Chapter 9

Naruto groaned as he woke up stiff. He felt the 5 pronged seal on himself and was quick to remove it. He sighed in relief when he felt his body quickly return to normal.

He stood up and winced at what he saw. Uchiha Sasuke having black markings on his body. He had just ripped off the arms of a sound genin nearly.

"Uzumaki!! Fight me!" Sasuke said deranged and charged at Naruto punching, but Naruto got annoyed. Like when a fly is buzzing around you. "Your an annoyance." Naruto said before punting Sasuke in the gut with his foot. Bitch was knocked the fuck out.

Naruto then turned to his teammates. "Let's go. I don't like sitting around false Uchiha's." Naruto said and his teammates nodded before they all vanished.

When team 10 arrived at the tower they read the line and figured out they had to open the scrolls at the same time.

"Oh his neat. A double sealing summoning scroll that when opened will summon the correct person, but if only one is opened then it will summon someone else most likely to have tried to knock us out while we're surprised." Naruto said and in a poof of smoke appeared one Iruka Umino.

"Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked surprised to see the man. Team 10 was expecting Asuma to pop up. "Yep. I had decided to be the one to see when you guys arrive. I wanted to congratulate you. Once this is done I'll treat you to some ramen." Iruka promised before getting serious.

"Now. Do you know what the meaning to those words written by our third hokage means?" Iruka asked curious if they knew. Naruto answered. "Yes. It means if we lack physical strength we need mental strength and if we have physical strength we need mental strength to be in harmony or in other words yin-yang." Naruto said and Iruka nodded with a proud smile.

"Good job you three. You have another day before the exam starts. Head on in and rest up in room 13." Iruka said before letting them up and they did so. A plane room with a bathroom with a shower. Three plain beds. A basic medical kit also.

"Neat." Naruto said before using healing jutsu to heal or rather to check all 3 for any injuries. Naruto was glad they were all alright. "We should get some sleep now. I'll see you two in the morning. Fighting a sannin and shit takes a lot of energy." Naruto said and then dozed off soon followed by his teammates.

Next Morning

Team 10 was doing some light stretches when over the wide area intercom a voice was heard. "Will all contestants please make their way to the arena. 15 mins before anyone late is disqualified with their team."

"Neat. Guess we should go." Naruto said as he finished his stretches and soon left followed by his team. As they walked in they saw team 7 come through the door from the forest and looked terrible. Naruto also noticed Sasuke was clenching his neck/shoulder area with his hand and smirked. Apparently he wasn't so strong after all.

'So Uchiha prick was bitten also huh?' Naruto hummed in thought before glancing at the mark in a moment and saw it was different then his.

"Will all contestants please line up with their squads." Anko ordered and everyone did. Soon the hokage went on a talk about how this was a way of not doing war yet also doing it. Naruto kinda ignited his Jiji.

'I wonder if I can go faster? Hmm... maybe I can...' Naruto's mind then started going off on ideas. He was unaware as Shikamaru and Shino dragged him to the stands area. He was later brought out of it by Shikamaru with a hard slap to his head.

"Ow. An what? I was figuring out how to go faster." Naruto said with a pout. Asuma chuckled behind Naruto. "Kid. It's your turn to go." He said and Naruto blinked before noticing Kiba was down there.

"Wtf did I miss?" Naruto asked confused as shit. "Oh this and that." Shikamaru said before muting troublesome. "Lazy pants." Naruto said before hopping down.

"We May be friends Naruto, but I won't go down easy or without making you try." Kiba said before tossing Akamaru a red pill. "Man beast clone." Standing there was two kiba's. "Getsuga!!" Kiba yelled soon after the match started and spun at Naruto at fast speeds which Naruto vanished.

'Let's see. I may have the speed to dodge, but I lack the physical strength to do something about that without chakra enhancement... wait... chakra enhancement... thank you Kiba.' Naruto thought before dodging.

"Thanks for this Kiba. This gave me a good idea so I'll show you what it's like to feel the power of the god of flash." Naruto said as Kiba stopped spinning at him.

"Huh?" Kiba asked before Naruto soon started glowing heavenly with dark blue chakra and it took the form of a cat tail, two cat ears on his head and a giant amount of lightning on his body.

"I'll call this, flash god mode." Naruto said before moving hit foot slightly and Kiba was sent flying. Naruto vanished and Kiba with his Akamaru transformed Kiba was also sent flying. Naruto then reappeared as both landed on top of each other knocked the fuck out.

"Thanks for the help Kiba." Naruto said smiling only to get a sound similar to a "fuck you." Then a snore. Everyone sweat dropped as Naruto skipped back to the top.

"Did you just create a basically god speed technique in a random moment out of nowhere?" Shikamaru asked and Naruto nodded before Shikamaru started muttering troublesome blondes.

"Could all contestants please come to the ground floor." The proctor Hayate Gekkō asked and they did as the man coughed. "Good. Now draw a number for your fight in the finals." He said before backing up with the rest of the Jounin as Anko with Ibiki next to her handed out the slips.

Sasuke vs Neji

Shino vs Kankaro

Temari vs Shikamaru

Gaara vs Naruto

"In 1 month the finals will be held." Hiruzen said and Shikamaru asked why for others. "Because we have to give time for foreign dignitaries to arrive and for genin to get stronger as their opponents most likely saw their moves here. Your dismissed." Hiruzen said and Naruto left back to his apartment only to find Yugao waiting for him. Needless to say Naruto was a happy man that night.

"Hey Yugao-chan... I think I'm ready to confront Kasumi-chan. Do you think I am?" Naruto asked after they finished their "activities" in their room.

Yugao chuckled. "I think your more then plenty ready Naruto-koi. Now... go ask Hokage-sama permission for it. I think you might even have a mission for it." She said giggling and Naruto smiled before giving her a quick, but loving kiss before packing his things quickly. He gave her a hug a steaming kiss to last for a month before vanishing.

"See you soon with my harem sister Naruto-koi." She said giggling before heading to bed tired. Uzumaki-Namikaze stamina was a monster thing. Plus the nine tails Jinchūriki... he was a stamina god.


Naruto was making his way to the hokage tower and decided to stop by Anko's apartment to say goodbye real quick knowing his Jiji would definitely approve. He walked to open the door and heard moans from the living room. He looked in the slightly open window and saw Anko Miterashi his girlfriend/fiancé being screwed in from behind by one Ibiki Moreno and from the front in her mouth was the tool of some random Jounin.

Naruto's eyes turned emotionless before he walked off.


"Naruto-kun what can I help you with?" Hiruzen asked kindly having not seen his surrogate grandsons eyes.

"Hokage-sama I would like permission to leave the village for a month and go to the damiyo palace as I was given permission by the fire lord." Naruto said monotone. It was now Hiruzen saw his surrogate grandsons cold emotionless eyes.

"Naruto-kun... what's wrong?" Hiruzen asked curious who he had to destroy for doing this to Naruto. "May I have the permission hokage-sama?" Naruto asked not answering.

"You have permission. Also I will be giving you this mission. It's S-Rank, but requires no real work as it's to guard the damiyo and his family to the chunin exams, but he has the 12 monks for that." Hiruzen said handing Naruto the scroll who read it before putting it in his pouch.

Naruto turned to the window ready to leave and said in monotone with anger barely hidden to all, but Hiruzen. "Why don't you ask Miterashi-san what she was taking from behind and in front." Naruto then vanished in a shunpo. It took a moment for Hiruzen to realize what he meant before his anger sky rocketed.


Naruto unaware of his Jiji's anger at a certain snake mistress he rushed through trees at speeds most Jounin would be jealous of and made quick work to the palace of the fire damiyo and his family. He arrived a large pair of gates. Standing guard was two monks.

"Identify yourself." One of the two said and Naruto said in monotone "Naruto Uzumaki. Here on mission." He then handed the scroll to the two. They soon finished reading before nodding. Soon the gate was open and Naruto was let in.

"That was the flash god? I heard he was so cheerful and bright, but that seemed like the opposite to me." One of the monks guarding said with the other nodding.


Naruto with his now cold and emotionless eyes scanned the area around him memorizing everything as he didn't know if he would be spending time here.

"You look lost. Need any help?" A old man asked kindly as he walked through. "Could you please tell me where the damiyo is? I have a mission and need to talk to him." Naruto said and the man nodded after looming at his outfit and recognized him as the flash god.

"No problem young one. Just go down this hall and then take a right, go straight for a bit till you see the golden leaf and take a left and then your first right and then it's a giant set of doors made of metal." He said and turned to leave before saying "If you ever wish to talk about it you can find me at the large tower." He then walked away.

Naruto stared at the old man before walking away. But he did thank the old man kindly before walking off. Many were curious seeing the flash god wandering through the halls, but shrugged it off.

Naruto eventually approached the large metal doors the old man talked about and handed the mission scroll to the guards who soon let him in after the damiyo was informed.

"Naruto-kun it's good to see you again." The 40 year old damiyo said. Naruto bowed and said with as much kindness as he could "It's a pleasure to see you again as well damiyo-sama." His monotone voice confused him and the cold eye of Naruto. He remembered the child being so bright from the stories he heard.

"Tell me my child, what has happened to make you like this?" He asked, but Naruto heard the order in it. "My second fiancé Anko Miterashi taking it from behind and in front." His cold monotone voice somewhat now understandable.

"I see. Tell me my child, what did you come here for?" He asked with warmth and comfort that seemed to relieve a little of the weight of Naruto's shoulders.

"I simply wished to reconnect with a old friend and get away from her at the moment damiyo-sama." Naruto answered and he nodded. "Very well. Why don't you join me for dinner tonight Naruto-kun? I'm sure Kasumi-chan and my wife would love to have you for dinner again. An please call me Ryūjin-sama if you must." He said and Naruto stared.

"Yes Ryūjin-sama. That would be... nice to do again." He said as if struggling to use the name, but it was a not so subtle order. Naruto follows orders. Most the time anyway.

"Good. Why don't you tell me about your carrier and adventures Naruto-kun. An old man like myself needs some entertainment." Ryūjin said and Naruto seemed to regain some light in his eyes as he retold his stories as his voice held some warmth in it. Ryūjin would smile and comment on the stories and reply warmly as he did his paperwork.

"Well that's all for today. Come let us go reunite with some old friends shall we Naruto-kun?" Ryūjin asked and Naruto nodded his head. His eyes not as cold anymore. A small amount of warmth in them.

"Are you ready Naruto-kun? This might be your most difficult battle yet." Ryūjin said and Naruto smirked and said "I'm the best at tag. No one can catch me." No pride of smugness only confidence.

"I see. Then let us go." He said and opened the door to the dining room where sitting there was two women. One was the fire lords wife. The other was a grown up and very beautiful version of his child hood friend. Seems they hadn't noticed him and he smirked before turning into a cat. The fire damiyo seemed to smirk and picked him up.

"Oh your home dear. An who's that?" Madam Shijimi asked smiling. "Oh an old dear friend." He said and set the cat down as it walked up to Kasumi and she seemed to smile as she picked him up.

"As what's your name little one?" She asked and the cat smirked. "Been a few years and you already forgot me Kasu-chan?" The cat asked in a deep voice.

"Only one person dared to call me that." She said before looking into the cats eyes and saw they were the same as Naruto who flipped out her hands and landed on the ground and turned into his human form.

"Ahh. I'm always so stiff. Is there a breeze in here?" He asked before looking down and made an "oh" sound. "No wonder it's breezy." He said as if being naked was casual for him.

"Put some clothes on!!" Kasumi yelled at her old friend who pouted before smirking as he appeared behind her now wearing pants at least. At least that's what she hoped... or did she.

"Aww does poor Kasumi-chan not want to see me naked?" He asked teasingly and she blushed before saying "Yes... no... wait!! Put some dam clothes on!!" She yelled at the end and he pouted before vanishing behind a pillar as he wore clothes now.

Soon he was crushed in a hug that was spine crushing. "Nice... to.... see... you... to... air..." he said as he turned blue. Kasumi soon let him go as he sucked in a bunch of air.

"Kasumi-chan why don't you show him your room?" Ryūjin asked and she nodded before dragging a still confused Naruto. "Wtf did I get myself into?" His voice now less monotone and more confused having been reunited with his dear lost friend.


"So... how you been?" He asked as he looked around as she sat on her bed with her arms crossed. "Oh. I'm dandy. I'm stuck in a palace while you and rin get to go have fun exploring the world." She said pouting and he smiled.

"Pouting makes you cuter." He said as he inspected a bone sword. "Is this from your bloodline? If I remember right Kaguya's keep their first bone weapon right?" He asked and she nodded smiling that he knew about her clan.

"Yeah. I remember when I was 6 and mom helped me unlock it and it hurt, still." She said smiling fondly and sadly.

"So... what now?" She asked before finding a pair of lips on her own as she was pinned to the bed and soon the door was locked and silence seals up by Naruto and clothes started flying.


"That was great." She said as she held herself against Naruto who was equally naked as her. "Mhm." He said before giving her a quick peck and stood up, but now he was a cat with black fur and blue eyes. "Good night Kasumi-chan." He said and curled up and fell asleep to her heartbeat hearing "Goodnight Naruto-koi."

Unaware to both the females in charge of watching her room via cameras were a blushing mess, or rather would have been, but Ryūjin and Madam Shijimi had watched instead and were both blushing have watched the two go for two hours. What? They wanted to make sure both were ok.