We have a flat tire.

"Third Brother, I just found out he's crazy too!" Su Beibei pouted. Yes, she now believed that Summer was mentally unstable. If claiming Qiao Xiao Qiao was his wife had a one-in-a-million chance of being true, the idea of Qiao Xiao Qiao being his concubine could only exist in the delusions of a madman.

"Brother driver, I know you're jealous of me." Summer said lazily.

"Jealous of you? Why would I, Su Junfeng, be jealous of you?" The man found it both irritating and amusing.

"Exactly, Third Brother has been a genius since he was a child. He got his PhD from Columbia University at twenty-two, returned to China to start his own business, and within three years, he owned a company worth millions. Why would he be jealous of a hillbilly who can't even afford a taxi?" Su Beibei scoffed, "Third Brother is richer and more handsome than you. If anyone's jealous, it's you."

"Millions is nothing. By the time I'm twenty-five, I'll have much more than that." Summer said casually.

"Millions is nothing?" Su Beibei was furious. "You can't even afford a taxi, and you call millions small change?"

"My wife said she can lose a million by blinking and gain billions by opening her eyes." Summer said indifferently.

Su Beibei was stunned, and even Su Junfeng glanced at Summer again. Could he really know Qiao Xiao Qiao? They knew Qiao Xiao Qiao had the ability to handle billions, losing millions or making billions in an instant.

"Hillbilly, even if Qiao Xiao Qiao is your wife, the money is hers, not yours!" Su Beibei scoffed. "Are you planning to live off a woman?"

"Actually, my wife is mine, so her money is also mine. But my third master told me that a man shouldn't live off a woman, so I decided to make money on my own." Summer said confidently. "When I get to Jianghai, I'll make money quickly."

"Ha, with your looks, you probably didn't even graduate from college. The best you can do is be a laborer, making two or three thousand yuan a month." Su Beibei looked at Summer with disdain.

"I never went to school." Summer looked at Su Beibei. "When I was three, on my first day of kindergarten, I met my fairy sister. We fell in love at first sight and eloped."

"Spit..." The beautiful woman was drinking mineral water. Hearing this, she spat it out and started coughing violently. "Cough, cough..."

"Cousin, are you okay?" Su Beibei patted the beautiful woman's back with concern.

"I'm fine, just choked." The beautiful woman shook her head but couldn't help giving Summer a strange look. Who falls in love at first sight and elopes at three?

At that moment, the car suddenly shook, accompanied by two muffled sounds. Su Junfeng's face changed slightly, and he quickly slowed the car down, stopping it by the roadside.

"Junfeng, what's wrong?" The beautiful woman asked.

"Probably a flat tire. I'll go check." Su Junfeng got out of the car.

Soon, Su Junfeng started cursing, "Damn it, some bastard scattered nails on the road. The left front and right rear tires are punctured!"

"Ah, that's bad! Does that mean we can't drive anymore?" Su Beibei exclaimed.

With two of the four tires punctured and no spare tire, the car naturally couldn't be driven. Su Junfeng looked around and saw no other cars in sight, possibly because it was too hot for anyone to be out.

A few hundred meters ahead, there was a two-story house with the words "Tire Repair" painted in red on the wall facing them.

"There's a tire repair place ahead. Let's go check it out." Su Junfeng got back in the car. While there was still some air left in the tires, driving a few hundred meters wasn't a problem.

"Someone scattered nails on the road, and there's a tire repair place just ahead. Isn't that too coincidental?" Su Beibei said angrily. "I bet the people there did it on purpose."

It was normal for Su Beibei to suspect this. Similar things happened in many places, but it was hard to find evidence, so people just accepted their bad luck.

While talking, Su Junfeng drove the car to the house and honked the horn.

A bald young man quickly ran out with a smile, "Boss, car trouble?"

"The tires are punctured by nails. Can you fix them?" Su Junfeng asked.

"Of course!" The bald man turned and shouted inside, "Da Liu, Xiao Du, get to work!"

Two young men with crew cuts came out with tools, circled the car, and quickly removed the two punctured tires, carrying them into the shop.

"Boss, come inside and rest. There's air conditioning and cold water, all free." The bald man opened the car door for Su Junfeng.

Su Junfeng looked at the beautiful woman in the back, seeking her opinion.

"Let's go in." The beautiful woman got out of the car.

Su Junfeng and Su Beibei followed, with Summer trailing behind. They entered a room with air conditioning and a refrigerator in the corner, just as the bald man said.

"Boss, miss, please sit for a while." The bald man enthusiastically offered them each a bottle of cold mineral water, making Su Junfeng appreciate the good service.

"How long will it take to fix?" The beautiful woman asked.

"At least half an hour," the bald man replied, "but…"

"But what?" The beautiful woman frowned.

"Miss, we need the payment upfront." The bald man smiled.

Su Beibei was displeased, "Hey, people usually pay after the repair!"

"Miss, you don't know. I usually ask for payment after, but my boys won't work without being paid first. A half-hour job could take half a day otherwise." The bald man explained with a smile. "I figured you wouldn't want to wait that long, so I had to ask for the payment first."

"How much?" The beautiful woman asked calmly.

The bald man held up one finger.

"A hundred yuan?" Su Beibei exclaimed. "I've heard tire repairs cost thirty at most."

"Miss, it's not a hundred." The bald man shook his head.

"Ten? That's reasonable." Su Beibei was satisfied. "That's cheap."

"Miss, it's a thousand." The bald man thought, Where did this naive girl come from? Ten yuan wouldn't even cover these mineral waters!

"What? A thousand?" Su Beibei jumped up, glaring at the bald man. "Why not just rob us?"

"Miss, robbery is illegal. We don't do illegal things." The bald man remained calm. He wasn't surprised by Su Beibei's reaction, having encountered this situation before.

"Beibei, stop." The beautiful woman took out a wad of cash, pulled out ten bills, and handed them to the bald man. "Here's a thousand. Please hurry, I'm in a rush."

The bald man took the money but didn't leave, "Miss, there's still another thousand."

"Don't push it!" Su Junfeng couldn't hold back anymore.

"Boss, a thousand per tire. Two tires mean two thousand. I may not have much education, but I can do basic math." The bald man said slowly.

"Take it." The beautiful woman handed another ten bills to the bald man. "If you can finish in fifteen minutes, I'll give you another two thousand."

"Thank you, miss." The bald man was surprised by her generosity but quickly regained his composure. "We'll fix it as soon as possible!"

The bald man left quickly. Su Beibei complained, "Cousin, they're clearly extorting us. Why give them so much?"

"I just want to get back to Jianghai quickly. A few thousand yuan is a small matter." The beautiful woman said calmly.

"I don't know why we're having so much trouble today. We've never had issues going back to Jianghai before." Su Beibei pouted, then turned her anger on Summer. "You're bad luck. The car broke down right after you got in!"

"My fairy sister says I'm the biggest lucky star, and my wife says meeting me is the luckiest thing in her life." Summer clearly disagreed.

"Crazy, delusional, hopeless!" Su Beibei muttered.

"If it's an illness, it can be treated. Even mental illness is just a minor issue with the nervous system." Summer shook his head.

"As if you're a divine doctor!" Su Beibei looked at Summer with disdain.

"That's right, I am a divine doctor." Summer nodded seriously.

"Would you die if you stopped bragging?" Su Beibei snapped.

Summer looked innocent, "No wonder my master told me no one believes the truth nowadays."

Su Beibei glared at Summer and finally fell silent.

About ten minutes later, the bald man returned.

"Is it done?" The beautiful woman stood up.

"Yes, but miss, about what you said…" The bald man started, but the beautiful woman tossed another wad of cash at him. "Take it!"

"Thank you, miss." The bald man was overjoyed.

The beautiful woman ignored him and headed outside, followed by Summer and the others. But soon, they realized something was wrong—the door was closed.

"Miss, you can't leave yet." The bald man's voice came from behind.