A meal to the fishes

Loud voices and movement of chains brought her out of her sleep. For reasons unknown to her, she really enjoyed it. Perhaps it was the first time she was having a complete sleep which wasn't interrupted by the mercenaries who often come at night to take people. Just as she sat up, huge hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up.

"Stop! Where are you taking me?" She scratched and tried to leave the man's hand.

Huge feet in boots appeared at the doorway. The Captain's lips pulled up in a lopsided grin as his eyes moved from the beginning of the line to the end, then he stopped. "I've been too amused by men. It's boring now. Take her to the pole," he pointed at the girl and his men hurriedly pulled her out of the door.

"No!" Her scream echoed in the basement as she was led to the pole which served as a scaffold and the fishes as the executioner.

The man who gave the girl water the previous night gritted his teeth in rage as he glared at the captain in the dark. His hands itched to break his neck and feed his body to the fishes but that wouldn't be wise since they're in the middle of the sea. The captain was busy throwing people into the sea, having no idea he was having a wrong captive in his ship.

Quietly, they file out of the deck, climbing a tiny staircase leading up to the top of the ship. Cold air greeted him but his mind was on the girl who he won't let die.

She struggled and tried to run away from the huge men but to no avail. "Please let me go, I've nothing. I've done nothing," she begged.

Hahahaha. "Tell that to the fishes," one of them said and grinned. Going on his knees, he brought out a sharp knife from his sheath which was placed on his belt and stabbed it into the skin of her leg.


Her scream filled the air, sending another wave of fear and shock into the hearts of the others who were forced to look at what the Captain's men did to those who would be killed. The captain in his part smirked proudly and spread his hands out to relieve the atmosphere of pain and anguish. Across the seven kingdoms, he was the most feared Pirate. To top it all, he was the richest. One of the best assassins and the worst mercenary.

Strapped to the iron pole, blood from her wounded leg dropped into the water and she swallowed her tears, waiting for what would happen. She was panting in fear as she thought of those sharp teeth on her flesh. Then, the pole was lowered while the ship was also moving.

Then it dawned on him that the scarf and fake hair will pull off and her silver hair will be revealed. If the captain finds such a rare human, he won't kill her, he would do far worse. Cold sweat broke on her forehead as the wind pushed her hair all around. Her most cherished secret was coming into view any moment from now. Everyone held their breath for almost thirty minutes yet nothing. The captain frowned and headed over to the top where the girl was lowered. He took the bloodied knife from his man and cut her on the second leg. She yelled in frustration. More blood poured, dying the water red and she saw it. The huge figure of an approaching shark.

Hahaha. The captain laughed hysterically and placed his hands on the railings, about to enjoy the show.

Fear gripped her and her heart thudded heavily against her ribcage as though they'll pull out from her chest. She was scared. Everyone held their breath. Suddenly, a strong force hit the ship, pushing it backwards and enough for everyone to feel the impact including the captain who fell backwards.

She growled in anger as her eyes turned fiery gold as flame. No one saw this because she was lowered facing the water. She had no idea of what was happening to her except the fact that she was scared to die.

"Hold everyone intact. Today must be a good day. Set the net and the hooks. We'll take this one while it's feeding!" The captain yelled.

"Yay!!" The mercenaries yelled happily and soon, all the equipment used in catching a shark were laid out, waiting for their captain to give orders.

The shark made its way towards her. Her eyes changed back to normal blue and the shark leapt up into the air.

"Pull back!" The captain yelled and everyone including the locked up captives pulled back away from the impending danger.

The Shark's mouth came down towards her head to devour her when her eyes immediately burned like an electric blue. Her inside burned as she made her way into the Shark's head. Seeing lots of gore scenes of the shark eating people and fishes, she tried to find its present one of her.

She has been able to control the minds of water creatures since she was thirteen. At first, everyone thought she was cursed but her parents loved her too much to kill her like what the villagers demanded.

Seeing the distractions everywhere, he picked up a spear from the floor and made his way towards her. She was in danger and any moment from now, that shark will eat her head off. Climbing the ladder, he set the spear in kinetic motion, aiming precisely so it won't miss the target. For someone who was skilled in the weapons of war, it was nothing for him.

The spear left his hand, heading towards the shark. Then someone caught it. The captain's face was filled with burning anger which was enough to melt lead.

"You Goddamn bastard," the captain growled and threw the spear away. Then he rushed towards the man. Grabbing the Captain's collar, he brought him to the floor with just one fist on his gut and soon, they were exchanging blows.

Feeling the warm breath on the skin of her neck, she closed her eyes and that was it.

She was dead.