Chapter 9: These are the Essay Questions?!

Essay test. The duration of the test was 2 and a half hours.

Shin jian and Xiao Dong met in the corridor outside the venue.

Half an hour before the test. Shin jian sat in exam room 026 and watched the time pass. He could sense the tense atmosphere in the classroom. Maybe it was because everyone did not do well in the Conduct Test, and it affected their mood. All of them had a serious look on their faces.


Shin jian was stunned. "Huh?"

Shin jian laughed. "Don't worry about me. If you are fine, I will be fine."

"Our country has a lot of marine resources, but the per capita share is very little. Bohai Sea is our country's biggest inland sea and is very important to the Northeast region's economy … …"

Half an hour had passed, and Shin jian did not think too much. He picked up his pen and started to answer the questions.

It was not Grandpa Hu's number? Did he use the hospital's phone to call him that day?

Shin jian went to the nurse's desk to ask for Grandpa Hu's number and address. But the nurse told him that the hospital had regulations, and he cannot divulge the patient's information.

1.30 am. The test started.

This was the essay question?

Shin jian asked himself three times, and he still could not believe his eyes.

The Written Test ended.

9 out of 10 candidates were frowning. All of them did not do well in the test.

Shin jian was not good at argumentation. Even though Grandpa Hu had tutored him for a few days and he had improved a little, but it was still a last-minute training. His foundation was still too weak. Shin jian had thought that if the Written Test was easier, he would rely on his own abilities to answer the questions and get more marks. During the essay questions, he could use BACK to steal other candidates' answers. This was because the Written Test was a multiple choice question, and he had a 25% chance of getting the answers right. But essay questions were different. It was not easy to fool the examinees.

It tests the seven abilities of the examinee: reading comprehension, analytical judgment, problem-raising and problem-solving ability, language expression ability, stylistic writing ability, political application ability, and administrative ability. The answers were not unique. It was more flexible and flexible.

"I also failed. Sigh … … I will try again next year."

On the field, complaints could be heard from all directions. "Aiya, it's over this time. The questions are too difficult."

If he still could not pass the written test after cheating, he might as well kill himself with a piece of tofu!!!

According to the difficulty of the exam in the morning, he wouldn't be able to get any marks in his essay.

The moment Shin jian received the test paper, he immediately starts to answer the first question.

"That's right, the Conduct Test is already that bad. I didn't expect the Essay Test to be so difficult, especially the third question. How many people can answer it correctly?"

What to do?

"What's wrong with you?" The invigilator looked at him with a straight face. "Answer the questions yourself, don't make any noise!"

Although Shin jian is not confident, he still stubbornly replied. "You are the one. Don't mess up."

Could it be that this was the end? Was he really not fated to be an official?

Shin jian replied with a smile and walked out with a stiff expression. What was going on? What was going on with the essay papers?

Shin jian stared back at him. "Did you fail the test?"

Xu Fanqia and Mrs. Xu, who were waiting for them outside, were afraid of giving them pressure. When they saw them coming out, they did not even ask if they had done well. After having lunch at the dumpling restaurant near the west gate of No. 15 Middle School, it was time for the exams in the afternoon.

"Hmph!" Xiao Dong turned and walked into the classroom.

The invigilator's attention was on Shin jian the whole time. It was as if he suspected Shin jian had cheated. He walked around the room and stood behind Shin jian to look at the answer sheet. After a long while, the invigilator revealed a trace of surprise on his face. He only raised his head after the bell rang for the end of the exam. He and another invigilator packed up everyone's exam papers and sealed them.

When Shin jian was about to leave, the invigilator nodded at him with a smile.

When Shin jian entered the Oncology ward, he was surprised to see that Grandpa Hu's ward was empty. Even his luggage was gone. He asked a nurse and found out that Grandpa Hu had been discharged from the hospital last night. Maybe it was after Shin jian left. Shin jian immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number that Grandpa Hu had called him. He heard a female voice: "Hello, Oncology Hospital."

Before Shin jian 's mother and Xu Fanqia could react, Shin jian flagged an Elantra taxi.

Everyone started to leave No. 15 Middle School.

Shin jian did not even have the mood to eat.

Suddenly, Shin jian was surprised. He blinked his eyes in disbelief. Seriously? Why does it look so familiar?

Shin jian read through the information and looked at the requirements of the questions. He was shocked. The difficulty of the exam was the same as the morning test. Shin jian had read through the questions twice, but he still could not understand what was going on. He did not even know how to answer the questions!

Shin jian was relieved after he had passed the exam. But when he thought about the essay questions in the afternoon, he got a headache.

"Write a suggestion to the tourism authorities regarding the uncivilized behavior of our citizens. The suggestion must be reasonable, clear, and less than 400 words … …"

Now, Shin jian was not looking forward to answering the essay questions correctly. He only hoped that his marks would not be too low. This way, he would have a slight chance of passing the benchmark.

Shin jian lowered his head and bowed 3 times to the ward.

His strokes were smooth and smooth. There was not a single stutter.

"Me? Did I fail the exam? " Xiao Dong laughed and replied confidently: "Don't compare me to you. Other than two logical questions that I should have gotten wrong and a few general knowledge questions, I should not have gotten the rest of the questions wrong. I had calculated before I handed in the paper. If everything goes well, my error rate should not be more than 7%. Haha, what about you? This is a difficult exam. You should have gotten at least 40 to 50 questions wrong. "

This was the essay question?

13: 30 pm – 16: 00 pm.

Shin jian sighed in his heart. He slapped his cheeks and prayed to the heavens.

Shin jian looked at the third question.

Shin jian quickly apologized: "Sorry." Shin jian looked at the exam paper to make sure he had not read it wrongly. He looked at the fourth question happily. What the hell! Shin jian took in a deep breath. He was shocked and hit his forehead with his fist. He does not know how to describe his feelings now.

This was the essay question?!

"Don't be stubborn!" Xiao Dong did not understand what Shin jian was trying to say.

Only now did he understand why Grandpa Hu was so sure that he would get a high score in the essay exam. Only now did he understand why Grandpa Hu did not allow him to tell anyone else about the revision materials they discussed. Perhaps it was because his son had set the questions in Beijing, or perhaps he had obtained them from other sources. But this time, 70% of the questions in Beijing's essay exam were original … Grandpa Hu had secretly told him this when he was tutoring him!!

Back at the 15th Middle School, Xiao Dong was very calm. He seemed to be very confident. "Do your best. Don't fail."

Xiao Dong looked at Shin jian mockingly: "This exam is more difficult than the National Examinations. Are you sure you can pass?"

He finished the first question in a muddle-headed manner, then turned to the second question with clenched teeth.

But his plans could not keep up with the changes. He had to use his BACK for the first question, and he could not do anything about the essay questions in the afternoon.

Shin jian stood in the corridor and stared at the empty room.

Shin jian … … Shin jian … … Shin jian … … You must outdo yourself!

Grandfather Dong does not have many days left. Was yesterday the last time he saw him?

"Sir." Shin jian said to the driver: "Thank you. Cancer Hospital."

I'm finished!

Outside the school gates, Xu Fanqia and his mother were waiting for him under a tree. Mrs. Xu was also with them. It seems that Xiao Dong was still in the exam hall. Shin jian walked up to them. When he saw his mother and Aunt Fanqia were about to say something, he stopped them. "Don't say anything first. Mum, Aunt Fanqia, I need to go somewhere now. It's urgent. Both of you can go home first."