Demonic Ninja Deity

"So we are all in agreement then?" Kami, The Queen of The Deity's asked everyone in attendance who all nodded their heads.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, future Lord of The Deity's shall be granted several boons from us. First the entire chakra of the Kyuubi inside of him and the Kyuubi inside of the Shinigami shall be given to Naruto and capable of regenerating it while the Kyuubi shall be prevented having any beside the barest amount to live off of as punishment for their misdeeds. His deity hood will be given half in advance granting him Demi-God status. Now what shall the others offer?" Kami asked and the gods spoke.

"I Zeus, King of Olympus shall grant him an affinity to Lightning and Wind, and granting him the power to fly. His power will be as if he was my own child of champion. He will also be given a replica of my master bolt." Zeus said seriously.

Everyone was surprised by that and how much Zeus was giving Naruto, but they ignored it and continued on.

"I Amaterasu, Queen of The Shinto mythology shall grant him an affinity to use Fire, plus my own black fire named after me. He will also be immune to fire. He shall be given an indestructible mirror that can return energy related attacks, store them for later, see things somewhere else, and a few other things." She said not surprising anyone knowing how protective she was of Naruto. Susano'o once made a joke that was offensive to Naruto, man was later seen 6 months later finally leaving the medical area of the Shinto realm still heavily injured.

"I Gaia, Primordial Earth Goddess, daughter of Chaos, shall grant him an Earth affinity, and a connection to nature to draw in nature energy whenever he wishes without worry of turning into stone. He shall also be able to communicate with animals and they will do what he wishes as if he was my son. I shall also grant him a weapon in the form of my son Kronos' scythe." Gaia said and everyone knew she was motherly, so it didn't surprise them. The scythe part did though, even they feared that scythe.

"I Pontus, Primordial Liquid God, son of Chaos, shall grant him a Water affinity. His connection to water will grant him the ability to heal in water and communicate with sea animals. He will also be able to use the other forms of liquid and control them, such as Ice, Snow, and etc. sea creatures will also be protective of him. For he shall be a child of liquid in everything, but blood. I also grant him the weapon of a Trident that shall increase his liquid abilities and signify his place as the child of liquid." Pontus said surprising people, he wasn't known to be THAT kind.

"How interesting! Very well, I Chaos, Creator of Everything, Lord of The Universe, First Being, shall bless this future Lord of The Court, my blessing shall increase everything including your boons. I shall also be fusing all these weapons together and making them able to take the form of a bracelet that is on his left wrist and capable of changing into any of the weapons. He shall also be given Primordial-Hood when he ascends, so he shall become a Demi-Primordial instead of a Demi-God. So Chaos has said, so shall it be!" A booming voice said all around the council before vanishing.

"Ha! I knew the child was special! To be granted a blessing of Chaos, especially of that level, hahaha. Truly this child shall become something special! I Hecate, Goddess of Magic, member of the Greek Mythology grant Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze several abilities, first I grant him the Animagus forms of The Phoenix, Basilisk, and Storm Dragon. I grant him The Veela charm. I also grant him Legilimency and Occlumency. I also grant him the ability of being a Seer and the true version of mage sight known as True Sight combined with being a Seer. I grant him the ability to use Apparition. I also grant him the ability to be a Metamorphmagi. I also grant him the True Three Deathly Hollows left to me by Death to be given to a worthy person. I will also fuse them with him directly to the very soul. This means for you dunderheads here, he can use wandless magic easy as breathing. I will also leave him a book detailing everything he can do from everyone." Hecate said happily. Many blinked and remembered why they didn't fuck with Hecate. She was damn terrifying! Her and her little magical community!

"Well if that's all, shall we send these now?" Kami asked and everyone nodded before with the flick of her wrist a portal opened up and the orbs vanished inside of it to Naruto.

Orochimaru stared at the test subject in his lab with a grin completely unaware of the deity's having altered his memories to fit the blessings of Naruto.

"Hahaha! This is truly my best work yet!" Orochimaru laughed out loud to himself as he cackled before staring at the boy.

"You shall definitely become something special Naruto Uzumaki, but will you join me or not is the true question. Mmmmmmm, if only you had black hair and onyx black eyes." Orochimaru said to himself stating at the unconscious Naruto laying on the operation table.

Suddenly an explosion when off and Orochimaru started running and the door opened and Sarutobi Hiruzen ran inside the room with his faithful partner in staff form ready for a fight, but only a lab room with...

"NARUTO!" Hiruzen said and he dashed forward to check on Naruto and paled when he saw the unconscious form of the boy before him. This was not good. Not good at all. If the council ever got word of this... he didn't want to think how worse Naruto's life would be. Way worse then how it was.

Hiruzen then noticed a clipboard with a list of things written down.

DNA Used:

DNA of Lost Clan Called Hogwarts

DNA of Lost Storm Clan

DNA of Hozuki

DNA of Itachi Uchiha & Madara Uchiha

DNA of Senju Hashirama

DNA of Lost Otsutsuki Clan

'Orochimaru my wayward student, how low you have fallen. I will end you Orochimaru for this!' Hiruzen thought angered. How dare Orochimaru do this to his grandson!

"A thousand deaths for this!" Hiruzen said angrily before moving to pick up Naruto when he noticed Naruto was healing quickly. Quicker then normal.

"Inu, get Hiashi, Inoichi & Yamashu in my office immediately!" Hiruzen ordered before picking up Naruto and vanishing in a shunshin to his office.

Not 10 mins the three men were inside of Hiruzen's office confused on why they were called.

"I'll make this brief. Earlier today i and several ANBU found note of Orochimaru in a old base, we went to it and found him, but we found something wrong, inside the lab section was Naruto on a lab table and several clans DNA no doubt used on him. They were of the Lost Hogwarts Clan, Lost Storm Clan, Hozuki clan, DNA of Itachi Uchiha & Madara Uchiha, DNA of Hashirama Senju, and The DNA of The Lost Otsutsuki Clan. When I looked closer I noticed Naruto was healing quickly, a lot quicker then he normally did. I have a theory, but I want you three to confirm it. Yamashu please scan Naruto." Hiruzen said and the Head Doctor did so and blinked when he did.

"Kami, what did your former student do to him Hiruzen? His healing rate is beyond crazy, I dare say he could only die if you chopped his head off at this rate. Even that's a big if. His chakra has shot up massively. I dare say his chakra pool could easily rival yours on Naruto's bad day. There's also another chakra pool I would call Yokai, but not the kyuubi's mg theory is that the seal stole the Kyuubi's chakra to heal Naruto and since it couldn't go back to the Fox, it stored it in Naruto, and its capable of regenerating back to full on its own and even grow. I would say Hiashi-san would have a better guess on this." The head doctor said and Hiashi activated his Byakugan and immediately regretted it.

"Ahhhhh! It burns!" Hiashi yelled out as he covered his eyes and Yamashu quickly got to work healing Hiashi who gently looked this time and not directly at him and spoke "It's like stating directly at the sun. His chakra alone is massive, but the Yokai reserves that are as Yamashu-san said are his owns and not the kyuubi's who from what I can tell are nearly empty and barley have any chakra in them. Naruto-san's chakra pool is definitely large and can rival several kages combined." Hiashi said and deactivated his byakugan while reminding himself to make a clan call and warn everyone not to look directly at Naruto in fear of blindness.

"Inoichi I want you to enter Naruto's mind and find out the state of the Kyuubi." Hiruzen said and Inoichi nodded and soon he slumped and a few mins later he returned.

"It took me a min to find it as it was so low on chakra, but I did and the Kyuubi was asleep no doubt exhausted from being drained almost dry. I believe it won't wake for another year or two. An from what I can tell, it's not gaining ANY chakra back at all. So it shall either be weakened like that forever till it's free or dies. However I'm certain that it's chakra lvls are around kage lvl now. At its best." Inoichi said.

Hiruzen thanked them and said "I trust you all know this must stay a secret." An they all nodded and left.

Many years later Naruto would cleave through the ninja world easily without a care and eventually joined the Deity council as The Primordial of Everything. Heir of Chaos. He also changed his name to Order.

He eventually got many females.

Kyuubi who was truly a female named Kurami and became his maid and loyal servant.











An many more females.

He had many children with them and ruled the multiverse by assigning a child each to a universe after he felt they were strong enough to rule it.