Chapter 41: games in martial arts arena

  Chapter 41 Games in the Martial Arts Arena

Magister Sean is already in his sixties. He is very honored to have experienced the glorious era of mages when he was a teenager. Although he was only at the end of catching up, even now, recalling the scene of that era is still vivid. So much relish.

Sean, who is already full of gray beards, no longer has hope for the rise of mages in the era when knights are in power. Now he lives in the magicians union in the capital, and is an honorary elder, studying every day. Some early magical documents intend to spend the rest of their lives in a mediocre way.

So Sean is not interested in the games of Haider teenagers, and he doesn't think that there will be someone who can make him look good among these children. Even in the capitals with abundant materials, there is not a single child who is qualified. become his disciple.

  Being a disciple of Master Xiao En is one of the goals of many young mages in the capital.

  Holding an attitude of not having any interest in Haider's juniors, Sean raised his eyebrows at Kilok, meaning that this matter is left to you.

  Killock shrugged, a little helpless, after all, Master Xiao En is more than ten years older than him, so this matter has to be handled by him, a member of the "junior generation".

  Although he is called the "junior generation", Kilok is also a warrior who is over fifty years old and has experienced many vicissitudes.

Generally, warriors who go into battle are equipped with at least light armor, but Kilok likes leather armor, and doesn't even use small shields. The slender sword in his hand can pick up any arrows flying towards him quickly. , so it is named "one-handed fast sword".

  Killock knew that the matter had come to this point, and he couldn't continue to shirk.

  When Kilok stood up from the VIP platform, the entire Martial arts arena burst into applause again. For the youngsters here, Kilok's current glory and status may be the goal that these youngsters have been striving for all their lives.

Xiu Yin looked at this knight with enough prestige. Being able to join the strongest knight order in the Starlight Kingdom and being a knight commander already showed the strength of Kilok, but what caught Xiu Yin's attention the most was that Kilok The two thick and long beards on Locke's lips.

The Marquis of Fell also had such a thick and long beard. Under normal circumstances, it was a manifestation of his firm belief in knightly glory. Although it was difficult for Xiuyin to associate the thick long beard with knightly glory, in this world, he could The common feature of the legendary knights who were famous in history is that they all have such beards on their mouths.

Xiu Yin touched his upper lip. With a civilization education different from this world, he suddenly felt that it would be good to be a mage. After all, in his original world, a man with a big beard was not a status or right. symbol of.

Kilok stroked his thick long beard with his right hand. In fact, from the time he stood up to this point, Kilok didn't think of what kind of game he would let these juniors play, so he continued to stroke his beard to fight for himself. A little time for reflection.

Yes, Kilok suddenly thought of a game he played when he was a child, a very old game, which can be traced back at least in history to the era before the appearance of Mafa's soul spar theory, that pure glory that only belongs to knights Era.

   "Ahem." Big shots always like to clear their throats before speaking.

   Kilok raised his head and said to the young juniors in the martial arts arena, "Youths of Haider, I believe that until today, there are still many people who will not give up their dream of becoming a real knight..."

  Hearing this, Xiu Yin curled his lips. This is obviously discriminating against mages of the spiritual power system!

Sitting in the VIP table, Master Xiao En frowned when he heard what Kilok said. Although it is no longer the era of mage glory, there will never be a powerful mage missing in any force. Press down.

  Some special abilities of mages cannot be possessed by fighters who can only carry out traditional attack methods.

  Killock felt the deep cold gaze from behind, obviously he ignored that there were still people with high status among mages in Haider and even the messenger group.

Quickly brought the topic into the game he wanted to talk about, "Then, the ancient game that proves courage, passion, and can make people feel passionate, as if youth is burning! It can not only reflect personal bravery, but also show the team A game of cooperation—rush!"

  Kirlock felt as if he had returned to his teenage years when he finished speaking. At that time, the boys around him were willing to play this game, and he would always be the best one.

  But Kilok found that when he was a little moved by this traditional game, whether it was the teenagers in the arena or the people in the VIP table behind him, they seemed to be very indifferent to him when he proposed this game.

   Kilok doesn't know, in just two months, teenagers have already played this game, and they haven't realized the passion that Kilok said at all, let alone youth can still burn…

  The situation was a bit cold, although Kierok's eyebrows were raised, but he wanted to maintain the demeanor that a knight should have.

   "Ahem, then the boys of Haider, quickly divide into two teams, and I will tell you how to play this ancient and interesting game later!"

  Killock recalled in his mind the scene when he was a child and his friends were all scrambling to be with him. Sometimes it is really difficult to divide teams.

  However, Kilok was surprised to find that the teenagers standing in the martial arts field did not move.

   That's right, they didn't move, because there was no need to move. The team they are standing now has been automatically divided into two camps according to "North and South".

   Kilok, who has keen observation skills, immediately saw some tricks, and thought to himself, "Oh, I didn't expect that the teenagers here have their own camps since they were young..."

   "Then let me briefly talk about the rules of this game..."

  After Kilok finished speaking, Huin found that it was no different from what the Marquis of Fair held two months ago, so after Kilok finished speaking, everyone forgot that there should be applause here.

   Fortunately, Lynn Cove took the lead in applauding in the latter year, which elicited a fairly warm applause.

While the teenagers on both sides were getting ready for the game, Lynn Cove quietly came to Kilok, and whispered to him the reason for the silence, which made Kilok's frown gradually loosen, "I Say, such a passionate game, how could the youngsters full of love and passion not be moved!"

   In the battle game, the first stage is to set up the formation.

  The servants of the castle quickly cleaned up the martial arts arena, and prepared two huge canvases, red and blue, on the east and west sides.

  The west side is the blue side, and the east side is the red side.

  The huge canvas covered all the teenagers on both sides.

  Both sides should choose twelve people who will directly participate in the game.

   Then on the ground of the Martial Arts Field, the upper, middle, and lower passages were drawn with red lines two months ago, and the three passages run through the east and west sides of the Martial Arts Field.

Behind the canvas cover, the players in the game must stand on these three paths. It doesn't matter how the twelve people stand. Any number of people can stand on each path, but the people on each path cannot be lined up. It can be sorted in columns, that is, there will be no two people walking side by side on the same path.

Twelve people can choose to use any weapon, and only one type of weapon can be selected. They are a combination of wooden sword and wooden shield (without shield), wooden spear, bow, and bow with the arrowhead cut off. Bow is selected, and the number of arrows is up to three.

  Everyone will wear the leather light armor specially used in the battle game.

  During the game, twelve people from each side were scattered on three paths.

  A person who uses a combination of wooden sword and wooden shield can only attack the first opponent in front of him on the same path.

  A person who only uses a wooden gun can attack the first person and the second person on the same path.

People who only use bows and arrows can attack anyone in the same passage and adjacent passages. That is to say, people with bows and arrows can attack anyone on any of the upper, middle and lower roads as long as they stand on the middle passage. .

  But if you stand in the upper lane, you can only attack the top lane and the middle lane.

All weapons are painted with dye, as long as they attack the opponent, there will be traces of the dye. If they are directly hit on vital parts, such as the head or heart, they will be eliminated directly, and other parts will be eliminated if they are hit twice. disuse.

But because this game is too old, there was no concept of a magician at that time, so it has been slightly improved today, that is, magicians can only use the most elementary magic, such as fireball, water bombs, small wind blades, etc., and Mage cannot carry weapons, and will be eliminated directly if hit by any attack, no matter it is fatal or not.

Then, if you are hit by magic or twice, you will also be eliminated, but a magician can use magic five times, and can attack everyone on all paths. These two points have some advantages over bows and arrows. It can also be seen that After the introduction of mages in this game, the status of mages is still more important.

  So in the battle game, how to set up the formation is the key, and the combination of various weapons is the key.

  The outcome of the game is the end of the path, and the side with the most people reaching the end of the path will win.

  So to get to the end of the path, you must first eliminate the opponents standing on the same path as you.

In the battle game two months ago, Xiuyin was unfortunately standing on the same path as Galio, and the two were the last players standing on the field. At that time, Xiuyin's team had zero passers. …

   Behind the huge blue canvas are Xiu Yin and the others, who are also from the "South".

   "This time, what shall we do?"

  Here, it seems that everyone's eyes are focused on Xiu Yin. Who made him shine last time? If he didn't get dizzy in the end, he might be able to end the "South".

  Since everyone was looking at him expectantly, Xiu Yin touched his chin. Of course, there was no beard on it.

  Shu Yin from another world actually had an idea in his mind after listening to Kilok explain the rules of the game.

  Xiu Yin is different from the people in this different world. He knows the technology that the people here have never seen, and he also knows something that the people here can't imagine.

   Art of War.

   Xiuyin once had a one-year military career, and military theory is a compulsory course.

  Now, Xiu Yin knows that people in the north are generally strong, while people in the south are generally weak, so a military allusion came to Xiu Yin's mind, "Well, it's the racehorse surnamed Tian!"

  (end of this chapter)