Chapter 7

Naruto awoke very happily. Last night he proposed to Yugao and she agreed to marry him on her own right instead of a marriage contract. He had shown her how much he loved her mentally and physically last night. It was possibly the best night ever for him.

Naruto soon got up and ready and left a note in case Yugao woke up before he got back. Thanks to his healing he wasn't sore.

He soon headed out and met Iruka first and told him how it went with Iruka congratulating Naruto and asking when's the wedding. Naruto told him not for at least a few years. He was still young after all. Iruka was happy for his surrogate little brother and promised to pay Yugao a visit mentally and warn her if she ever broke Naruto's heart there would be no one that would stop him from getting to her.

Naruto next visited his Jiji and Uncle who were happy for him while having the same thoughts as Iruka. It made Naruto smile. In fact the smile never left his face for a week straight. It only vanished when he had to spend 2 and 1/2 hours on an operation at the hospital to save a dying Jounin.

Naruto had recognized the man as Yugao's adopted brother. Hayate Gekkō. His disease had gotten bad. Apparently even Tsunade had tried to treat it, but wasn't able to, but Naruto's healing ability is different then normal. It's a lot better and stronger.

So after 2 and 1/2 hours of work Naruto had healed the man. He was warned to stay away from straining activity for 3 months. Hayate once he woke up congratulated Naruto on his engagement to Yugao.

Yugao who had arrived after hearing Hayate was in the hospital was surprised when Naruto healed a disease even his grandmother Tsunade couldn't.

3 months later

Team 10 had been on many missions and the genin had all gained a spot in the bingo book. Shikamaru was a low B-Rank threat known as the Shadow King due to his skills in his shadow release. Shino was a high C-Rank threat known as the Bug King due to him accidentally have a crown on from a mission they were in at the time.

Naruto though gained a high A-Rank threat known as the God of Flash or Flash God for his jutsu Shunpo that made him like a flash. This was also due to his boosted power form of his Shunpo called Shunko which made him, but a blur to even the sharingan due to all the chakra he uses for it.

Team 10 had just finished their low B-Rank mission when a hawk flew over them and landed on Asuma's arm.

"Change of plans. We're heading to wave to meet up with team 7. They encountered the demon brothers who are well known for working with Zabuza Momochi. So we are to meet at their clients house in wave. While we're there you can go explore Uzisho Naruto." Asuma said and his team nodded before heading out.

Within 4 hours of traveling at mid-chunin speed they were at wave and asked for directions to Tazuna's house, or rather would have if Naruto couldn't sense then.

They arrived and Asuma knocked. "W-who are you?" The female who opened the door asked cautiously. "Ah sorry for scaring you ma'am. We are team 10 from Konoha and backup." Asuma explained and the women sighed in relief.

"Oh it's just you Asuma. Good. Come along and bring your genin. I'll explain everything." Said a very tired Kakashi who had obviously forced himself to move. Once they got back to the room Naruto started healing Kakashi.

"Medic nin huh? Who knew it was true." Kakashi said to himself before focusing. "Anyway after meeting the demon brothers we had no real choice, but to continue otherwise Konoha's image would have been tarnished. While it may be different if it was a normal Jounin and a squad of genin. It was me a low S-Rank ninja and two clan heirs. It wouldn't have done well for Konoha and her allies." Kakashi explained and they nodded in agreement.

"Anyway after meeting Zabuza and winning. I could have beat him easier, but I had to hold back as my genin and the client were close by and I had to protect them." Kakashi explained then what happened in the rest of the fight.

"I see. Zabuza is definitely alive. You should be back to 85% by the end of the week when Zabuza will be fully healed. Since he will no doubt have back up when we arrive since we forgot to stay hidden." Naruto said and the other 4 males nodded.

"Well time to start my genin'd training." Kakashi said as Naruto handed him the crutches in the room and said he was fine to start walking using them. Being a medic was helpful.

Soon the 5 went down stairs and saw Sakura and Ino arguing with Sasuke stuck in the middle clearly there topic of their argument.

"Now listen up my cute genin's. Team 10 is here to help. You will listen to what they tell you. They are all your commanding officers. It shall go this way. Me and Asuma. Naruto. Shikamaru. Shino. Ino. Sasuke. Sakura. Now my cute genin let us go train." Kakashi said and Shikamaru and Shino were curious what kind of training a low S-Rank ninja could offer.

They were disappointed. They were just now learning how to tree walk!? They learned that day 1. Hell Naruto had known more chakra control exercises then Asuma did.

"That's embarrassing." Naruto said with Sasuke glaring at the three. "Why do t you do it dobe!?" Sasuke demanded and Naruto raised a eye brow before walking over and without a hand sign immediately started walking up the tree.

"Easy. Learned day 1." Naruto said as Shino and Shikamaru did the same thing. "Asuma-sensei I would like to request if we could train on our own." Naruto requested and Asuma hummed before agreeing.

"Asuma can you watch my genin? I want to go see something." Kakashi asked then said and Asuma nodded and Kakashi went off in the direction Naruto went.

"Kakashi-San? How can I help you?" Naruto asked as he stood in the middle of a field. It was covered in craters from Naruto.

"Not bad. What are you trying to do?" Kakashi asked curious. "I'm trying to find a close combat jutsu, but none work like I want. I already know the rasengan, but it's not exactly what I want." Naruto said and Kakashi gained a glint in his eyes.

"I have a jutsu you might like, but it requires the sharingan to use." Kakashi said a bit sad he won't be able to teach Naruto the Chidori and Raikiri.

"Can you keep a secret Kakashi-San? An don't worry the hokage already knows along with Asuma-sensei." Naruto asked and Kakashi nodded. If the hokage and Asuma knew then it was good enough for him. Plus if he had to chose between Konoha and Naruto it would be Konoha. After all Naruto was all he had left of his sensei.

Soon Naruto's eyes bled red into the famous sharingan. "Sharingan! How?" Kakashi asked shocked. Naruto didn't explain much, but said his mother was the granddaughter of Madara Uchiha himself. Kakashi was shocked, but soon started teaching Naruto the Chidori as he had lightning manipulation down already.

It was quick work as Naruto quickly mastered Chidori in 3 days and Raikiri in 3. It was helpful Naruto is the god of flash. His speed was perfect for this. The last day Kakashi was walking without crutches and was at 85% like Naruto said he would be.

The two teams minus Sakura, Ino and Shino were at the bridge. Why wasn't Shino there? Well one his bugs weren't very good with water and the two girls were useless.

The 6 arrived at the bridge. Kakashi, Asuma, Naruto, Shikamaru, Sasuke and Tazuna was the dead bodies of the workers. One last worker managed a "a demon" before he died.

"He's here." Naruto said casually before the mist lifted showing Zabuza, the fake hunter nin and another man. Naruto recognized the man. He was an high A-Rank ninja. Rin Okumura. Nicknamed the Son of Satan due to his blue fire and tail and ears.

"This will be interesting. The GOD of Flash vs the Son of Satan." Naruto said excitedly and Rin grinned before both charged at each other with their swords already burning with their fire.

(I'm gonna skip the fight of Kakashi vs Zabuza as it's the same, but Asuma helping from the sidelines keeping the most lighter and distracting Zabuza. The fight vs Haku was more or less the same except Shikamaru captures Haku in his shadow)

"Come on King of Flames show me your power!!" Naruto said excitedly as he charged with a smirk matched by Rin before their swords clashed in a epic clash of blue and black fire.

"Show me your power Flash God!!" Rin yelled before swinging his sword as a large wave of blue flames charged at Naruto. Naruto marching Rin's attack with his own slashed his sword creating a large wave of flames of greater intensity beating Rin's and charging at the shocked half demon.


A large explosion happened once the flames hit true. Rin jumped up onto a crane perfectly fine to the shocked watchers of the fight and Naruto only grinned.

"Come on. Stop playing around Rin!" Naruto yelled as he disappeared and reappeared next to Rin and a Susano'o fist smacked him into the bridge where Naruto lept after him with his sword roaring with flames. Rin quick to recover used his sword to block the attack.


A large explosion happened when the two had clashed that was black and blue flames.

"Come on Rin! Let's do th-" Naruto was getting excited which confused team 7, but not team 10 as they are used to Naruto being like this in a fight with a good opponent, but he was interrupted by clapping.

It was a midget with a group of thugs. He was Gato apparently the reason why wave is in such a bad condition.

"Hey Rin. Person who gets to Gato wins." Naruto said and Rin accepted it before the two vanished and in perfect sync were easily taking care of Gato's thugs and to everyone else it looked like the two were dancing.

"Ha! I win!" Both said in sync as they stabbed Gato in the head. "No I win!" "No I do!" The two argued back and forth till they started to brawl making everyone sweat drop. Unaware to them all. Even Naruto, there was a few watchers from all the elemental nations and soon Naruto would have an updated bingo book page.

"Tie?" "Tie." Naruto asked with Rin confirming.

"See ya later Rin. Also I want you to have this." Naruto said handing him secretly a scroll that lets them communicate. Naruto then punched Rin in the chest. "Dam you Naruto! Anyway I'll see you later. Don't lose to anyone else! I'm the only one allowed to beat you." Rin said and then vanished.

"Do you know him Naruto?" Asuma asked walking up to Naruto as said person healed them. "Yep. I was friends with him along with Kasumi when we were younger. He left with his adopted parents and brother a couple months before Kasumi."

Asuma hummed in interest. Kakashi eye smiled. Shikamaru had a lazy face, but Naruto could see his interest. Sasuke was knocked out.

Naruto also healed Zabuza and Haku enough to move.

"Why did you heal us kid?" Zabuza asked curious. "While th May not be a bad person" Zabuza looked ready to reject that "you are a dick. A cool asshole, but still an asshole. Plus if you took in Haku and wanted to rush to protect her like I heard your scream earlier then I can say you do care for the Yuki clan member. Now shoo before I tru to claim

Your bounty." Naruto said with a shooing motion with his hand.

"Tch. You really are weird God of Flash. I owe you a favor later on brat." He then vanished carrying Haku in a shunshin.

"Heh. He's such a softy." Naruto said making the other guys sweat drop. "Sorry about destroying a bit of your bridge Tazuna-San." Naruto said with the bridge builder waving it off. Naruto smiled, but soon mentally cursed as his vision was a little blurry.

'Dam. I really need to find mom's eyes. Maybe Jiji knows where they are?' Naruto thought to himself in wonder as he really didn't want to go blind.

Few Days Later

Sasuke had woken up later and was jealous of Naruto and his power. He had demanded Naruto give it to to him along with Sakura. Ino was oddly quiet. Naruto used the jolt of his sword and smashed it into Sasuke's nose in speeds he couldn't see even with his sharingan.

Teams 7 and 10 walked into Konoha and went to the hokage's office. Needless to say Kakashi got scolded for it, but gave praise for completing the mission.

"Pops. In this scroll is our mission report and a sword I'm sure will shock you. Naruto killed the man already." Asuma said slyly and Hiruzen opened the scroll to see the sword of the thunder god.

"That was a terrible pun Asuma-sensei. Maybe I should prepare some shock therapy to help him recover?" Naruto said grinning make Asuma chuckle.

"Well I'll be. Team 7 your dismissed. Team 10 stay behind." Hiruzen ordered and Kakashi eye smiled at team 10 before leaving.

"Now how did your mission go?" Hiruzen asked serious. "It went well hokage-sama. Naruto took care of Aoi and we took care of his little crew and some bandits." Asuma explained while handing the written reports already done.

"Good. Now Naruto-kun look at this." Hiruzen said sliding a very familiar book to Naruto. Naruto opened to A-Rank and kept going through, but didn't find himself. Then he went to S-Rank and found himself.

Naruto Uzumaki

God of Flash, Flash God, Champion of Amaterasu, War God, Flame King, Smiling Devil.

Low S-Rank

Age: 13 or 14

Known Techniques:

Shunpo (creates)



Few wind jutsu

Few earth jutsu

Few fire jutsu

Few water jutsu

Few lightning jutsu


Iwa: 150,000,000 (alive)

Iwa: 100,000,000 (dead)

Kumo: 125,000,000 (alive)

Mist: 90,000,000 (dead)

Sound: 95,000,000 (alive)

Known feats:

Killer of Aoi Rokushō (took flying thunder god sword)

Killer of Kanaki (former flame king)

Killer of Gato (took half the money and gave half to wave)

Bester of Rin Okumura

"Dam." Was all Naruto said before fainting. Asuma caught him and splashed a cup of water onto Naruto's face from his fathers desk.

"S-Rank... YES!!" Naruto said thinking of all the people he could fight after his bounties. Oh he was drooling at the thought.

"I'm gonna go." Naruto said before screaming "yes" as he ran through the village. Many civilians were confused and passed it off with the ninja knowing Naruto was now an S-Rank threat.

'Ah man. I forgot to ask Jiji about mom's eyes. Oh well ima do it tomorrow. Now to my apartment.' Naruto thought before he arrived and went in to find his fiancé in only her undergarments and bra.

"Why don't you show me the power of an S-Rank ninja Na-Ru-To-Koi~" she said and it was all it took for Naruto to rush to the bed.