: A gift from the two creators of the Omniverse, Chaos & Order. This spears true power is unknown, but can end all of existence if used beyond such a lvl. Even now Naruto is afraid of using it and ending a multiverse.

Till next time!