Chapter 42: accident and accident

  Chapter 42 Accidents and Accidents

   As for who Tian XX is, it doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that Xiu Yin has some countermeasures, and the most important thing is that because of his outstanding performance last time, these children in the "South" can listen to his arrangements this time.

Xiu Yin's actual age is twenty-two years old, and he is much richer in scheming and experience than those around him who are only sixteen or seventeen, so after Xiu Yin understands the rules of the game, he can use the rules to play do something.

  The teenagers on both sides in the martial arts arena were covered by a huge canvas, and the guests on the VIP platform could not know how these teenagers would be arranged.

  The origin of the battle game is said to be at the same time as the birth of knights. This game is just like what Kilok said before. Individual bravery can play an important role in the game, and the strength of the team can also put the team in an advantageous position.

  However, the first step of this game is equally important. How to arrange the formation and how to arrange the arms, if reasonable, can put the team in a very advantageous position in the first step.

"These juniors in Haider probably can't think of any good formation." Kilok returned to the VIP platform and sat opposite Master Huon. Now what they want to appreciate is the performance of these juniors, but Kilok I am not optimistic about them. When I was young, I played this kind of game, and I could come up with several sets of formations to suppress the opponent.

"Why, you don't seem to be interested in the games of the little ones." Master Xiao En seems to have seen some thoughts in Kilok's mind. For people who major in mental power, observation skills are always better than physical fitness. Those with strength are a little higher.

"It's not that I'm not interested, it's just that I don't have that strong sense of expectation." Kilok waved his hand. He knew that it's best to tell the truth in front of Master Xiao En, otherwise he would be disgusted by a magister with enough prestige. a good thing.

Master Xiao En did not refute Kilok's statement. After all, the Haider Plain can be regarded as the most barren land in the entire Starlight Kingdom. Without enough resources, it is difficult to give birth to a strong enough strong man, the best way to improve the soul power. A good way is to keep fighting, fighting, and fighting. However, fighting is the most money-consuming behavior...

   Sean was in the marquis's castle, and the only one who could make him feel a certain strength was Lynn Cove, the chief manager of the castle, but that was all.

  However, things will always have surprises, and unexpected things will surprise people.

  Killock and Sean's surprised expressions appeared just after the huge canvases on both sides fell.

   Not only the two of them were shocked, but the entire VIP stage, and even the teenagers in the red square on the east side of the martial arts field were also shocked.

   "Then, what kind of ghost formation is that?" Looking at the formation formed by the opposite blue side, someone from the red side asked in surprise.

   "What tricks are they going to play!"


  The red side obviously had doubts about the formation of the blue side, and on the VIP table, a lady in extravagant clothes was also surprised after seeing it, "Isn't it a violation of the rules to leave a passage open?"

   Lynn Cove shook his head, "Mrs. Windsor, according to the rules, any number of people can be placed on the three paths, so it is not considered a violation of the rules!"

  The Marquis of Fair twitched the tip of his beard on his mouth, and his eyes showed excitement. This day he was named Marquis, and now he saw the blue youths put on such an ingenious formation.

   "It's really interesting." Marquis Fair drank the remaining half glass of fruit wine in his glass with full expectation.

According to Xiu Yin's arrangement, this is indeed a bold formation. Even when he proposed such a formation, it also attracted a lot of opposition, but Xiu Yin was full of confidence, "In the last game, the opponent's formation The most important thing is that there are four people standing on each path, and there are four people standing on each path on my side, so this time, they will not change, and of course they will not expect us to change!"

  Under Xiu Yin's arrangement, the blue team's formation turned out to be eight people in the top lane!

   There are four people in the middle.

  And Xiu Yin knew that Galio on the opposite side would definitely go in the middle, because only standing in the middle can highlight and highlight the hero of the team.

  The overall strength of the blue team itself is not as good as that of the red team. If there are still four people standing on each path, the result will still be lost.

  But now, there are eight people on the top lane, and there are only four people on the opposite side. If this can't make it through... Of course, the blue side has eight people on the top lane, no one will admit that they are not even worse than pigs!

  As soon as the formations of the two sides are formed, the red team naturally thinks that they can get four points when they go up, because the four people on the bottom road can walk through this passage unimpeded.

   "Hmph, that's really interesting."

Galio in the middle of the red square looked at the four people on the opposite side, Huin, Hans, Leo, Charlotte, old opponents, old faces, because last time, there were four of them on this road, the difference is that this time Gary There is an extra Araki on O's side, an excellent archer, and his strength in the middle is even higher than last time!



The dull and long horn sounds here in the Martial Arts Field. This kind of horn sound is the same as the horn sound when the army launches a charge in a real war. When this kind of horn sounded, people would always feel excited unconsciously. The primitive nature of men for fighting also seems to be stimulated at this moment.

   "You have no opponents on this path, clear the level first and get four points!" Galio shouted to his team, "Let's go!"

   Twelve people rushed towards Xiu Yin's blue side in unison.

  When the youths on the blue side saw the formation on the opposite side, it was basically the same as Xiu Yin predicted behind the canvas at the beginning, and their morale was boosted for a while.

  The formation of the red side's top lane is sword shield, long spear, long spear, bow and arrow.

   In the middle, swords and shields, spears (Galio), bows and arrows (Masa Araki), and magic are discharged.

  The bottom lane is sword shield, spear, spear, bow and arrow.

  Shuyin's side is:

   Hit the road Bow, arrow, spear, sword shield, spear, sword shield, spear, sword shield.

  Bow and Arrow (Leo), Magic (Shuyin), Spear (Hans), Sword and Shield (Charlotte) in the middle.

  Xiu Yin arranged three sets of sword shields and long spears on the road, the purpose is nothing else, just to hold back the opponent!

  When the muffled sound of the horn disappeared in the martial arts arena, Xiu Yin's side also moved.

  The sword and shield are in front of the upper and middle lanes, in order to cover the teammates behind, and at this time, the bow, arrow and magic can attack first.

   "First of all, that person!"

  Shuyin could see from a long distance away that the mage who was standing in the middle of the opposite lane began to hold his hands in mid-air and closed his eyes tightly.

  Xiu Yin knew that he was concentrating his energy to condense the magical elements.

   "But, I won't let you succeed!"

  Xiu Yin is also holding it with his hand here. In order not to arouse suspicion, he has tried his best to slow down the release speed, but a ball of fire appeared on his palm very quickly.

"Xiu Yin" hadn't done anything else for the past two years, only practicing fireball, so Xiu Yin only saw the position of the mage on the opposite side, and the muscles in his arm had already memorized mechanically how to attack that position. At the same time, allocate some spiritual power to increase the initial speed of the fireball.

So, under Xiu Yin's standard "throwing grenade" action, a fireball flew up from the blue side first, drawing a beautiful arc, and the target was the one in the red side who was closing his eyes and struggling to concentrate. mage!

"not good!"

The red side was almost taken aback here, no one would have thought that Xiu Yin's spellcasting speed would be so fast, watching a fireball fall into the formation, and the sorcerer kept his eyes closed all the time, and didn't notice it at all. Araki, standing in front of him, raised his bow and focused on aiming at the beginning, so he didn't have time to help the mage standing in the last position.


The fireball accurately hit the poor mage's head. Although there was a leather helmet on his head, a ball of flames burned all the hair exposed outside the helmet, and he himself woke up. He was rolling all over the ground in a hurry, and he was also a mage of fire attribute, so he quickly dispelled the flame element on his head to avoid becoming a bald man.

   As soon as the game started, the only mage on the red side was eliminated. This result is indeed a bit surprising.

And Master Xiao En felt a little surprised when Xiu Yin shot, "The more eye-catching boy with red hair can cast fireball so much earlier than the mage on the opposite side, and the accuracy is simply too exaggerated !"

Sean didn't feel the existence of much mental power from that fireball, that is to say, this fireball didn't rely on the remote control of mental power to hit the target accurately, but relied entirely on the strength of the red-haired boy's arm. Manipulating it!

   What an interesting trainee mage, Master Xiao En suddenly became interested in this young man.

   Shuke, who was also on the VIP platform, also saw his son's outstanding performance, and immediately couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

  Marquis Fell looked at Xiu Yin, thinking to himself, "Two months ago, that kid was just a half-baked mage..."

   Surprise is nothing but surprise, but the battle will continue.

Araki let out a cold snort, raised his bow and drew the full string. He knew that if he shot directly at the opponent who was also in the middle, he would be blocked by the front shield more easily. Therefore, Araki was facing the blue team's top laner. The last bow and arrow.

  The position of Araki Masa and the position of the last bow and arrow are exactly diagonal, and there is no dead angle.

   Let go of your hand, and there is a "whoosh".

  A headless arrow shot towards the blue formation with a sound of wind.

"Defend quickly!" Hans thought that the arrow was shooting here, and Charlotte in front of him immediately raised the shield in his hand in a panic, but there was no sound on the shield, but a soft "pop" came from behind them. ring.

  The headless arrow accurately shot on the helmet of the last archer who was still in astonishment, and the bow fell, but left a deep red mark on his helmet, and he was eliminated.

  One to one.

   This time the battle scene was more exciting than the two months, but it just brought out some passion like what Kierock said at the beginning. Even the people sitting on the VIP table became excited, and some even came to suggest that everyone take a gamble and bet to see which side will win.

  Although the blue side came up and made some big splashes with Xiuyin's magic, everyone found that almost everyone put their money on the red side, and the strength of the red side is indeed more obvious.

  However, there are still three people on the blue side. Two of them are the fathers of Xiu Yin and Leo. As fathers, they don't believe in their sons. Who would believe it?

  But what is surprising is that the other person who pressed the blue side to win was actually Master Xiao En!

   Huh, finally caught up, work harder for yourself!

  (end of this chapter