Chapter 1: At death's door

Why was i at the 100th floor?! This doesn't make sense! I also saw something unbelievable… another person?! "Hey! What are you doing here?!" I said as the person looked shock and said the same thing i then began looking at him clearly this guy came from my world he was wearing a coat and a beanie looked at me his hair was springing out of the beanie and he had golden colored eyes. "The names Hebi Nakamura." He said as he let out his hand for me to shake so i accepted and we began talking. "So you also got summoned by him?" I asked as he then looked at me confused and said "Him? The one that summoned me was a girl." He said as i then had a expression of shock as he said a different name than Aros "The one who summoned me was Viora." He said as i then wondered why did Aros lie to me… and suddenly a girl showed up and then another guy and then a kid and they kept appearing until there was 100 people. "Welcome! For today ~ we have a test of survival… all of you 100 people will be racing till the door over there. As then a screen popped up in front of everyone with a map that showed the door being far away and in measuring it was 100 kilometers far. "You can fight, help each other and kill others! Of course if you die its over for you!" The voice said as i looked at Hebi wondering if he was trustworthy. "Hey Hebi want to team up?" I asked as he smiled "Yeah sure, by the way you never told me your name." He said as i then remembered i never said my name "Haruki Suou." I said as then the voice began "Oh right the first 10 people that open the door and pass will get to live and the others will die." The voice said as everyone began to freak out due to this revelation a menu popped up in front of us

[ Main Mission : 100 Kilometer race!

Conditions : Reach the door and be one of the 10 people!

Rewards: 1000 exp!

Time limit: Once 10 players pass the door.

Notice: upon failure of completing the mission the punishment is death. ]

I tried to not panic but it was hard due to the failure and the length… this is gonna be hard but i need to make it out! I promised Ai i'll be back.. I can't die here! "Now… Let the ultimate game Begin!" Said the voice as the race has began people started running but i grabbed Hebi before he ran "Wait if this is like a game then there's something we should do before embarking." I said as he questioned what i wanted to say. "We need to go there first" i pointed at the opposite direction of the door and Hebi saw what i saw, it was a village. "So you're suggesting we go to the village?" He asked as i nodded "it might trigger a hidden quest or something and also we might get stuff." I said As he seemed to understand my intentions and then we began heading to the village. We soon made it to the village and then got a window popping up in front of us [ Hidden Quest unlocked!

Save the villagers from the monsters!

Reward: ???

Difficulty level: 5

Time limit: 5 hours

Punishment: none ]

"Did you get the message Hebi?" I asked as he nodded "Yeah, but how are we supposed to fight?" He asked as i began looking around the village "aha!" I pointed at a couple of rusty swords "let's use these!" I said as we both grabbed a sword we began walking deeper into the village, children cried and houses were burning this was enough to piss me off "Hebi…" i said as he looked at me he saw the rage and nodded his head and we began rushing towards the monsters, the first "Monster" we saw wasn't even a monster but some human bandits who were raiding this place so me and Hebi decided to intervene and beat the bandits, as we rushed against the bandits i used my status check on one of the bandits and was shocked at what i saw [ Bandit Lvl 100 ] the bandit was level 100 while me and Hebi were just level 1. "Hebi be careful! Those bandits are level 100!" I warned as we then stopped in our tracks and the bandit began charging at us i quickly looked around and saw a house that wasn't burned down "There!" I said as we ran to the house Hebi entered and then i closed the door on him "Hey Haruki! What's this?!" He said as he looked angry being locked inside the house "Stay there i'll fight the bandits and then come back to get you!" I said as he screamed once more I completely ignored his screams and looked at the level 100 bandit. Of course the bandit was a human so i had a theory in mind us humans die once our hearts stop beating then it should be game over so it should be the same here so i should aim for the heart. The duel between me and the Bandit began as he slashed his sword i dodge as many of his slashes as i can but ended up getting hit in the arm "Damn you Bandit!" I said as he continued moving his sword i kept getting hit while trying to avoid the hit but his next attack was unexpected he had aimed at my heart. Ah… is this the end? But before I can think that Another sword interfered and the Bandit had a shocked expression, i looked at the direction of the sword and saw Hebi there. "H-How?" I said as he then grabbed me by the neck "listen here dumbass we're partners! So don't go seeking death like that alright? If we will do something we do it together." He said as i then realized that I wasn't alone in this fight "You're right.. Sorry Hebi, Let's go now." I stood up with my sword as Hebi then stood next to me "Let's beat him up but do you have a strategy?" He asked wondering what my plan was so i explained it to him "That thing is human so i assume if we stab its heart it'll die." I said as he then nodded understanding and then we began to initiate our attack, Hebi had taken the front as I initiated an attack from behind and after successfully attacking the Bandit we managed to lang a hit on him. "Haruki Now!!" Hebi said giving me the green light to stab and so i stabbed aiming at the heart of the bandit. "Take this!" I said as the sword penetrated his heart the bandit's lifeless body falls as a message appears [ Killed 1/5 Bandits! Gained 100 Exp! ]

And then another message appeared [ Leveled Up! ] hm? "Hey did you get that Hebi?" I asked as he nodded "I leveled up too." He said as i then wondered how to check my status window. "Hmm Window?" Nothing happened.. i tried saying another word "Status window." And then it opened, Ah! I can see my stats!

Name: Haruki Suou

level: 2

Strength: 18

MP: 100

Agility: 22

Endurance: 17

Skills: None!

Extra skills:

First conquerer of the Tower


Huh? First Conquerer of the tower? There has to be a way to see the skills, i tried moving my hand and pressing on the skill showed me what it does

[ First Conquerer of the Tower

Rarity: SS

Description: As the first Conquerer you gain details showing everything about the tower including how to clear floors and can gain access to the layout of the tower. ] huh…? When did i obtain such an op skill? And what does it mean first Conquerer of the tower?? This is the first time i have entered this place, so how..? I thought about Aros and the moment i did he appeared in front of me as I screamed Hebi seemed confused so i concluded he can't see Aros. "So you thought about me huh?" Aros said as i replied "I was wondering about this skill." I pointed at the skill and he then also had a shocked face and wondered "H-How did you get such skill?!!" He asked as if he was furious "I dunno… i found it somehow when checking my stats now." I said as he then tried to calm himself and said "this will be interesting." He said as he then left. "Who you talking to?" Hebi asked as i then said "Sorry just mumbling to myself haha…" i brushed it off and decided to try and use the skill. [Activating First Conquerer of the Tower]

Suddenly a lot of information appeared in front of me i looked around and i noticed that this skill allowed me to see hidden items as well so it was surprising when I looked around the village and saw a hidden chest. "Hebi, i have a feeling there is something under there." I said as i pointed at the well he looked confused but nodded "I'll jump down and see what is there, but i'll need you to help me get back up." I said as we then began heading to the well. as we finally made it Hebi looked at me and said "Don't die on me." So i smiled and replied "I'll be back." As i then jumped down the well i found the chest. "Found it!" I said as i grabbed the chest i signaled for Hebi to help me and so he did. "Woah… how'd you know that was there?" Hebi asked as he was looking at the chest in amazement and then i said "Instincts." As we opened the chest we found it filled with outfits and weapons. "Hey look a white coat!" I said as i wore it "see? Now it seems like we're wearing the same coat except different colors!" I said as he then replied "Take it off it doesn't suit you" he said as i then took the coat off i noticed a jacket that caught my attention "This is something i'd wear." It was a black jacket but what surprised me about it was the words on it saying "Praise Lord Aros The Fallen one?" I read as I questioned what it meant and then grabbed the jacket. I used status check to see the jacket and read the following [ Jacket of the fallen

Rarity: S

Ability [Overseer of the future] : Enables the wearer to see a few seconds into the future.

Description: Legends has it this Jacket belonged to a Fan of The fallen one after the Higher beings exiled him and now his whereabouts are unknown.

Cooldown of ability: 1 day. ]

So this jacket grants me the ability to see the future… hmm it might be useful.. oh? [ Extra skill Obtained! Multi-dimensional space! ] the message said as i then clicked on it and read what it says.

[ Multi-Dimensional Space

Ability: allows user to access a Space to store inanimate objects.

Rarity: C ]

Interesting… i look at the chest and then something piqued my interest "Hey Hebi look." I said as i was wearing the jacket i then pointed at the Greatsword in the chest. "Oh? Now this is my kind of weapon!" He said as he grabbed the Greatsword, i tried using Status check on Hebi but it gave me a message saying Access denied so i assume real humans are off limits… anyways that isn't important for now, i look at the chest once again and find something hidden "Ooh! A dagger!" I grabbed the dagger and swung it around a bit and then used status check on it. [ Dagger of the lost. 1/2

Ability [ Steps of speed ]: When holding the dagger the users speed increases by 10%.

Rarity: F?

Description: One of two twin daggers of the lost if found and combined together the rarity of the daggers might become better!

Cooldown duration: 10 minutes.]

Huh? Its F rarity but… a question mark? Does it mean it doesn't know its true potential because the other dagger is lost? "Hey Haruki let's go." Hebi said as he pointed at our hidden quest and the time limit shown went from 5 to 1 hour. "Alright Let's beat some bandits up!" I said as we then began fighting the bandits.

We eventually beat all the bandits except for one. "Hebi you okay?" I asked as he then nodded "Yeah now… there's one more left it should be the strongest one right?" He asked as i nodded and then we found him the leader of the bandits "Oh? You killed all my comrades, so i guess i'll be fighting you then?" He said as we then readied our selves he let out his palm as a gesture to stop "I only like to fight in a one versus one situation." Said the leader as he then pointed at me "You fight me first." As i then readied myself suddenly a dark sphere covers us up "This is to prevent interference from anyone outside." He said as he then got ready we both charged at each other, i of course activated the ability of the Jacket to see the future [ Activated Overseer of the future! ] as i saw a few seconds of the future i managed to only see his first attack and a glimpse of something dark. "Huh? You managed to dodge my attack! You seem to be well trained!" The Leader said as i then activated Steps of speed to increase my speed and then attacked him from behind. "Take that!" I kept going with the skill and hit him multiple times as he began growing weaker he smiled and looked at me. "Fine! I'll end you with this!" He said as his hands began emitting a dark aura i then realized the something dark i saw was this guy's skill. Before i could even react He shot a blast of what seemed to be Dark magic as he then muttered the words "Explode." It blew up and that's when i realized it, I'm dying aren't i? As the Explosion happened i was sent flying and injured heavily as i then passed out and the next thing i saw was a message from the system [ A higher being is preventing your death! ] huh? A higher being…? Another message then popped up [ The Higher Being would like to give you a blessing! accept or refuse? ] a blessing..? But Aros said I wasn't able to get blessings…

I pressed Accept with all the power i have and then Received two Skills. [ Skill Obtained! The hidden self! ] and then another skill [ At The door of death! ] and before i knew it I passed out.

————- ??? Pov. ————-

"Kekeke… Finally! I'm awake!" ??? Said as it then looked at the Bandit leader and with a twisted smile it charged at the bandit leader and began beating him up. "Finally! A feast!" It said as it ripped the bandit leader to shreds with a dagger it then killed the Bandit leader and then frowned "What a boring Creature." It said as it then looked at the puddle of blood "Huh… so this is what i look like now…" the reflection showed Harukis body as it was surprisingly all healed up. "Tsk. The human is too weak to use me for too long.. Fine, i look forward to meeting you Haruki Suou." It said As It left Haruki's Body

———- end of Pov. ————

[ You have completed the Quest! ]

"Status Check."

[Name: Haruki Suou.

Level: 5

Sorry! You are too low leveled to view the user's status! ]