Chapter7: A new Order

Chapter 7: The higher being

I had an idea of how to win my bet and it's to team up with the opposing team and make a strategy to win.

"So what's the plan?" Vanessa looked at me as I then began thinking as a message popped up in front of me [A Higher being wants to communicate with you!] I wondered on who it is and pressed the accept button to see who it was.

[You have made contact with the higher being: Weeping lord of the earth.]

"Hello there, Mister… err what should I call you?"

I asked as he replied

"Call me Vincent." He said as I then wondered why his name sounded so simple compared to his title.

"I'm calling you because I want to know why you are doing this? You could have fought her and completed the quest." He was curious to my actions so I replied "Why? Because that king tried to kill me, so I won't be his puppet." He seemed shocked and then said "Why?! You're betraying his trust!"

"Oh I know but it's the only way Mister Vincent, I will show that king that He should have not messed with me." I said with an evil grin as my grin only widened as he then asked "So you choose to go against your bet?" As I shook my head "It's a gamble dear friend, I will win that gamble that's all." I said as he then seemed outraged, I'm pretty sure weeping lord of the earth had a liking to me but now he obviously hates me, from what I can tell he is a sincere person and doesn't like it when someone betrays the trust of others. I of course had the perfect plan to clear this quest and it's going to be set in motion now.

"I can't believe I was a fan of yours! I am going to be leaving now." He said as he hung up as I then stared at the hang up message as I then looked up at the sky "So they're watching me huh…" I mumbled to myself as I then averted my attention towards Vanessa who looked confused as to what I'm doing. "So tell me, what's the plan?" she repeated herself as I then explained the plan bit by bit as she smiled "You are a genius… but how do you plan to execute that?" she asked as I then explained more about my plan her smile only grew more as we decided to begin executing it.

10 days later.

"Alright the teleporter is set and can be used so I assume you'll use it now?" she asked as I nodded and then stepped on the teleporter and got transported back to the 99th floor.

"Hey there William." I said as I appeared right in front of the throne room and he was standing there looking down on me as I smiled and then threw Vanessa's cut off head on the floor, William looked shocked at what I had done. "You… You killed her?" he asked as his shock turned to an evil smile as I nodded I said "Now you remember our promise right?" I asked as he nodded and then stood up from the throne and walked up to me. "Yes, I do remember it. Our gamble." He said as I smiled back at him and then shook his hand. "I William Tepes shall execute you Haruki Suou right here and now." As he said this he then stabbed me with his sword as I had a look of shock on my face. His betrayal was something I never expected. As his blade pierced me he then slowly removed it as I felt the pain. "No hard feelings but I wasn't going to give you the throne Haruki." He said as he began laughing as I fell and my vision became blurry as a pool of blood was all around me. William then sat on the throne as if to watch me as I die slowly, and sure enough I began to feel my consciousness fading "Why…" I said as I passed out.

Am I dead? Is this it? Of course not, I had made a plan to make sure I don't die in this situation, and it was all to make sure he stabbed me. Because you see that thing he killed wasn't even me. But someone else who we'd used to pretend as if it's me. In reality I was actually hiding using the conceal presence skill of the mask I have, as I then used a new skill I got. "Come forth." I said as that was my signal as I stopped hiding my presence and then suddenly the kingdom got attacked by an 'ambush' of course this was all my plan all along as William looked as if he saw some kind of ghost looking at me wearing the mask. "Huh?! But I killed you! So how are you alive?!" he asked as I took of the mask and then smirked. "It's simple William, I was just one step ahead of your plans." I said as I then began running at him with the usage of my skill steps of speed I began accelerating against him as he couldn't see my movements I lunged at him and stabbed him in one of his eyes with my dagger. "I guess you'll be known as The one eyed king now" I said jokingly as he got mad and stood up he then grabs his sword and began running towards me. I had waited for him to strike and when he did I dodged "Too slow." I said as I then grabbed him by the collarbone of his shirt and threw him away. "you should really try harder." I said as he then rushed once more to try and strike me but this time I parried it and then kicked him on the legs as he then fell on the ground. "You really are weak for being a king you know." I said as he now looked at me I saw fear in his eye as I smiled at him. "So come on… show me what a true king can do." I said as he just stared at me and then bowed down. "Please… Forgive me… you can have the kingdom but just let me live…" he began begging me to spare him "You heard that Vanessa? The king can't even save his people, nor can he event fight." I said as Vanessa who has been a watcher through the whole thing came behind me she laughed at the pathetic state of William. "Yeah I heard it, who would have known he's such a weakling?" she asked as she was walking to the throne to sit on it. But in an instant I sat down on the throne as she seemed surprised.

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked as I replied "Just honoring a bet I have with William, I won the bet therefore I am the ruler of this kingdom." I said as a message appeared in front of me [Congratulations! You have obtained the title: Cruel king of Sadism!] Really? What kind of name is that?

"So you're betraying me too?" Vanessa asked as I replied "I never said that now did i?" I said as she seemed confused now on whether I'm on her side or not. "Look Vanessa, I'm going to explain to you what's exactly going to Happen." I said as I then followed it up. "I fooled everyone here for one reason, and that is that everything I did is for my own benefit. Me teaming up with you? It's all to take down a common enemy and that is William. But I don't plan to harm you Vanessa because see my quest is to clear this mission but if I'm the king I can change the mission to something else." I said as she seemed angry that I fooled her but then seemed curious "Change your mission?" she asked as I then snapped my finger the mission appearing in front of me change as I read it out loud.

[Main Mission #2: Make peace with the Hikes kingdom!

Time: 1 hour

Rewards: A loot box, access to the shop + bonus 3000 exp.

Notice! Upon failure the person will die.]

"See I have an hour now to negotiate with you or else I'll die." I said as she smiled and then pulled out her hand to shake it. "I, Vanessa Hikes believe that we should make peace with the Tepes Kingdom."

I then shook her hand as I replied "Then I, Haruki Suou the new king of the Tepes kingdom do agree that there should be peace with the Hikes Kingdom." I said as the agreement had been confirmed so did the mission get completed and there it was the notice announcing that I cleared the 90th floor.

"You really impressed me Haruki, You not only fooled me but even fooled everyone that has been involved in this plan." Vanessa said as she then looked at me and I replied "Well in my world there is this strategist who once said, In order to trick your enemies you must first trick your allies." I said as she scoffed a bit and then continued laughing at the reason why I didn't tell her. "So tell me Haruki since we made peace in our kingdoms… are you interested in-" I interrupted her as I said "Not interested." I said knowing exactly what she wanted to say as she then said "Bummer." And then I remembered something "Oh right… I should go help my companions." I said as I began running to the cell and found them there but they seemed to be suffering of Malnourishment. "Hebi? Akari? Are you guys alright?! Did they even feed you?" I asked as they both looked angry at me but before I explained to myself I gave them some food and water to eat and drink.

"So why did you leave us and go do the quest solo?" Hebi asked as he was eating and then I began explaining everything as they both seemed to understand Akari then said "Haruki… I had this dream where I met strange people but they told me they know you and put something in my pocket… and told me to give it to you." Akari pulled out two crystal shards and I looked at them and examined them and realized it, those shards were the skills I had given to Finana… but does that mean they reached out to Akari? That's great I guess… I smiled and looked at Akari "Thank you Akari." I said as I then looked at my companions. "I once again apologize for leaving you guys behind." I said as Hebi said "Just don't do it again… we promised to clear this tower together okay?" he seemed genuine this time and I could tell that Hebi had changed from when we first met I smiled as I then nodded "I promise." I said as I then stood up and told them that I'll be waiting for them at the throne room.

When they came in they seemed shocked when they saw me sitting on the throne.

"Welcome To the Tepes Kingdom, I'm Haruki Suou the king of this land." I said as they then began laughing. "Come on guys you have to admit… that was pretty good right?" I said as Akari then said "Yeah Yeah totally…. Pffft." She said as she then couldn't hold her laugh and laughed. I then laughed with them and then Henry who I assumed has been sleeping through the entire thing came to the throne room and there it was on the ground.

William's dead body, one eye missing and stabbed in the legs with lots of blood around him.

"What the?!" Henry seemed shocked at what he saw as he then began tearing up as he ran to his brother's body shaking it. "Brother Wake up, William? Please… Wake up." Tears were flowing from his eyes as I looked at him I spoke "I apologize Henry." I said as I then stood up and walked towards him, and then he looked at me angrily "You… did this didn't you?" he asked as I nodded slowly, I felt sympathy for Henry of course I killed his brother and he obviously is angry and he probably wants to get revenge now.

"Henry." I said as he looked at me our eyes met and then I asked him a question "Do you still want me to train you or not?" I asked as he stood up angrily pulling out his sword "You're asking that now?!" he said as he then stabbed me to which I grabbed the sword and then threw it away. "You're slow and require more training." I said as he then clenched his fist ready to hit me screaming "Damn you!" he said as he began trying to punch me to which I let him. After all… losing a loved one, I know how that feels.

After a few more punches from Henry he eventually stopped and then I asked "Are you done?" he looked at me as I smiled at him and then said "Listen what happened to your brother is my doing, but he had it coming after all he tried to kill Me." I explained as he still wasn't convinced "You still didn't have to kill him! You could have been more reasonable and kept him alive!" he said as he wasn't wrong I could have left William to live but I had to do it to change the mission's request I really wish that the skill First conqueror of the tower was a person If it was I would have kissed it by now because it saved me.

So to explain everything that happened in those ten days exactly and my plan that I lied about with Vanessa is simple and I can explain it.

---- 10 days ago. ----

"So you want us to make an ambush so that I can take over the empire and he won't even expect it?" Vanessa seemed intrigued as I replied "Yes, I have a strong feeling that He won't keep his promise and he will betray Me." I said as she seemed stuck in thought then said "I see well then the plan is perfect but when should we execute it?" she asked as I held out both my hands to make the number ten as I said "Ten days from now." I smiled as she seemed curious I then told her "I have some things I need to take care of." I said as she seemed to understand I began first by going to get the fake head of Vanessa, and then helped fixing the Teleporter because apparently their mana output is not that strong to power it by themselves so I helped in the process which did take us time.

Afterwards came the meeting with a higher being whose name was uhh… huh I can't seem to remember his name. But I made a deal with him and managed to get this higher being to be a fan of mine.

 "So i was wondering if we could make a bet." I said as the higher being smirked and said "What's the bet?" as what I said seemed shocking to him. "How about this, if I change the terms of this mission and complete it will you give me three of your blessings?" I asked as he looked shocked at my proposal and then he asked "and if you fail?" I expected it and then said "You can have my life." I said as he smiled and the deal was made.

Then when the time came I told the guards of the hikes kingdom to not attack the civilians of the Tepes kingdom and told them not to tell Vanessa about this. And then I went to the teleporter that was now fixed and used it to reach the throne room and well the rest of what happened I already explained it.

---- Back to the present. ----

 "So not only did you fool the queen of the Hikes kingdom but also us?" asked Henry as I nodded and said "Well I guess I had a few cards up my sleeve." I said as I then walked back to the throne and sat there looking at everyone. "Now, I rule this kingdom." I said as Henry then who appeared a bit calm still was sad looking at his brother. " Henry do you wish to die?" I asked as he then made eye contact with me as if I asked a ridiculous question, he replied "Of course not! I want to live!" he said as I then replied to him with a serious tone. "Then train, Become stronger and be a better person than your brother." I said as I then let my hand out. "What I'm saying is join us Henry." Hebi and Akari both seemed shocked at what I said as if it was a joke but I was one-hundred percent serious about this. "Join you…?" he seemed confused and baffled at what I said but then I stood up and walked towards him once more and repeated my question. "Join us Henry." I said as he then slowly shook my hands and thus Henry joined us on our journey.

"Anyways I should probably go and announce that I'm the new king right?" I asked as Henry nodded and then he said "I'll set it up for tomorrow, for now you should rest." He said as I then began walking I saw William's body once again and looked at Henry and told him "Bury him." I kept walking as he seemed to understand and then I continued walking and then realized something "Ah… I'm lost." I looked around me and tried to find where the King's bedroom is. Eventually running around a lot I found a room that's locked but due to my king's authority I opened the door easily and entered "Huh?" what I saw in front of me was a pile of gold and armors and weapons. "I think I found my room… hehehe…" I said as I then exited and closed the door and made sure it's locked as I then continued looking for the room.

Eventually I found the room and then slept and when the next day came I was forced to wear royal clothing and prepare myself for the announcement, While I was styling my hair Akari and Hebi entered looking flabbergasted at my appearance "Hey Akari I think we entered the wrong room that's not Haruki." Said Hebi and then they left as I screamed "Wait!" they then opened the door and Akari said "Oh it is Haruki!" I guessed my appearance really seemed different than usual after all I was wearing a red cape and attire that portrays royalty "Well they made me wear this for the announcement…" They seemed excited for some reason and I can see it from their looks they want to flex that their friend is a king.

"Hey Haruk- I mean your majesty are you ready?" Henry who was waiting grew impatient and entered and asked if I was ready and then I nodded and we began walking as he guided me towards the window to which would be in front of everyone I slowly walked and began feeling nervous by the second, and when I saw the people waiting for the announcement I only grew more anxious. I wore my mask this time I wanted to hide my face and then I opened my mouth to speak. "Hello there, I'm Haruki Suou." I said as I then spoke again "I… I Am your new king."