Chapter 8

Naruto woke up satisfied from last night and smiled and leaned down and kissed Yugao's forehead before heading out leaving a note he went to take care of some clan stuff.

Naruto after getting ready left to the hokage tower. He walked into the room and saw his Jiji talking to a bunch of Jounin and Anbu.

"Oops. Ima just go..." Naruto said and turned around and tried to walk away, but was held back by Kakashi who eye smiled.

"Perfect. Naruto-kun. How would you feel helping us remove a threat to the village?" Hiruzen asked and Naruto freed himself from Kakashi easily and stood in front of his Jiji.

"Good. Now you should recognize the man named Danzo. He had his fake anbu named root. You are to kill root and save any possible ones and kill Danzo." Hiruzen said and Naruto nodded.

"Kakashi and Naruto. You two will be the ones mainly fighting Danzo. The others will take care of root." Hiruzen ordered and everyone saluted him before vanishing.

As they moved through shunshin's or in Naruto and Asuma's case, Shunpo they appeared at a large tree in the forest and an anbu did some hand signs before it opened an entrance.

"Go." Kakashi said with his old Inu mask on. Naruto had on a dragon mask that had whiskers which was ironic.

Naruto and Kakashi moved through the underground base as they quickly destroyed root anbu and they had found a room burning. Naruto activates his mangekyo and used his special ability. It was a time-space technique. Mostly time though. It let Naruto restore or age something within 10 mins. So Naruto rewound time on the room by 10 mins and it showed a perfectly fine room. Naruto clutched his eyes before shaking it off.

"Are you ok Dragon?" Kakashi asked and Naruto just shook his head and said "It's fine. For now." They then took off and after searching through the entire base they didn't find Danzo and found he had run away with some of his more important root members.


"Report!" Hiruzen ordered. Asuma went first.

"We had found 30 root kids. A few are capable of being ninja as they still have some emotions. We had Naruto remove the seal on their tongue. We killed most the root beside Danzo's more important ones."

"Good. Kakashi, Naruto." Hiruzen said wanting their report.

"We had killed some root along the way trying to burn their archive room, but Naruto managed to put it out and use a seal to fix everything. We left two teams of anbu to gather everything before looking for Danzo. We concluded he was gone as we wasn't in the base nor was his main root." Kakashi explained and Hiruzen nodded before dismissing everyone with Naruto handing the anbu outfit to Kakashi.

Naruto stayed behind reminding Hiruzen he was here for something earlier. "You need something Naruto-kun?" Naruto nodded and pointed to his eyes as a privacy barrier was put up.

"Yes. I need my mother's eyes as she had activated her mangekyo seeing a friend die in the 3rd shinobi war and I'm going blind." Naruto said and Hiruzen pulled out a piece of paper with a seal on it.

"Your mother has given me this saying I would know why later on, but I guess this is what she meant." Hiruzen said and Naruto opened the seal only for two jars with green liquid to appear showing two eyes with one in each jar.

"Thank you Jiji." Naruto said and Hiruzen nodded before Naruto left in a shunpo after sealing them away again.


Naruto hummed as he sat at a restaurant with his friends when Asuma and Kurenai came in.

"Good your all here. These are the forms for the chunin exams. Fill them out and bring them to room 301 tomorrow if you wish to go." Asuma explained before he and Kurenai sat at the table a few rows away from them.

The 6 look at the papers before immediately signing it. Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Choji and himself. Somehow Kiba had managed to get Hinata to lose most her shyness. Still some left though.

"I got to go do some last minute training. I'll see ya later." Naruto said before dashing off with the other 5 following suit while Shikamaru told the waiter that Asuma was paying for them before they dashed out.

"SHIKAMARU!!" Was heard through the entire village as Asuma saw the bill. It was just worse when Kurenai giggled at it.

Next Day

"So... you guys ready?" Naruto asked Shikamaru and Shino who nodded. "Troublesome." "Yes. Why? Because we are prepared."

"Good. Now let's ignore the genin on floor two because they are useless if they can't see past the genjutsu there." Naruto said with the other two nodding in agreement. While Naruto may be kind he wasn't that kind. He was a battle maniac after all. Plus common sense.

Team 10 walked by using stealth and appeared on the third floor and saw their sensei smiling at them. "Good job making it. Now be warned if one of you hadn't come you wouldn't be allowed in. So go have fun. Don't die and make chunin. I bet a lot of money on you guys. Just remember teamwork is important." Asuma said then vanished in a poof of smoke after he closed the door behind them to the Jounin watching room.


"Woohoo the rookie 9 is back together!" Kiba yelled out and was blasted with K.I. Naruto growled before releasing his K.I. back at them which was a large amount making some leave to the bathroom with wet pants or shorts. Some fainted and some were unaffected and some were just (other reactions).

"You should keep it down." A boy said walking up. "Kabuto?" Naruto said having worked with the teen at the hospital before. "Naruto-kun. Pleasure to see you again. Anyway you should keep it down. Some of these people aren't fond of loud people and are all anxious." Kabuto said smiling as he pushed his glasses up.

"But since your fellow leaf ninja how about I give you info on any of the enemy." Kabuto said pulling out a bunch of cards. "Gaara of the sand, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara and Shino Aburame." Sasuke said.

"Gaara of the sand. Youngest son of the fourth kazekage Rasa. Has been on 50 D-Ranks, 39 C-Ranks and 2 B-Ranks. He has also never been injured. Ever."

"Shikamaru Nara. A low B-Rank threat in the bingo book. Known as the Shadow King. 57 D-Ranks. 17 C-Ranks. 4 B-Ranks and 2 A-Ranks."

"Shino Aburame. A low B-Rank threat in the bingo book known as the Bug King. 57 D-Ranks. 16 C-Ranks. 4 B-Ranks and 2 A-Ranks."

"Naruto Uzumaki. Low S-Rank in the bingo book. Known as the God of Flash and Flame King mostly with other titles. 60 D-Ranks. 19 C-Ranks. 5 B-Ranks. 3 A-Ranks and 1 S-Rank. He is said to be so fast your dead before you know it. He is also a first class medical ninja and doctor." Kabuto said with a bit of pride. Sure he might be a loyal member of Sound, but he took pride in his work. Like training Naruto at times in the hospital.

'Dam' Was all was going through everyone's head. Needless to say some weren't gonna fight team 10. For genin they were Monsters.

"SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!!" Ibiki yelled as he appeared in a poof of smoke as a group of chunin came in behind him. "Get a number and go to that seat!" He yelled out and soon everyone was sitting down not next to their teammates.

(All rules cause I'm lazy)


Everyone flipped over there test and Naruto stared at his and saw Shikamaru's shadow or rather felt it and didn't fight it as it controlled his arm and wrote down the answers. Soon team 10 flipped their test over and started relaxing which made Ibiki smirk.

"STOP!!" Ibiki yelled and everyone did so. "Time for the 10th question. Anyone who takes it has to pass or they won't become a chunin ever again." Ibiki released his K.I. and some groups left.

"You all pass." Ibiki said.

(One description later cause I'm a lazy fucker)

"Incoming." Naruto said smiling and soon a black blur came in through the window and was pinned up showing "The Sexy and Taken Second Exam Proctor Anko Miterashi."

"Read the mood Anko." Ibiki said leaning from the side of the now hanging banner making Anko blush.

"9/10." A voice said showing Naruto with his chakra forming a 9/10 in the air above him. "What!? Why?" Anko demanded of Naruto. "Because Anko-chan. You barged into a room of genin who were all over excited and one of them might have reacted. You should have gone 10 seconds after the banner."

"Oh. That's a good one Naruto-koi. I'll definitely take your advice. Now you bunch of wimps and team 10, follow me!!" Anko said leaping out the window.

Everyone rushed after her through the windows and Naruto just sighed before smiling as he vanished in a shunpo followed by his teammates.

(Another time Skip explanation cause I'm lazy)

"Begin!!" Anko yelled as everyone rushed into the forest.

"So what's the plan Shika?" Naruto asked smiling a carefree smile. His sensing ability at max. "Here's the plan. We will make our way towards the tower and someone will no doubt tru to attack us thinking the fame is fake. We will then take their scroll and leave them knocked out or killed. An then we wil-" Shikamaru was cut off as a snake came trying to bite them.

"COME OUT YOU SNAKE SANNIN!!" Naruto yelled out knowing Anko would not interfere with the exam. An only two could summon snakes. Anko and Orochimaru.

"Kukuku very smart on you realizing it was me Naruto-kun." Orochimaru said with his usual smug and confident smirk. "What do you want pedo?" Naruto asked causing a tick mark to appear on Orochimaru's head.

"I am not a pedo!!" He yelled out annoyed and Naruto held a finger up. "You go after children only. That seems like a pedo to me." "You also seem to like little boys. Sure you ain't a priest?" Naruto said then asked snickering with his team joining.

Naruto took a deep breath as Orochimaru tried to keep his cool. "Don't blink." Was what Naruto was before he had vanished in a shunpo at fast speeds smacking a fist into Orochimaru's jaw cracking it from the sound heard.

"Dam. Should have used chakra scalpels there." Naruto said with a pout making Orochimaru suddenly realize how he could have just died! Orochimaru realized he would have to take this serious.

Naruto vanished again aiming for a kick from above only for Orochimaru to block it with both his hands only for Naruto to reappear in front of him and go for a knee kick to the lungs, but Orochimaru wasn't an high S-Rank ninja and a war veteran for nothing.

"Try harder Naruto-kun." Orochimaru said smirking. Naruto growled. "Fine!" Naruto growled out before he vanished in possibly the fastest shunpo  he has ever used. Orochimaru managed to block it though somehow.

"How? That was the fastest shunpo I've ever used." Naruto said in shock. He was supposed to be the fastest shinobi around. "Tsk tsk Naruto-kun. Looks like your titles have made you arrogant. I'll admit while you may be fast and possibly faster then me my senses have been honed in war and over many battles. But still very good." Orochimaru praised. Orochimaru didn't hand out praise easily.

'Let's see if your a worthy subordinate Naruto-kun. With the Kyuubi you can't become my new body, but you could become my servant. My strongest one." Orochimaru thought giddy. It didn't show though as he was calm outside with his usual smile.

"Grrrrr" Naruto started growling loudly before he ordered his teammates to flee which they did after a moment of hesitation. "Die snake!!" Naruto growled before his eyes bled red with black slits as he appeared in front of Orochimaru with his hand in a punching motion sending the snake sannin flying.

Naruto then reappeared above him and aimed a punch to the ground and it hit the ground as Orochimaru managed to jump away using a snake to increase his speed to a tree branch as a large cloud of dust eventually cleared showing a giant crater.

"Impressive." Orochimaru said before appearing in front of a still shocked Naruto and held him with his tongue, but it was soon cut off by Naruto's sword covered in black flames. His eyes now in the mangekyo state.

"I WON'T LOSE!!" Naruto yelled out in anger before rushing at Orochimaru with his sword drawn covered in black flames. Orochimaru dodged before his mouth opened wide showing a perfectly fine Orochimaru now with his sword the Kusanagi drawn.

"Oh my. An Uchiha with a mangekyo." Orochimaru said drooling at the moment staring at Naruto's eyes, but not directly. He was definitely marking Naruto.

Naruto rushed Orochimaru using shunpo and tried to slash at the man who blocked with his sword using only a single hand. Naruto growled. How was he so much stronger then him!?

"Die!!" Naruto yelled as his Susano'o formed and slashed with a sword in its hand at Orochimaru in an attempt to kill him, but it only caused a large amount of sparks to fly as the sword broke. Naruto's sword to be exact.

"Shit." Naruto thought as he fell to his knees in pain as his vision got blurry and his Susano'o vanished. Orochimaru capitalized on this and rushed at Naruto full speed and used his tongue to hold Naruto down before using the 5 prong seal to seal of Kyuubi's chakra and then he extended his neck and bit Naruto on it leaving a mark. It was his own custom seal made for a test on Jinchūriki.

Naruto yelled in pain as it fully set and he passed out. Orochimaru slid two scrolls into Naruto's pouch. A heaven and earth scroll. He then picked Naruto up firemen style and vanished to where he sensed his teammates were and threw Naruto to them.

"He will seek me out for power one day and there is nothing you can do to stop me or him. Also tell your hokage if he cancels the exams I will destroy this village." Orochimaru said before sinking into the ground as Shino and Shikamaru immediately went to check on Naruto.

Meanwhile in Naruto's Head

"My mind ain't to bad. Yet it's also a piece of shit sewer. Great." Naruto groaned out. Most of his mindscape was a sewer then there was a giant field with giant trees and a nine tailed fox being held down by a large 8 headed/8 tailed snake.

"Kit help me destroy this thing. It's not going well!!" The giant fox yelled and Naruto decided for once he would listen to the fox and immediately used the powers of his mindscape as it is his mind to force the thing to float in the air as it hissed angrily from all 8 heads before the Kyuubi shot a bijuu dama at it.

"So wtf was that Kurama?" Naruto asked curious. "That's was Orochimaru's soul fraction he left in here to try to capture your soul and make you do his bidding. It's goal to knock me out in order to take control of your mind and the seal to subdue me as I'm like a defense for the seal and your mind. Now since the soul fragment is gone you can use its full power. Now go back. I'm tired and need rest." Naruto nodded in thx before vanishing back to the real world.