Chapter 10: Joy and Sorrow

North Heping Street.

In front of his apartment block.

Shin jian had taken a taxi from the 15th Middle School to the hospital and back home. That's why he was travelling at the same speed as Xu Fanqia and the rest. When he turned into the estate, he saw his mother, Mrs. Xu, and the rest walking in front of him. He called out to them and walked a few steps forward to explain: "Mum, Aunt Fanqia, I am really sorry. I had something on at home and could not attend to you."

"Shin jian … …" Shin jian 's mother wanted to say something but stopped. She sighed and did not ask anything.

At the entrance of the building, Section Chief Xu, who had just returned from work, walked towards Shin jian . "You just finished your exams? Did you have any problems with the written test? "

"I … … I … …" Compared to the confident look he had before he entered the exam, Xiao Dong was very disappointed.

Shin jian was amused and felt better.

"Say something!" Section Chief Xu said with a straight face: "I had spoken to the Customs!"

Mrs. Xu's face turned ugly and pulled her son. Xiao Dong stuttered: "This time, the thesis is too difficult. The direction of the questions is too weird. It is not something that a human can answer. I think … … I think I only have some confidence in answering one question. The rest … … I think I might not be able to get any marks. If I add up the marks for the Practical Test and Thesis, I might not even be able to pass the benchmark."

Section Chief Xu's face changed: "What's wrong with you? Ah? Didn't you finish your revision? Didn't you say there will be no problems? "

Xiao Dong was also in a bad mood: "Who knows it will be so difficult? Not many people can answer it correctly."

Section Chief Xu shouted: "Don't say the questions are difficult! That is because you did not study properly! "

"Xiao Dong is not bad." Mrs. Xu quickly defended her son: "The questions are too weird. I heard many people outside the exam hall saying this. Not only Xiao Dong, but everyone else also failed. Oh, Xiaoping's Xiao Bing also failed. Xiao Dong is slightly better. At least he had answered most of the questions correctly."

Shin jian rolled his eyes. Who said I failed?

Section Chief Xu shouted angrily: "If you cannot pass the minimum passing mark, then everything you say is useless!"

Mrs. Xu sighed: "Let's take the exam next year." Section Chief Xu took a few deep breaths and went upstairs. Mrs. Xu looked at Xiao Dong and then turned to Shin jian 's mother: "In a few months, it will be time to register for this year's Civil Servant exam. Is your son going to take the exam?"

Shin jian 's mother gritted her teeth: "… … Yes!"

Xu Fanqia patted Shin jian 's hand to comfort him. "Don't give yourself too much pressure. Just take the exams next year."

Xiao Dong's results had always been outstanding. This time, even he did not pass, and Shin jian should not be any better. This was what everyone was thinking.

Xiao Dong stared at Shin jian and followed Section Chief Xu upstairs.

Shin jian knew his mother and Aunt Fanqia thought he did not do well in the exams. He rubbed his nose and did not explain.

If it was a misunderstanding, then let it be a misunderstanding. Even if he passed the written test, he really didn't have 100% confidence in passing the interview. What if he told his mother that he did well in the written test, but failed in the interview? Wouldn't that cause his mother's blood pressure to rise? I'll tell them if I reially pass the exam!

After dinner, Shin jian returned to his room and switched on his old Pentium 3 CPU PC. He started to prepare for the interview. He looked up the past interviews on the internet.

5 minutes later, Shin jian remembered that the government agency he applied for does not have its own website, let alone the past Civil Servant interview questions. There was not even any information about the name of the agency.

He reported to the State Security.

The full name of the Ministry of State Security was the Ministry of State Security. It was also a police system and was under the leadership of the State Council. It was a ministerial-level organization and had subordinate departments in the regions. In the provinces, there was a National Security Office, and in prefecture-level cities, there was a National Security Bureau. As Beijing was the capital and a municipality directly under the Central Government, it was a little special. At the city level, it was called the National Security Bureau.

Speaking of the mysterious National Security Agency, everyone should be familiar with it.

But Shin jian heard from others that the people from State Security are not so mysterious, and they are separated into different departments.

For example, the City's State Security Administrative Department, where Shin jian applied for, had to take public transport, attend class gatherings, and tell others where they are working. This was not a secret. One of Shin jian 's seniors from his university had entered the State Security. He had joked to others that he, who was in an office, had no chance to get in touch with the intelligence agents. There was nothing special about the State Security. They cannot drink too much, talk nonsense, tell others their address, etc. There were too many restrictions. The only difference was that the overtime pay was higher than other government agencies.

Huh? Actually, Shin jian was not interested in joining the only recognized intelligence agency in China.

He was forced to sign up. There was nothing he could do about it. There were too many restrictions from the recruitment unit.

For example, the City's Public Security Bureau or the District's State Security Bureau. Other than the written exams, there must be a professional exam. Shin jian could not even pass these two exams. How could he pass the professional exam? That's why Shin jian gave up without hesitation.

Another example was the City's Political Consultative Conference, the City's Education Committee, and other government agencies. The applicant must have at least 2 years of grassroots work experience.

Another example was the Red Cross Society and the Cultural Affairs Bureau. The applicant must be a Party member.

Another example was the Land and Resources Bureau. The applicant must be a Master or Ph. D. The applicant must be a Master or Ph. D.

The applicants must be an accountant. The applicants must be at least 180cm tall. The applicants must be female, etc.

In the end, Shin jian was shocked to realize that the number of agencies he could apply for was less than 3%. The remaining 3% of agencies were located in remote areas. Although there were not many restrictions, and fresh graduates could also apply for positions, they only wanted to recruit one person. The competition was fierce, and Shin jian would not stand a chance.

As a result, the disheartened Shin jian overheard a staff from the City's State Security coming to the United University's lecture hall to give a speech.

State Security was also recruiting people. As long as there were no obvious flaws or special features, and as long as they had not lived overseas for a long time, anyone could apply for the position. There were no restrictions on gender, Party members, subjects, work experience, and professional examinations. There were also rumors that the number of candidates for the Civil Servant examination was 4. Compared to other government agencies, it was more than enough.

After that, Shin jian found out that the State Security was only recruiting fresh graduates.

This is because they have not come into contact with society, and they do not have complicated backgrounds and relationships. They are "clean" and "innocent." This is what people like. On the contrary, State Security is not used to recruiting people like you after working outside for 2 years. You might have experience, but State Security is not used to recruiting people like you.

After weighing the pros and cons, Shin jian finally convinced his mother to enroll in the National Security Department, which has the highest chance of him passing the exams.

Hopefully, everything will go smoothly.