Minato Namikaze - Badass EX-Rank

The Shinigami was having a bad day. He woke up falling off his bed. He had soooooo much paperwork to do. He had a bad stomach ache and nothing helped! An now he had to deal with the deity council. A bunch of brats who understood nothing!

Gods he missed the day when there was smart deity's on the council, but now there is idiots like Zeus and Thor. While Thor was a decent person, a man he would definitely call a friend and chug a beer with, the man was kind of a dense person, but he meant well.

Then there was Zeus. Arrogant ass thought he was the leader of the council instead of Kami and him (Shinigami). Idiotic Sky God actually claimed that Kami belonged to him and below him, especially in bed. Needless to say Zeus never made a move on Kami again from the punishment she gave him. He still winces even after 1,000 years.

"What's today's meeting about Kami-sama?" A respectful deity named Amaterasu asked kindly. Shinigami liked her. She was kind and didn't shy away from talking to him despite the aura he naturally released. Plus she burned things. Something Shinigami was fond of doing to paperwork. Least the non fireproof ones.

"It is about my champion Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." Kami said and Shinigami felt his stomach ache again. Like something was pushing against it.

"What about him?" Amaterasu, Inari, Izanami, Artemis, Gaia, Nyx and many other female Goddesses asked worried. Even the macho male gods were worried. All them were. Even Shinigami himself was to.

All deity's in a way were linked to Naruto and protective of him. He was to be the future king of the council and a deity among deity's.

"I found out that Konoha has NOT been treating him well. They treat him like the Kyuubi instead of himself. Many blame him. Jiraiya his godfather argued to take him with him, but that bastard Danzo manipulated things to prevent it. Hiruzen try's his best, buts he's to damn busy thanks to Danzo. Kakashi is constantly sent on missions by the damn council. Itachi is always busy thanks to his clan and ANBU duty's. Yugao is constantly sent on missions also. No one else seems to care about him. It just makes me so angry!" Kami yelled angrily as she slammed her fist into the wall cracking the entire room showing just WHY she was the Queen and first wife to be to Naruto.

"THEY HAVE DONE WHAT TO MY SON!?" A loud and powerful voice yelled out and everyone looked towards it and saw Shinigami holding his mouth as a face was shown on his stomach. The face of an angry yellow flash.

Suddenly an arm shot out of Shinigami's mouth followed by another and pulled itself out to show Minato Namikaze, and he was PISSED! There was one universal rule in the multiverse, do not mess with Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, and Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Consequences are not worth it. The biggest rule is do NOT mess with the Uzumaki-Namikaze family.

"This is for eating me!" Minato yelled and shoved a purple bijuu enhanced large rasengan into the stomach of the Shinigami sending him to the wall and leaving him knocked out.

"Now! What's this about my son being messed with!?" Minato demanded of the gods and Zeus being Zeus demanded who he thought he was to demands things of the council and everyone winced. Zeus did not pay attention to the number 1 rule.

"I am Minato Namikaze, yellow flash, badass of the EX-Rank, and slayer of gods if someone doesn't answer me!" Minato yelled as he entered bijuu mode and let out his full power of OP-OVER-PROTECTIVE-MINATO-NAMIKAZE-DAD-MODE!

"He-he-he-he-he-he-" Zeus fainted out cold as he was punched in the face by Minato sending him flying into a wall knocked the fuck out!

"Next!" Minato yelled and Kami quickly averted any more gods or goddesses getting knocked out or injured and explained everything and Minato demanded he be sent back to the the mortal world immediately. His son needed him!

"Of course! Make sure he knows Kami sent you back to him. Put in a good word for me will ya?" Kami asked and Minato nodded pleased and was soon sent back.

Minato would spend the next month straight babying his son before he kicked the door opened in a council meeting and proceeded to tell everyone how their life was gonna work.

Danzo was killed immediately. His root sworn to serve Minato and Naruto loyalty. All them happy to be free of Danzo.

Minato, Naruto, and Jiraiya fought in percy sync during the 4th great ninja war and single handily took care of the war. Minato and Jiraiya took on Obito and Madara together and eventually winning. Naruto took on the full powered Juubi/Shinju and won and became the new Shinju.

His first thing done as the new strongest immortal was to revive his mom for his dad. Then he made Kaguya his sexy op maid.

Then the four explored the world happily. Eventually traveling worlds slowly adding to their new family. Occasionally the four would head up to the deity realm with Naruto having granted the other 3 godhood and goddess hood respectively.

Naruto eventually married every single female goddess beside the ones in a loving relationship of true love. He then had many kids for his parents to spoil. Then the family of 4 explored the multiverse going out and having fun.

Eventually Naruto made a true best friend known as Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. Both explored the multiverse trolling everyone like the trolls they were.

All in all Naruto lived a good life and a happy one, and all because the Shinigami decided to attend a meeting while Minato was awake. The Shinigami was rewarded by turning into a female and being Naruto's second wife. Something the now female death deity didn't complain about.