The stunning beauty.

The scorching sun and the sweltering heat made it hard to breathe. Since entering July, Jianghai City had experienced over a week of temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. This unusual weather forced people to hide in air-conditioned rooms, not daring to venture outside easily.

At noon, the hottest time of the day, a young man was leisurely walking towards the Jianghai urban area on the 107 National Road Jianghai section.

The young man was about 170 centimeters tall, slender, and not particularly handsome, though he did have a somewhat refined look. His outfit was quite ordinary. He wore a simple white T-shirt, slightly faded jeans, and a pair of yellowed white sneakers. The entire ensemble was worth less than a hundred yuan.

The sun, which was hot enough to melt people, seemed to have no effect on the young man. He looked happy and showed no signs of fatigue. Surprisingly, there wasn't a drop of sweat on his face.

"Beep beep…" A horn sounded as a black Audi sped towards him from behind.

The young man turned around with a bright smile on his face. Instead of dodging, he spread his arms and stood in the middle of the road.

"Screech... ah..." Accompanied by the sound of an emergency brake and two exclamations, the Audi stopped less than a foot away from the young man.

A man rolled down the window and yelled at the young man, "Are you looking for death?"

"Is this car going to Jianghai City?" The young man, though almost hit by the car, showed no fear. He even smiled.

"What does it matter to you? Move away, or don't blame me for being rude!" The man shouted loudly, his tone tinged with a hint of nervousness. He had heard that this section of the road was not very safe. Could this kid be a robber?

The young man grinned, "I need a ride."

"A ride?" The man was taken aback. He sighed with relief, then got angry again. "This is not a taxi!"

"I know." The young man said cheerfully, "I don't like taxis."

"If you don't like taxis, go take a bus. Anyway, move out of the way!" The man said impatiently.

"I don't like buses either." The young man stood his ground, clearly intent on riding this car.

"I don't care what you like…" The man clearly didn't want to take this guy along.

Just then, a pleasant voice came from inside the car, "Let him in!"

The man was stunned, "Mengying, this guy is suspicious. Do you really want to…"

"I said let him in!" The pleasant voice was now filled with obvious displeasure. "Hurry up, I don't want to waste time!"

"Alright!" The man, though reluctant, had no choice but to open the door and reluctantly shouted to the young man, "You're lucky. Get in!"

The young man climbed into the car and smiled at the beauties in the back seat, "Thank you, beautiful sister!"

In the back seat were two beauties, one older and one younger. The older beauty, around twenty-three or twenty-four, wore a dark blue professional suit, looking mature and cold, giving off an unapproachable vibe. The younger beauty, around thirteen or fourteen, was dressed casually, with bright, lively eyes, looking very cute and active.

The older beauty seemed preoccupied and didn't react to the young man's attempt to get close. The younger beauty, however, wrinkled her cute little nose and glared at the young man, "Why don't you thank me?"

"Because you're too young." The young man said with a smile, "I don't like little girls."

The young beauty was instantly annoyed, "How am I little?"

The young man unabashedly scanned the key parts of the young beauty and concluded, "You're small everywhere."

"You!" The young beauty's face turned red with anger, "Cousin, throw this annoying guy out of the car!"

"Beibei, we're in a hurry." The older beauty frowned slightly and looked at the man in front, "Junfeng, let's go!"

Clearly, both the man driving and the young beauty in the back seat listened to the older beauty. As soon as she spoke, the young beauty stopped demanding the young man be thrown out, and the man started the car and drove forward.

"Wow, this is what the inside of a car looks like!" The young man was curious, touching and looking around excitedly.

"Hillbilly, is this your first time in a car?" The young beauty couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." The young man nodded naturally.

"If you've never been in a car, why did you say you don't like taxis?" The young beauty asked indignantly.

"My wife told me that taxis cost money." The young man replied.

"You can actually find a wife?" The young beauty seized the opportunity to mock him since he had just called her small.

"My wife is very beautiful." The young man stared at the young beauty, "Much prettier than you."

"Keep dreaming!" The young beauty was skeptical. This guy was not good-looking, wore cheap clothes, and had never been in a car. She didn't believe he could find a pretty wife.

"Brother driver, how much longer to Jianghai City?" The young man asked.

"Two hours." The man driving replied.

"In two hours, I can see my wife!" The young man looked happy.

"Is your wife in Jianghai?" The young beauty asked.

"Of course. Why else would I go to Jianghai?" The young man said casually.

"Hey, if your wife is really that pretty and in Jianghai, I might know her. What's her name?" The young beauty asked, still curious.

"Her name is Qiao Xiao Qiao." The young man looked at the young beauty, "Do you know her?"

The car screeched to a halt, and the man driving almost hit his head on the steering wheel.

"Qiao Xiao Qiao?" The man exclaimed, and the two beauties in the back looked at the young man in shock. This name had a huge impact on them.

"Brother driver, do you know my wife?" The young man was puzzled, then smiled, "My wife is very beautiful, isn't she?"

"Cousin, could there be another Qiao Xiao Qiao in Jianghai?" The young beauty asked softly.

"Maybe." The older beauty quickly regained her composure, "Junfeng, keep driving."

The car resumed its journey, but the atmosphere inside became a bit strange.

"Hey, hillbilly, do you really know Qiao Xiao Qiao?" After a few minutes, the young beauty couldn't hold back.

"She's my wife, of course, I know her." The young man looked at the young beauty strangely, "Are you stupid?"

"You're the stupid one!" The young beauty was furious. "Even if you do know Qiao Xiao Qiao, she can't be your wife. Do you know what kind of person she is? How could she like you?"

"Little sister, do you like winter or summer?" The young man's eyes twinkled as he asked.

"Don't call me little sister. I'm not little, and I'm not your sister!" The young beauty glared at the young man, "My name is Su Beibei. You can call me Miss Su or Sister Beibei!"

"Alright, Miss Su, answer my question." The young man smiled.

"Isn't it obvious? I like summer. Winter is too cold." Su Beibei pouted.

"Exactly, you like summer. So it's no wonder my wife likes me." The young man said with a smile.

"When did I say I like you?" Su Beibei stared at the young man.

"Didn't you just say you like summer?" The young man's eyes twinkled.

"So what?" Su Beibei still didn't get it.

"If you like summer, it means you like me." The young man grinned, "My last name is Xia, and my first name is Tian."

Su Beibei was stunned. She never expected this guy to have such a name. No wonder he asked that strange question.

"Who has such a weird name?" Su Beibei said indignantly after a moment.

The young man sighed, "So many people like me. I feel a lot of pressure!"

"Disgusting!" Su Beibei looked like she was about to vomit.

"My master said that girls who feel nauseous are usually pregnant." The young man said seriously.

"You!" Su Beibei's face turned red, "You pervert!"

"My second master said I was born a pervert." The young man was still serious.

"I bet your masters aren't good people either!" Su Beibei glared at the young man, and if looks could kill, the young man would have been sliced into pieces.

"My third master would like you because he agrees with you. He says my first and second masters are both scoundrels." The young man grinned.

"How many masters do you have?" Su Beibei was going crazy.

"My fairy sister told me that most people have dozens of teachers growing up. I only have three masters, so it's not bad." The young man said with a smile.

"Who's your fairy sister?" Su Beibei's head was starting to spin.

"My fairy sister is also my wife." The young man's eyes showed a hint of tenderness, and his expression changed instantly.

"Isn't your wife Qiao Xiao Qiao?" Su Beibei was confused by the young man's words.

"You're so dumb. My fairy sister is my main wife, and Xiao Qiao is my minor wife. It's such a simple

 thing, and you can't figure it out?" The young man's tone had a hint of disdain.

The man driving finally couldn't hold back, "Beibei, this guy is a lunatic. Why are you talking to him?"