Chapter 6: A Gamble

 We got thrown into a jail cell and had to stay there until tomorrow which is our execution day.

"Look at this mess we're in! It's all because of you Akari!" Hebi said as he began lashing out at Akari who was trying to avoid Hebi's gaze as I then Whisper to myself. "Aros, come here." I said as I waited a few minutes and there he was the blonde hair and green eyes that I can't seem to forget because of how unique it is. "Did you call?" he said as he smiled and then realized where we were. "Wait… are you imprisoned?" He asked looking at me as I nodded and he then sighed, then his gaze shifted to my other party members as he then said "So you chose to stay with them after all… I see." I looked at them and then said "Yeah, they're my companions and I trust them." I said as he frowned in disgust "Eh whatever… it is those companions that led you here locked up after all." Aros said changing his gaze from my companions and onto me. "Well it's alright I'll find a way." I replied as I know I can find a way out of this predicament. "Good luck then Haruki, I won't be able to help this time." He said as he then left before I could ask him what he meant by that. I then pulled out my mask and looked at it for a bit and then wore it. "Alright it's time." I said as I stared up, I knew I can't see them but you higher beings are about to see the true potential of Humans.

I told my companions my plan and we all nodded in agreement, I then closed my eyes and slept, I held the first conqueror's dagger in my pocket as I slept and when I awoke I found myself right where I wanted to be, Adamas and Finana's Palace. It seemed a bit weird because the thrones were empty unlike usual as I then sensed someone behind me, I slowly turned around and I saw her there, Finana.

"What brings you back here?" she asked as her tone still seemed way too different from the usual Kind and Gentle Finana, "Well I want you to relay a message to those Higher beings." I said as she seemed intrigued by what I said "I'll bite, what is it you want to say?" She said as I then spoke "That us humans are not toys for your enjoyment, I'll show you that we aren't people you watch for fun." I said as she began laughing. "So you came here to relay that message?" She said as she then continued laughing. It was annoying me but I kept my calm and replied to her question "Yes, I am." She seemed surprised at my determination. I then looked at her "That's all I came here to say, and also Where's your husband?" I asked as she replied "That's none of your business." She said as she had that cold expression and didn't seem to want to talk to me. "Well I'm leaving then." I said as she let her hand out in a gesture of stopping. "Stop right there." She said as she then followed it up with "You have to give me something in return." I looked at her dumbfounded because I had no idea what she'd ask for. "The skills Fist of the dead and At door's death, give them back to us." She said as I looked at her in shock but then calmed down. "I understand, Take it then." I said as she seemed shocked because I sacrificed my skills to just relay a message. "You really want to give up your skills huh…" She said as she then smiled what seemed to me like a sadistic smile as she then said "Well then." She gets close to me and puts her hand through my chest, I thought I'd get hurt but her hand went through my stomach as if I was a hologram and she then pulled out the skills from inside of me. A window appeared in front of me saying [Removed the skills: Fist of the dead, at deaths door!] she really took my skills huh… "Now don't worry Your message will reach the higher beings…" she said as she smirked "However I believe you'll just attract attention to yourself." As she said that I smiled and replied as I began leaving, "Then let all the attention be on me, I'm waiting." I waved and then woke up and found that it's day time now. "Good morning." A voice that sounded familiar said as I looked at whose voice it is, it was Henry's. "Oh… it's Mr.Weakling!" Akari said as Henry seemed hurt from her words. "Hey Don't say that about Henry Akari." Hebi said as I looked at Henry I then asked him "Hey is there a chance I can meet your brother? And you know… I think me and him can find a solution." I said as Henry seemed curious about what I want to say he then seemed to be thinking as I gave him an offer. "I'll train you if you agree." I said as he then agreed immediately and opened the cell, I got out and told my companions to stay in the cell for the time being. "I'll go alone so you guys just stay okay?" I said and they seemed surprised and Hebi said "Hey! This… this wasn't part of the plan!" I began putting an act as I looked at them "I have no use for you anymore." I said as I grinned and wore my mask, Henry then led me to the throne room. Standing there was the king who was curious about why I who should be executed today am now standing right before him. "Hey there." I said as he replied "Why are you… here?" I then replied.

"Well because I want to negotiate with you." I said as he seemed intrigued now due to my proposal.

"You have exactly five minutes."

"That's more than enough." I said as I then followed it up

"I can help save your kingdom." He seemed puzzled and replied

"How so?"

"Because I'm strong enough to beat any guard you have, and I can easily beat you in a duel Your majesty." I replied with confidence as he then seemed angered at what I said

"Really now?" he said as I nodded and then replied

"Yes, but I won't fight you because I am not your enemy, I'm here to help you and I can also train your brother to be strong." I said as he seemed a bit interested at my proposal

"What about your teammates?" He asked as I remembered their betrayed faces as I apologized to the Hebi and Akari in my head as I said "Let them locked up until I finish your quest." I said as William, the king began to laugh "you really think you can do this quest solo?" he asked as I nodded confidently and then I decided to make a bet with him, "How about a bet?" I asked as his face grew interested in what my bet was. "If I do this quest Solo, Then give me this Kingdom." The next words had been unexpected by everyone in the throne room as he seemed to be excited suddenly "Oh? And if you don't manage to do it?" he asked as I replied quickly "Then you may kill me, but if you want to know something… I will give you something better than my head if I lose." I said as his interest has grown more, suddenly he began laughing. "Ahahahahahahahaha! Now this is a gamble! Fine! I accept your bet!" he said as I smiled "Alright, then may I continue to the next floor?" I asked as he stood up and kicked his throne to reveal an old wooden trap door. "Here is the way to the next floor now go! Impress me Haruki Suou." He said as I walked past him and entered the trap door slowly.


---- Kaito Kirishima's POV----

Me and my companions finally managed to kill everyone that passed through the door, I then ended up getting a message window appearing in front of me as I read it [You have killed 70% of the people that passed the door! Title Killer of the blood moon acquired!] hm? Blood moon? I then began noticing that the ceiling of the place is supposed to be a starry night but the moon has been painted by the blood of the people making it a 'blood moon.'

"Alright, everyone get ready we're going to the next floor! We need to catch up to him after all." I said as they all followed me like minions except for one. "Why are you so obsessed with finding Haruki?" that girl I had suspected she was even human, She had crimson eyes and white hair which is weird, she said her name was Ai. But refused to elaborate on her last name which made me wonder why she refused to tell me. From what I can tell she's definitely in her teenage years maybe 17? Anyways I should reply to her. "Why it's simple I really want to kill him." I said as she seemed a bit shocked at my words so I followed my answer with a question "Why do you care?" I asked as she then replied "You just keep talking about wanting to catch up to him that's why I asked…" she seemed hesitant but I brushed it off and motioned them to follow me as we enter the 99th floor.

------ end of POV. -----

 I wonder how Ai is doing right now… is all I had in thought as I began descending to the next floor to continue the quest I have and to beat the king in this gamble I have to reach the 90th floor and beat the boss there and only then will I be able to win and help my companions.

As I'm descending Aros appeared in front of me and he seemed shocked and mad at me. "Are you crazy Haruki?!" he asked as I then replied "Nah I'm not crazy." I said as I then followed it up.

"I'll just Have to win this gamble, it's all or nothing from here."

"You are crazy! You can't do it alone!"

"Hey I need to know something…" I said as he looked at me curiously

"What is it?"

"What do the higher beings think of this?" I asked as he then replied at me still angry

"They think you are going to commit suicide by doing this."

"Even Finana and Adamas?" I asked as he then nodded.

"Yes! They were the most surprised, actually no there was another higher being who seemed more surprised than everyone watching you do this stupid act." He said as I looked confused and began wondering who that higher being is. "I think his name was something lord something something…" he said as I began wondering who that 'lord' is and why he's surprised about me going to do this quest alone.

"Haruki please think it over! Don't do this alone! Go back and bow down for forgiveness and go do this quest with your friends!" it appeared Aros is now begging me but I shook my head.

"Relax Aros, I'll just win this gamble then I'll continue with my friends." I said as he frowned and said "I Hate you Haruki…" he then left after saying those words as I continued to climb down the tower.

Eventually I made it and saw the door and once again touched it and got teleported to the 98th floor, there it was a literal battlefield and I could see glimpses of monsters such as goblins, ogres and many other things you'd probably only see in games or movies, yet they were standing in front of me and I was about to fight them. I had checked the stats of the monsters here and they are level 120. So I pulled out my dagger and began fighting the monsters and at first I struggled to kill them due to me trying to locate their hearts to stab them there. But I eventually managed to find out where their hearts were and managed to kill the monsters.

----- Ai Suou's POV. -----

Back then when my brother left me with Haru… could it be because of this tower? Is he here? Is the Haruki that Kaito mentioned my brother? I need to find him to confirm it first… it's been five years since I last saw my brother… and this lady who had pink hair and green eyes told me if I want answers I'd find them here… and then I heard an announcement that had shocked me.

[Player Haruki Suou cleared the 90th floor!] that name… That's definitely my brother!

But wait the 90th floor? We're only in the 95th floor right now… how did he manage to beat the boss easily?! I need to find and meet him to question him.

On the other hand, my attention turned towards Kaito who seemed pissed now "God damn it! How did he beat us?! We were fast in coming here!" he said as he threw a fit and then looked at me as I then quickly averted my gaze and he said "Hey! Ai, How fast was our pace in clearing the floors?!" Kaito asked as I then looked at him and used my skill the Overseer of time. "Uhm… it took us about 16 days to clear the floors 100,99,98,97,96 and the 95th floor which is where we are at right now." I said as he screamed at one of the members of his team and then began laughing, "Ahahahahahaha! It's all your fault!" he killed one of his party members in front of everyone as the guy was screaming for help, no one moved a muscle.

Kaito was truly a merciless killer and if my brother really beat the boss and managed to make it that farther in the Tower then… I can definitely trust him to defeat this evil.

----- end of Ai Suou's POV -----

I looked at the night sky and then could immediately tell how many days have passed since I began my journey. "Hmm… six days now…" I mumbled to myself as I then closed my eyes and drifted towards the dream world, where I found myself there again in Finana and Adamas's palace.


"Why am I here again?" I asked as I looked around a female voice replied then "Because we wanted to see you." My attention then was looking towards the owner of the voice Finana who had Adamas sitting next to her on the throne I began to wonder what they wanted.

"What is it?"

"Well I believe you should stop this suicide mission." Finana said as I then shook my head.


"Do you have a death wish?"

"I'm planning on winning."

"That's funny but you're too low leveled."

"Won't change the fact I will win."

"Do you really want to throw away your life like that?"

"It's called a gamble for a reason Finana."

"I told you I'm your- Nevermind."

"I would never make a bet without knowing I will lose."

"Then prove it."

"I will just watch me I will show you how strong humans are."

"Hey brat how do you plan on winning without our help?" Adamas finally got out of his silence and spoke to me as I replied

"I don't necessarily need your help, see there are other higher beings who believe in my success." I said as I then walked away as they were both shocked at what I said, of course it's all a bluff because no higher being is interested in seeing a human who is about to go on a suicide mission. I then woke up and noticed it's still night yet I realized I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to enter the next floor.

Then the message from the system appeared.

[You are about to enter the 90th floor, are you sure you want to enter?]

[Yes] or [No]

I pressed yes as I wore my mask and got ready for the fight but when I entered I was baffled to see myself in a village.



"Huh? A village.." I looked around curiously as I began looking around for a castle.

"Hello there, can I help you?" a guy with white hair and red eyes looked at me as I looked at him I took off my mask and replied "No, I'm just uh… looking for the castle." I said as he laughed.

"Well why didn't you say that? The castle is a bit far from here, but I can take you there brother. For now come with me I invite you to my house to rest." He seemed like a nice guy I just hope he doesn't find out I'm here to kill their ruler.

"Thank you." I said as he then led me to his house and invited me to stay the night.

"I have a question… your ruler is he a tyrant?" I asked as he then replied.

"He? Our ruler is a She and no not really she isn't a tyrant."

"Oh? I see, then I would like to meet her tomorrow if I can!" I said as he smiled warmly he nodded and said "Yeah I'll take you there tomorrow." I just realized but I haven't asked for his name

"Hey what's your name? I forgot to ask earlier but I just remembered to ask."

"Well my name is Paul, Paul Reed." He said as I pulled my hand out to shake his hand "I'm Haruki Suou it's nice to meet you." I said as he accepted my hand and shook it. We then chatted at his home for a bit until I eventually got tired and slept.

The next morning Paul and I began heading to the Castle and when we made it he left me in front of the gate and returned to the village as I entered the Castle I had my looks to thank for looking so similar to the people here and managed to get an audience with the Queen of this kingdom.

"Who are you?" she asked as I looked at her and then had an imaginary version of William and comparing them William had to be more frightening than her in looks.

"I'm Haruki Suou lady…." I paused as she then replied. "Vanessa, I'm Vanessa Hikes." She said as I then Followed it up "Lady Vanessa it's a pleasure meeting you." I said as she smiled and then asked "What brings you here?"

"Well I'm here to negotiate."

"Speak then."

"I know how you have a war going with the Tepes kingdom right?"

"Mhm, Indeed we are at war with the Tepes kingdom."

"Well I'm here to help you." She seemed shocked but then smiled at my words as she said.

"Oh really? Fine then you'll help me."