Vampire's attack

She found the Shark's present vision of her, it was so close to removing her head when she clasped it around her hands and cracked it.

The Shark wailed loudly in confusion, conflicted because its predating vision had been destroyed. It made awful sounds before rolling back into the water. Her head hung low. She passed out.


Opening her eyes, she found herself in his arms, curled up like a furball. The pain in her legs were still fresh and the shark was also gone. No. She wasn't dead.

He made his way from the top of the ship carrying the pale girl. On the floor was the captain who was now in chains while the other men were freed. The Captain's men were also in chains except the ones in charge of riding the ships.

"What happened? Where's the shark?" She asked.

"We're safe for now. You sent it back to the sea," he replied and looked her in the eyes. His red eyes blinked.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the man. He was too handsome. His obsidian hair looked soft and silky, his eyes red mixed with black. His nose was perfectly carved, his mouth wasn't thick or thin. It was as if God patiently waited to create him.

"Who are you?" She asked as he placed her on a chair.

The bound captain glared at her. She was probably sitting on his chair.

"I'm Magnus milady and you're?"

"Victoria." She replied with a smile before taking a look around her. I want to leave here. I have to get back to my parents," she replied in haste and stood up.

Magnus pushed the girl back on the chair. His gentle smiling facade is gone and replaced with a wicked cold face. Now wasn't the time for him to act good and cozy. Finding what his mother needs in order to be saved from her strange illness was his top priority for now.

Victoria gasps and pressed into the wooden chair. The man who just saved her now looked like a predator himself as he glared at her with glacier eyes. "You can't leave. Not now, not after." He snapped before walking away, leaving the girl to swallow all that has been happening around her. His mother has few days to live.

Victoria sat aghast. Pale as a sheet as she watches everyone busy around. The men who were chained earlier were now free and patching up their wounds while the captain and his men were led to the deck. She curled up in a ball. Her parents would've given up searching for her, would they? Ever since she was born, the villagers had deserted her parents due to the strange color of her hair.

Her parents refused to explain to her why her hair color was different from the entire villagers and kept saying she's a blessing. They vowed to protect and love her which they did but the fact the villagers never wanted to have anything to do with her wasn't the best.

"Tea?" He asked.

"No, thank you." She replied without looking at him. The fright he gave her earlier was enough to make her mindful of the people around here.

"Water?" He persisted.

"I don't need it," she answered again. The body beside her didn't move and she didn't care to look. All she wanted right now was to get out of this ship and run as far as she could before finding her way home. She can ask the people around about Tenderhill village and they'll be able to locate it.

A new hope sparked in her eyes.

Hands in her hair brought her back to reality as it dawned on her.

"What are you doing?" She stood up immediately, coming face to face with a man who looked pale white. His eyes were wide open but looking a bit too intensely, one could see it was dead. He was still holding the tea that was offered to her and goosebumps filled Victoria's skin upon noting the man who saved her was different from this doll-like human.

"Who are you," she asked and stepped back. The man took a step towards her and she rounded the chair.

Her silver hair slipped out of her fake hair and she immediately put it back to avoid unnecessary attention.

She bolted for the deck door but the man was faster. He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her back. Before she could scream, his huge cold palms came across her mouth and nose, blocking her air.

Quietly, he pulled her into a tiny door beside the deck.

Magnus came out of his room and headed to the railings where he had left the girl. His mood is better now after wooing the chef to think he was his wife so he could feed from his stale blood.

Reaching the platform, Victoria was nowhere to be found. He hurried down and looked into the sea but nothing. Even if she fell into the sea, someone might've seen her.

Using his heightened vampire sense, he smelled fear heavy in the air. Trying to find where it led to, a rotten smell purged his nose and he had to stop using his senses.

Frowning, he hadn't recognized any vampire onboard. From the smell he perceived, one was certainly Victoria's. No. The vampire attacked her. That's why there was a mixture of fear and pain in the air. Using his sense again, he followed the smell into a tiny door, an abandoned part of the ship.

It didn't sit well with him that Victoria was dragged here by a vampire. Just as he passed a door in the corridor, he heard a heavy breath from behind him.

The vampire's mouth was coated with blood he had sucked from his new prey and he suddenly felt strong and powerful like never before. It was as if the female's blood gave him strength. The more he fed from her, the more his skin returned to normal after the captain had starved him for three weeks.

Just when he was about to enjoy his prey, someone came inside. Picking up the sound with its ears, he saw a man walking ahead of him. Before he could grip the man's neck, dey disappeared.

Magnus dematerialized and reappeared behind the man. Grabbing him on his shoulder, he flung him across the corridor.

"Bastard! How dare you touch her!"

"Hahaha" the man laughed and stood up. "She's so delicious and full of energy. I'm not sharing my food. He snapped and attacked Magnus for the second time as they bawled.

"How did you get on this ship?" For a vampire of his caliber, he would have known if there were vampires onboarding. From the looks of it now, he wasn't quite sure.

"Looking for something," the man replied and cracked his dislocated arm into position.

Magnus' lips twitched. "And what is it?"

"The same reason you're here," the vampire grinned evilly, "Magnus."

"What?" The man lunged immediately at him.