Bored & Lonely Primal Deity

Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze couldn't remember how long he had been floating along the empty area of nothingness.

His appearance a lot different from when he fought in the 4th shinobi war. He remembers how when he and Sasuke touched the Rabbit Goddess that instead of being put into a large floating orb of rocks like a moon, instead she was absorbed along with the bijuu and Sasuke's half of the sages power into him and he remembered absolute pain.

That last thing he remembers seeing was the sage looking apologetic and a mental message from the sage saying "I'm sorry Naruto, it was for the Greater Good." A saying Naruto always hated.

Then his father rushing towards him as he hugged him before everything suddenly started breaking. Naruto reacted quickly and broke the reanimating jutsu on everyone somehow and then passed out from the pain.

The next thing he knew he opened his eyes and found himself floating in nothingness. He went inside his seal, or rather his mind now and found it empty. No Bijuu, no black zetsu, or even Kaguya. It was only him.

To honor the bijuu he recreated them as giant statues inside his mind. An then he floated there for many years.

Eventually he decided to do something. So he started playing around. He found he could do anything he wanted. He was Omnipotent. He then decided to try creating a universe.

So after many and many years he did so. He was alone. Something he didn't like. So he spent 10 years making a large world with a giant city and everything to make a comfy life.

An then he created new beings. 7 in total. Chronos. Ananke. Tartarus. Gaia. Eros. Erebus. An Nyx. He loved each of his children dearly as he considered them and protected them till they were ready to explore the universe and do as they wish.

Before they left he granted each something to control over. Chronos the eldest received Time. Ananke the eldest female received Fate. Tartarus received his domain of The Underworld & Tartarus. Gaia received Earth. Eros received Love. Erebus received Shadows & Darkness. Nyx received Night.

One given their powers they were sent off. Eventually they forgot their father. Naruto would watch them all sadly as he sat in his throne watching and waiting hoping one day his family would remember him.

So for years he waited and waited. No one remembered him. Stories of him being just a mass of energy which popped them out appeared. His children not bothering to deny this.

This angered and saddened Naruto to the point where he just felt numb. Then he found a being just like him. Forgotten by many.

Hestia. Firstborn of Rhea & Kronos.

Naruto watched her curiously and eventually decided to show himself to her. He appeared on Olympus inside her temple casually and waited. Eventually she returned and was shocked to find someone inside her temple.

"Yo." He had said channeling his inner Kakashi-Sensei. He had then explained who he was and when asked just WHY he was there he asked her a simple question.

"How do you bear with the pain, anger, sadness and other emotions of being forgot?"

His question had shocked the hearth goddess. Hestia had gently asked why he felt that way and Naruto explained himself about how all his children forgot about him and didn't even bother correcting others about him even existing and just being a giant thing of energy.

Hestia had personally held him as he cried.

Over the many years Naruto would pop in and spend time with Hestia. When he wasn't with her one day he em decided to explore the earth that was his daughter and as he walked around he felt her trying to connect to him and snarled and unintentionally lashed out at her with all his anger, sadness, and pain.

He felt the Earth cry. She had realized she had abandon the very father who had nurtured her. Loved her. Taken care of her. The man who loved her. Protected her.

Then he vanished leaving the Earth to weep.

Naruto would go back to his realm and only leaving a note for Hestia that he needed to be alone for a unknown amount of time to process his emotions and not cause issues to the Universe itself.

Years later Naruto returned to Earth and watched. He just watched. Occasionally sending gifts to Hestia. Much to everyone's confusion. Well those who knew about the gifts which was very few. Rhea who would never forget her daughter and visited plenty, Hades who always made time for his sister, Poseidon who did the same as Hades and Artemis who always spent time with Hestia.

Naruto eventually decided he wanted something more. Love! No mere familial love, but romantic love. However he denied himself this as he instinctively knew that eventually whoever he choose would fade away or die and he would be alone and hurt again.

So he steeled himself of that particular emotion and desire and decided he would visit Hestia soon. However one issue happened. When he went to visit, he had appeared at the time when Hestia and Rhea were both together and Naruto once more channeled his Inner Kakashi Hatake and said "Yo!" Classic finger salute and everything before a missile known as Hestia crashed into him hugging him tightly.

Needless to say things were explained to Rhea who secretly thought they would get together eventually. Outwardly thought Rhea said she was happy that her Grandfather wasn't like the rest of his decedents and horny 24/7.

Naruto had laughed and said he would save that for the one he belonged to if they ever appeared. An only them. Rhea had noticed the sad look in Hestia's eyes as she stared at Naruto when he said that and realized that her daughter was in love with Chaos, The Creator and First Being.

Naruto was oblivious to this, or so they thought. Naruto just didn't want to hurt Hestia, or himself when he eventually existed for all of time and watched as everyone died.

Many years later Rhea confronted Naruto about his emotions to Hestia and asked if he loved her. Naruto replied to her answer.

"Even if I did, it wouldn't work out. I will exist for all of time. I don't want to watch as everyone I love and care about vanish and leave me alone again. I don't want it to happen a third time. Not again." Naruto had said and Rhea had figured out just WHY the Creator hadn't returned Hestia's emotions.

He was afraid. Afraid of losing those close to him again and being alone all over again. Something Rhea could see the logic in, but that wouldn't stop her.

"While that may be true, sometimes love is worth it. Sometimes you just need to live and learn, eventually everyone experiences heart break and pain. Some more then others, but you will never know what you have lost till you try it. So why don't you try it, give Hestia a chance. If not for yourself, then for Hestia." Rhea said and Naruto said he would be back soon and vanished.

1 month later he returned and asked Hestia on a date. Hestia had instantly accepted. Rhea had not squeaked. An anyone who knew didn't exist anymore.

For the next 10 years the two dated happily, during the 3rd year of dating they had been caught by Hades and Poseidon who had followed their elder sister. When confronted the two had sighed and went back to Hestia's temple and explained just WHO Naruto was.

Needless to say the two were shocked at just who their elder sister was dating and much to Naruto's amusement and Hestia's mortification, they had done the brother protection speech about hurting her and they hurt him.

Naruto had laughed and said "I dare ya to try to get me to hurt her. Anyone who does vanishes from existence permanently!" His smile had turned feral as he let lose his power momentarily making both brothers happy and then they started bonding much to Hestia's happiness and Naruto's mixed emotions of happiness and sadness.

After their 10th year of dating, Naruto had proposed to Hestia after a date and they were standing on a large mountain staring at a sunset. Hestia had accepted happily and a few months later they were to have their wedding.

Rhea, Kronos who was stuck in a fake body with no powers who actually liked Hestia only of his 6 children, Poseidon and Hades were invited by Naruto. Hestia then recommended Naruto invite his children, (more like ordered) and he did, albeit with extreme reluctance.

The Primordials were shocked their father was getting married and realized they had forgotten their father. Left him all alone. All by himself. No one to be with him.

Naruto and Hestia would go on to live a happy life together.

Naruto would eventually reconcile with his children after a 100 years.

Naruto eventually discovered that if he linked his energy with people they wouldn't fade away, but he didn't do that to anyone, but his children he created. He didn't do it to Hestia who eventually found out and demanded why he didn't and he eventually revealed he didn't want her to watch as everyone close to her vanished never to be seen again by her.

Hestia had reprimanded him and said she would be sad, but eventually she could get over it so long as she had her loving husband with her. Then they had long, wild, loving and passionate sex which sent the Primordials running. For several weeks.

Naruto would later look back on his life and smile as he was with his family and happy. An that's what truly mattered.