Chapter 2: At death's door part 2

I opened my eyes slowly only to see Hebi in front of me, I then began talking.

"What.. What Happened?"

"You beat up the boss and then you passed out."

"What? But i was about to lose and then…" i suddenly recalled a bit of what happened i apparently gained two new skills and then also ended up passing out but the Boss (Bandit leader) died? I should check my skills. "Status Window." I said as i gained my new stats and level

[ Name: Haruki Suou

Level: 7

Strength: 25

MP: 400

Endurance: 27

Agility: 30

Skills: [ Redacted ] [ At the door of death ]

Extra skills: [ First Conquerer of the Tower ] [ Multi Dimensional Space ]

Huh? Redacted? What's that supposed to mean? I tried pressing on it multiple times, nothing happened. I decided to ignore that skill for now and focus on the other skill i got. I then pressed on the skill [ At the door of death ] and it showed me its ability

[ At the door of death

Ability: Heals all users wound in near death situations also has a high chance to [Redacted]

Rarity: SSS Cooldown: 1 week ]

What an Op skill! But how did i obtain it..?

Enough with the questions for now, i need to focus on what's important to me. "Hey Hebi, Let's go get our rewards from the Mission."

"Oh yeah, it did say Mission complete، Right?"

We then continued chatting, as we finally reached the only unharmed house in the village, An old guy who i assumed is the head village came out and approached us. "You two… took down the bandits?" He asked "Yeah we did, so what is the reward?" I asked as the elder began talking "Well… Its this." He presented a horse to us. "Really?! Thanks!" I said as i looked at Hebi, we both gave a high-five to each other and then i went to get on the horse. "Come on Hebi, there is enough space for you too!" I said, as he then approached the horse i helped him get on. "Hold tight! Hehe… i'll make sure we make it safely!" We then bid farewell to the villagers and began our journey to the door. "Do you think we'll have to fight people?" Hebi looked at me curious about my answer. "Hopefully not but if we do have to fight then we can win, it's the benefit of teaming up." I said smiling bravely at Hebi, he smiled back and then we continued our journey. "Hm? Is that a girl?" Hebi had pointed out that he saw a girl passed out in the empty desert. "Should we help her?" Hebi asked as i looked at him, i slowed my horse.

"Stay with the horse, i'll check." I said as i hopped off i looked at the girl and realized she's just sleeping. "Oi Hebi, i think she's fine she's just sleeping." I said as the woman then opened her eyes and screamed "Like hell i am!" She had long straight black hair and brown colored eyes. "So you were pretending!" I said as she then pouted "N-No! … Okay Maybe!" I then bonked her on the head "Hey Hebi, How about we leave her and go?" I said as he then began thinking about it. "I mean she seems fine, so let's go." He said as i then got on the horse. "Wait a minute!!!" She screamed, she then proceeded to try getting on the horse but it appears her luck was not good because she failed. "Wow… Nice try." I said as she then pulled her arms up as a sign of pick me up. What is she a child..? "We aren't giving free rides Lady." I said as she then began crying "B-But…"

"No Buts! We aren't running a taxi service!" I said as she then continued crying. Did i feel bad for this? No I didn't But, if this child doesn't stop then i will have to pick her up… "Please!" She now resorted to begging. "Ughh fine, just don't be annoying." Hebi spoke before i can even open my mouth. I then had to pick her up and let her sit behind Hebi. "Alright all passengers on the Haruki express? Now, Aros begin moving!" Yes i named the horse Aros because of that Bastard. "Aros? That's a dumb name! Ahahaha!" The girl said as i then glared at her "Hey what's your name anyways Lady?" I asked as she looked surprised i kept glaring at her. "U-Um… I'm Akari Yamamoto!" She said as she put her arms on her hips letting go of Hebi and looked proudly. Of course this act almost concluded in her falling off the horse, had it not been for Hebi grabbing her, she would have long since fallen. "Well I'm Haruki Suou and This grumpy beanie guy is Hebi Narukami." I said as Hebi looked at me clearly, he was angry at me for calling him a grumpy beanie guy. "I'm not Grumpy!" I wish he hears himself because he sounds grumpy. "Haruki… and Beanie guy!" Akari said as she looked at us Excitedly "It's Hebi! Not Beanie guy!" Hebi screamed. As we continued on the vast empty desert, we began seeing a path with trees and grass. "Hey Hebi did you expect me to be good at horse riding?" I asked as he shook his head "to be honest i expected the horse to kick you in the face." that hurts saying it to my face but i laughed.

"Come on! Horses are fun to ride i always rode horses back home!" I said as i then remembered my little sister Ai. "Ai…." I muttered as they then heard me and i began explaining my situation and how it is with my sister. To be honest i never opened up to anyone about stuff like this, but these guys seemed trustworthy and they genuinely cared. "I see.. sorry you have to go through that." Hebi said as I quickly shook my head "No No there is no need to apologize, whats in the past is in the past. But the future is in my hand! And i want to clear this tower before 5 years so i can see my sister!" I claimed as they all looked shocked at my statement of wanting to clear the tower in just 5 years. "Even if you guys decide to leave me, i will keep descending! Until eventually i clear this tower." I then noticed a couple of monsters. "Hebi Stay with the horse and Akari." I activated Multi Dimensional space and grabbed my dagger and then jumped off the horse and to the monsters. "Time to level up!" I said as i then began fighting the monsters i slowly was growing stronger. "Hey Aros come here." As i said that Aros Appeared in front of me. "Yes?" He smirked looking at me as i then began explaining the new skills he looked shocked. "Huh?? But there is no such skill as At the door of death.. and also you say the other one says Redacted?" He said as i nodded. "Well then that's impossible because no such skill can be "Redacted." But… hmm maybe it's because you are…" i looked curious at what Aros is saying not understanding anything he is saying.

"Hey! What are you talking about?!" I asked as he then smiled "Oh it's nothing dear Haruki… so just keep going, also i see you have companions now?" He said pointing at Hebi and Akari from afar. "Yeah, They're… My Allies." I said as i smiled he then frowned "don't get attached kid, You need to be alone for the better sake of clearing the tower." Aros looked at me. His tone was serious now as he then said "Just Be careful Haruki, I don't want to lose an interesting Individual because of his stupidity." Aros said as he then bid me farewell and left.

I looked at the monsters that i had just killed and then looked at my friends as i decided to begin approaching them. "Haruki!" Akari smiled and then gave her her hand out as a gesture to help me up but i just laughed. "You're funny thinking you can pick me up." I mockingly said as i then jumped back on the horse, we continued on the journey to the other side. "So… Akari what are your skills?" Hebi asked as Akari smiled and began listing some of her skills "Well there is a skill that lets me Heal people within a 20 meter radius." She said smiling as we then assumed her other skills are healing based. I secretly activated First Conquerer of the tower to see if there was a shortcut to the other side. "Hmm…" i chose to open the map section and began seeing a way but it seemed underground and.. huh? We're close to the entrance.. welp time to reroute! "Hey guys, I'm gonna reroute." I said as i began moving to the left instead of going a straight line. "H-Huh?" They both had a questionable glare at me. "What are you doing Haruki?" Akari then asked so i replied "my instincts tell me that there is a shortcut here." I said as i then stopped the horse in front of a cave. "Wait we're walking?!" Hebi asked as Akari then continued the barrage of questions with a follow up "Inside that cave?!" I then began getting off the horse "Do you trust me?" I asked as they looked at each other and then back at me and said "At this point in time we don't know if you lost it or not." Hebi said but then he smiled "But you did Fight the bandits with me so i can trust you a bit." I smiled at Hebi's Answer i saw him get off the horse too and then Akari looked skeptical at me "I haven't stayed with you guys for long.. but i will trust you because you helped me!" Akari then tried to get off the horse but got scared of getting hurt. I swear this princess treatment needs to end… "Here I'll help you." I said as i grabbed her hand and Decided to mess around with her I pulled her hand to my direction as she then got pushed my direction she fell on me, as i looked at her she looked at me and then blushed a bit obviously feeling embarrassed at what just happened. "S-Sorry about that." I said as i stood up and then helped her stand up and noticed a sort of redness in her cheeks but i really just ignored it. "It's fine, let's go now." I said as we began entering the cave it was dark and no lights around it at all until, we saw a torch.

"Hey Haruki, Akari look!" Hebi then sprinted towards the light source and his eyes widened, of course i already knew what was there thanks to First Conquerer of the tower because what we saw was a whole underground train road that will be useful for reaching the door and the train also has a hidden item. "Hey Guys see that Train? I think it might help us reach the door." I said as they looked happily at me "Haruki! Your instincts are amazing!" Hebi said as he then saw the train stop "Hey let's get in the train before it leaves!" Hebi was right if we don't hurry we'll miss it. We somehow managed to enter the train in time, as it began moving the moment we entered. "Hey look there are seats!" Akari pointed out as she quickly ran to one of the seats and laid down on the seat "H-Hey! Leave some space for the rest of us!" Hebi said as we then found empty seats in front of her and sat down. "Hey Hebi.. That bandit leader's body… when the sphere disappeared what was of the body?" I asked as he then had a horrified expression "It… It was ripped to shreds, His face.. his torso… you killed the guy with no mercy and even cut him up to shreds." Hebi explained and from his tone it seemed he was slightly scared of me. "Well this will sound hard to believe but it wasn't me." I said as Hebi then looked shocked, i explained "I passed out after an attack and before passing out… i gained two skills but afterwards I recall nothing." I said as he then asked "What are the skills?"

"One of them is called at Deaths door." I explained what it does and he then looked amazed "That's too OP." Is all he said as Akari then interrupted "So what's the other skill called?" I replied "I don't know because I can't even open it" after that the place became silent but what we concluded is my second skill might have to do with why the bandit leader was all ripped apart. "Mission Status." I said as i then began seeing something "Huh? A person already finished the race?" I said as I saw the Mission update as the number required to pass became 9 but slowly it turned to 10 again. Huh?? What's going on? "N-Never mind seems like i'm tired.. anyways I'll sleep so wake me up when we make it okay?" I said as i closed my eyes. The moment i opened them I found myself in another place. "Huh?" I said as the surrounding place was a pool of blood and roses i began walking around until a path opened up, as i kept walking eventually i reached a castle like structure and entered it and as i looked at the Door of the structure it looked like a drop of blood falling in a rose and that's where i saw two people sitting on thrones, One was A woman and the other was a man. "Hello dear." Said the woman, Her hair was blonde and her eyes were a shining purple color, she smiled warmly at me while the man had Red hair and one thing i noticed was that he had Horns. "Finally… We get to meet you Haruki." Said the man as he smiled and then the woman looked at the man and smiled "Oh come on Honey isn't he just adorable?" She said as she looked at me. I began speaking "Who.. Who are you?" As they smiled the woman said "Why we're your parents Sweetie."