"What did you just say?" I asked as Tsukasa then repeated himself.
"We're looking for a higher being, that of strong caliber." He began explaining.
"Why are we going to find a Higher being anyways?" Luna asked looking curious as Na-eun then interrupted Tsukasa who was about to speak.
"Well, we need to because our culprit is the Higher being!" She said as she began explaining.
We needed to find the culprit to solve the first case of 10 cases. If we solved all those 10 i assume we'll be able to descend to the 79th floor.
"I see then, we will be helping you, however i have one thing i want in return." I said as they looked curiously at me.
"You three will join me on my descent." I said as their eyes widened.
Na-eun immediately replied "You mean... go to different floors?" As i nodded.
"I appreciate your offer sir Haruki." He then continued.
"But I cannot simply trust you right now, so give me some time to think about it." He needed to trust me, and by that I assume we needed to find the higher being first.
"Okay If i find the Higher being then you will join us right Tsukasa?" I asked as he nodded and then my attention turns to Na-eun who says.
"You don't need to ask me If Tsukasa is joining than so am i!" She seemed excited at the thought of leaving this city.
Which made me wonder more... Who is Na-eun really? I mean she mentioned webtoons but if we were in 1999... it means webtoons didn't exist much back then to have such themes...
This had to mean that Na-eun was hiding something from me or maybe even from everyone here.
"Not gonna ask me about my opinion?" Sin asked as i looked at him and then i asked.
"What are your terms?" I was curious about this guy too.
"The same as Na-eun, I just want to leave this city." He said as if this city is depressing.
"Now Haruki, You can go to investigate and come back here once you've found the evidence." Tsukasa said looking at me as I then asked.
"Wait you're not coming?" He nodded and then said "Yes I won't be coming, However Na-eun will go with you." Na-eun's eyes widened at the comment and was about to make a comment.
But Tsukasa had then added more.
"Sin will go with you too." Which made Sin shocked.
"Wait you expect me to go with this guy?" He said as I then replied "Either we all go now or we stay here, choose." I said as the two of them sighed and then we began embarking outside of the agency.
"So Na-eun I have a question, You mentioned webtoons right?" I asked as her eyes widened and then put on a Normal face.
"Hm? O-Oh Yeah webtoons..." She seemed hesitant to talk about them and then said "H-Hey you wanna know more about my horns?" She was obviously changing the subject.
"Yeah sure... I was wondering about that actually." I said as she then points at her horns and said. "In my homeland I'm kind of the descendant of an ancient Dragon known as Yong, So I'm half Human half Yong dragon!"
So she wasn't fully human that made sense, but that also eliminates any chance she's actually a 'Player'.
"Hmm? What's wrong Haruki? Are you finally going to fall for me since you know I'm a cool dragon?" She was looking smugly at me as I replied Instantly.
"Not in a million years." As she then began saying "Waaaah! Haruki is so mean!" Which made me laugh.
We continued walking around the city looking for any clues. Then it dawned upon me... Why don't I use my skill?
[ First Conqueror of The Tower has been activated! ]
As a window screen popped up in front of me I began reading info about the 89th floor.
There I found something interesting. "Hmm.. I see." I say as I begin walking back to Tsukasa's agency.
Luna follows me without me having to say anything but the other two begin asking what I'm doing.
"Well I found a valuable piece of evidence, but we need to talk to Tsukasa first." I said as we continued walking.
When we entered the building I looked at Tsukasa.
"Nice try." I said as he smiled and then began clapping.
"Oh you found out the trick?" He asked as I smiled and replied.
"Well it's simple, Tsukasa you sent us out but you never leave this agency do you?" This question held every answer for this Quest.
"Tsukasa, You want to find the Higher being to free you from this jail cell right?" The moment i said this the whole Agency turned into one Jail cell where Tsukasa was in a cell.
"How'd you find out Haruki?" He asked as I then said "A detective never shares his methods." I then looked around and saw how the place now didn't look like a city anymore but a jail cell.
"The warden is the higher being right? By beating him you are freed and we can go to the actual 89th floor. Because this floor Is not the 89th." I said as everyone around was shocked.
What my skill told me is that this floor wasn't the 89th, it also mentions Tsukasa being imprisoned so i grew to the conclusions.
Tsukasa was being imprisoned by the Higher Being he wants us to find, thus creating a fake city for us to search for clues which didn't even exist.
But why were we sent to this floor? It's to free Tsukasa, It stated that Tsukasa is needed to go to the actual 89th floor.
"You're quite perceptive Haruki Suou." Tsukasa says as he then Laughs.
"You're very right! I'm trapped in this jail and Have been wanting to escape. And you and the rest will help free me." He said as I then sighed.
"Unfortunately our only way to the actual 89th floor is by saving him so we need to go to the warden's office." I explained as i then got an idea.
"I'll talk to the warden alone." I said as Luna then Held my hand tightly.
"No! You could lose your life Haruki!" She said as Na-eun seemed to have a look of concern too.
"Don't worry I'll live, after all I have something that won't let me die." I explained more as I then began walking to what seemed to be the Warden's office.
I knock on the door as the person inside replies. "Come in."
The person beyond this door is someone I know very well, I talked to her a lot and she even once Claimed to be my mother.
That person was none other than the higher being The witch of the forest Finana.
"Hello there Finana." I said as I honestly hadn't wanted us to meet this soon especially after what happened to Akari... Her granddaughter died because of my own sister.
"You know Haruki, I only did this because I wanted to talk with you." Finana said as she looked different from before Her once green hair was now a silver color and her once purple eyes were now black.
"So this is another title you have Finana?" I asked as she simply nodded.
"Yes I'm right now The higher being known as The Warden of the Imprisoned one." She said as she sat down on a chair and gestured for me to sit in front of her.
"Finana, I need you to rele-" Before i continued she interrupted me and said "Why didn't you save her?" She asked as i replied.
"I tried to." I looked at her, my face filled with regret and guilt. eyebags showing lack of sleep for days.
"I really wanted to save her." I said as i felt regret.
"But you didn't."
"There was nothing I could do."
"If only you weren't reckless."
"Finana please... I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me."
"I can't forgive you Haruki."
"If i could replace her life for mine I would've done it Finana."
"If i free him will you leave?" She asked as I nodded silently.
I knew how she was feeling as she lost a family member and not a friend.
"Please Finana just free him and I'll be gone." I said as she then said
"Someone has to take his place." Finana said as she pointed at me.
"You will take his place." She said as I began thinking about it.
"And the others will be able to go to the 89th floor right?" I asked as she nodded.
"Then do it."
We left the room and she began escorting me as she opened the cell and let Tsukasa out.
"The taste of freedom is so nice!" He said as he then looked at me "Hey player I ought to tha-" He saw me enter the cell.
"You guys go on ahead, I'll be a bit late." I said as Luna's eyes widened.
"Haruki! You said you wouldn't leave!" She ran to the cell but it closed.
"I'm sorry Luna but I have to do this for a bit."
"You guys must clear the 89th floor and I'll meet you then."
"Besides... I deserve this for now." I said as Tsukasa spoke.
"I will not leave you behind, if we have to fight her then we will to free you Haruki!" He said as the others seemed to get ready for battle.
Before they could begin attacking Finana transported them all to the 89th floor.
"Now it's just you and me. Haruki." She said as she smiled Sadistically.
I deserved this Punishment and wanted to talk to Finana more.
"Finana, I know she died but I'm alive." I said as i then pulled out a ribbon Akari was wearing.
"This was Akari's Ribbon." I said as her eyes widened.
She began tearing up after seeing the ribbon, I understood her pain.
"I'm not going to forget about Akari. Finana. I'm going to make sure her life didn't end in vain."
"I'm going to get revenge." I said as her eyes widened at what i said.
"You're full of lies!" She was shocked as i then replied.
"I'm not! I truly mean it. If I had the choice I would have her standing here now in front of me!" I said as i began tearing up now.
"Haruki, The line between naïveté and hopefulness is almost invisible." She said as she looked at me.
"You had a choice, You could have traded that girl's life for your friends yet you refused."
"I did it because the dead shouldn't be living anymore. They died and besides what if i bring them back? They'll still be in this god awful place with the risk of dying."
"I don't want to cause them any more pain." I said as she then opened the cage.
"Leave." She said as I stayed where I was.
I had a feeling that this is all a trick and If i left right now I'll actually die.
"I won't leave until you forgive me." I said as she closes the door again.
"Good job on surviving, had you left right now I would've killed you."
"You're going to be stuck here for a long time Haruki." She said as I then sat down in the cell.
"I'll accept that punishment if it brings you some peace of mind Finana."
"Enough." She said as she then walked away to her office.
"She is going through the Unimaginable..." I said as I began talking to myself.
suddenly Aros appears.
"Haruki, why is it that you are always in some kind of trouble when i find you?" He asked as I somehow felt relieved that someone i know is here.
even If that someone is a guy who always hides stuff from me and scolds me.
"Oh it's you Aros... You know, I could really use a hand here." I said as he shook his head.
"No can do, Intervention of this kind will cost me a lot." He said as I then sighed.
"Of course you're useless." I said as he got angry.
"Hey! I'm not as useless as you think!" He then began getting mad and we started arguing.
"Intervene." I said as he then replied.
"If you don't Intervene than as simple as that I'll kill myself." I said as His eyes widened.
"You wouldn't." He said as I then pulled out a dagger.
"You sure?" I asked as i smirked and moved the dagger close to where my throat is.
"Wait stop." He said as I moved the dagger closer.
"Alright F-" Before he talks Finana came running from her office to the cell.
"What are you doing Haruki?!" She said looking at me.
Aros found a chance and left.
"I was threatening someone." I said as she looked at me as if I'm crazy.
"You know what just Leave." Finana said as if she was fed up with me by now.
"Really?" I asked as she nodded.
"I thought about it and well You're right. the dead shouldn't be living anymore."
"Even if they did they'd still be in this hell hole of a tower." She said as she then opens the cell.
"So go, Prove to me that you can Survive in this cruel world. Show me that my granddaughter's death will not go in vain." She said as she then grabbed me and transported me to the 89th floor.
When i made it there, this time there were humans and not just The three we met.
But first i needed to find Tsukasa and the others.
and I really need to apologize to Luna for what I did.
I walked to where Tsukasa's agency was and there I knocked and heard Tsukasa answer.
"Come in"
And then I entered the Agency as I saw them again.
The one who was waiting the most for me leapt at me and hugged me was Luna.
"Luna I'm so sorry for leaving you like this." I said as she was crying while hugging me.
"Haruki It's been 3 months since we last saw you!" She said as my eyes widened.
for me It's only been a 12 hours...
but for them it's been 3 months?
"Welcome back our very own 'Player'." Tsukasa says as he stands up smiling.
"Hey there you Criminal Detective." I said making a joke as he was imprisoned a few hours ago.
"Ready to work on the actual case?" He asked as I nodded.
"Yeah Let's begin the clearing of the 89th floor."